chapter 12

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Elijah only then followed he wasnt gonna back down he wanted to be there for yuily. He tried to jump for it but yelps when he started falling he screamed slightly but closed his eyes tightly then felt himself stop from falling.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was floating a blue glow surrounding him. He flapped his arms around out of balance and all that he only was able to float up to the airship.

Elijah grashed into a window and looked he felt afraid being there the vampire smell surrounding him it made him feel sick but he had no time for that. He ran to hear the commotion and saw that a monster that used to be yefgrof was about to strike yuily but then Elijah was able to smack him away with his whole body then lands. And threw him out the window

"Elijah? What are you doing here? Its dangerous!" Yuily yelled "shut up i chose to be here okay? I want to stay by your side for as long as i can, i care to much to let you do this all alone" Elijah mumbles blushing slightly looking away.

"Why did you both do it? Break the seal" willard asked "i thought i'd be able to see my mother...and make her proud" Elijah mumbles yuily gasped slightly "how did you" he started "i read one of my fathers old journals well what was left of them and read alot about my mother...." Elijah explained.

"And i made a promise that i'd live on with the ark and prove that the new pride of the Sirius that my father was so passionate about wasnt a mistake" yuily said softly

"New pride huh?"

"Yes...the desire to co exist with other species even if those species are human, hybrid or vampire" yuily looked at the one twin he saved. Willard had given the piece of that ark that he found deep in the temples of dogville and told what they had to do now.

They both looked at each other and nod as they head out and went ahead and protwcted mikeal from being killed by the monster. Elijah huffs as he fought with the monster and growled slightlumy bearing his vampire teeth at the thing.

All three of them fought the monster as hard as they could and saw that the ark of siruis was even to much for yefgrof. Yefgrof even tried to fly off, "yuily" he called out as he saw yuily hang onto him before falling. "Come on" mikeal coughed he was to weak to fly but Elijah had the strength to fly up.

Mikeal hung from Elijah as he flew up and caught yuily two "Elijah....your flying" yuily mumbles "yea but nows not the time for that" Elijah states "lets go" mikeal called out and Elijah went faster giving yuily the chance to stab yefgrof in the chest.

Elijah stabbed his hand into yefgrof keeping him in place and mikeal got the chance to grab the ark but not before he was stabbed "mikeal!" Yuily cried out.

Yefgrof only then slowly turned to ash, yefgrof denied and tried to attack but mikeal cut off his head in time. And he disappeared in ash, now Elijah was left to hold the two flying down slowly.  Mikeal was already saying his goodbyes "do mot say that mikeal...maybe we can help you" Elijah bit his lip

They then landed onto the blimp, mikeal looked at yuily and gave the hald of the ark he had taken. "Take and strive yuily" mikeal mumbles then looked at the two and smiled "take care ...of each two both look...cute together" mikeal said slowly giving Elijah his blessings.

Elijah frowns sadly then mikeal signaled to Elijah to get closer and whispers " yuily....for me" mikeal said softly.

"Live with the ark....dont be..sad you have each other......and change the future together" mikeal states as he kept a smile on his face as he then dies there

Yuily sniffs softly as he only then started to cry "mikeal!"

Elijah watched with a small frown and looked away sadly. But Elijah and yuily both murged the arks pieces together. It glowed brightly and it was amazing but it looked like they were both glowing it was strange they were combineding together.

They looked at each other for a moment before slowly growing closer till there was no space between their lips and everything went white for them.

Willard had woken up in some sort of mindset where he could hear someone calling him. He had slowly woken up and saw both a figure there "is that. The true appearance of the pocessor of the ark?" Willard asked.

Willards vision on then saw that both yuily and Elijah were there. Yuily looking alot different and so was Elijah.

Willard held his hand out "yes and we'll use this power to benefit the whole world, i think that was the wish of the original owner and we'll dedicate our life to make it happen" they spoke at the same time.

"I see"

"But professor if we become consumed by the ark like yefgrof we want you to stop me" they spoke "goodbye"

Willard had woken up from his 4 day coma. And explained what had happened to yuily and Elijah.

Ryoko had moved on "i see...that those two are just inseparable but i see they're happy with that" ryoko hums softly as she was dropped off to college.


Elijah was getting a ticket for yuily and him. He smiled nicely then walked neck to yuily and held his hand, he hums softly as they both looked at each other as they walked and kissed each other sweetly.

A figure only entered the train and giving their ticket and were on the train. They met up with the vampire girl yuily had recused as the train moved.

"I'll be waiting till you figure things out.....To help" the vampire said then smiled "i'll wait till then" she said and walked off.

The figure shivered abit then closed the window and leaned onto the window humming softly and smiled softly

'This is what we...i must do to keep the ark safe for the Sirius, i am the savior...and connection to this world'

They smirked softly they felt extremely happy and warm to have each other

"We're something else"

Aaaaang CUT
Alrighty that was it people, why i add fusion? Cus im in the middle of obsessing over it and i just...yeah. and it also felt right ya know?

Im thinki g on saving the boruto story till after black clover, hope ya liked the sorry. Read my other one if you want

Tim is OUT

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