chapter 5

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Mikeal simply sat down in front of yuily and next to Elijah. "You two really have grown up" he said with a small smile, yuily looked at mikeal and placed his hand on his cheek in relief "i knew it, it really was you"

Elijah looked at mikeal and then away "you kept your promise Elijah thats good" mikeal states with a bored look but Elijah knew he had some meaning to that statement.

"There are many rules in the vampire world and when we see a jeager we're supposed to kill them" mikeal states as the teain goes into a tunnel and his eyes glowed red. For Elijah only one eye glowed red too

Elijah was looking through old pictures in his dads old office and sees a picture of a beautiful woman. Elijah looked alot like his mother aswell he smiled softly and frowns wishing he could have gotten to know her.

It was only days later where he finds out his mother was a vampire and his father was a Sirius both enemies but he guessed his parents didn't care, fell in love and had him.

Yuily was furious at the new "yuily wait" Elijah cried out sadly "how am i ever going to tust you!?" Yuily yelled "im still Elijah yuily please" Elijah frowned and qdjusted his glasses and sighs "you have to be more mature of this situation i know you hate me for being like this but its not my fault and i have not done anything to you that would or ever be harmful to you" Elijah states straight forward and hopes yuily will agre

It took yuily about a week cus come onnto him its Elijah the one he cared about the most.

Mikeal only spoke about things not caring on other things and warning a few. Elijah looked at the too feeling like he was not apart of this situation and just stayed quiet but listened "take one last word of advice from your brother....forget this revenge stuff" mikeal said

"How could you say that?" Yuily asked "you are still a kid i can see it in your eyes, the eyes of an avenger are long lost" mikeal states "take your friend over there when we first met he had the eyes of a real avengers but i see he even gave that up" mikeal glanced at Elijah.

Elijah looked towards mikeal then frowns and looked away sighing. Yuily looked at elijah and frowns he was abit shocked at the same time then saw mikeal challenge yuily to kill him prove that he as a vengeful person. He went close and smirks "its okay little brother just forget" mikeal whispered.

"If your going to stand in my way i would not see you as my brother anymore" mileal warned as he walked away "what is this ark i keep listening about" Elijah mumbles then looked at yuily "i dont know" yuily mumbles

Elijah took yuilys hand "well this is your story yuily and i'll be the side character for you to lean on" he states seriously but blushed abit as he did. Yuily looked at Elijah and blushed softly as he smiled abit and nods "yeah...your the only one i've trusted so much" he mumbles.

Somewhere on the train

"Your quiet the young lady chasing after your sweetheart like this" Dorothea said as she had found ryoko on the same train "hes not my sweetheart its not like that" ryoko moved her hands in denial. "I mean not really" she frowns and looked down "im just worried about yuily" ryoko sighs.

"Yeah your crush i know" Dorothea said with a smile and sighs "that-" ryoko tried to deny it "but i have to warn you he cant tell the difference between love and pain and not only that he seems to be interested in someone else" Dorothea said.

Ryoko frown as she looked at dorothea furrowing her brows in jealousy "really? Who?" She asked sadly. "His partner in crime, Elijah" Dorothea smiled. "Those two are great partners since they were very young" she states softly.

"Which making him yours os going to be difficult" she warns softly "like i said it that" ryoko mumbles abit feeling jealous and upset "and besides your worlds are entirely different" dorothea said looking away "thats just the is yuily...i mean are you guys working on something dangerous?" Ryoko asked then yelps when the train suddenly stops.

Elijah and yuily around, Elijah went ahead and helped people out of the train as it went. Elijah looked down at the child yuily had brought off the train. Elijah smiled slightly and adjusts his glasses with a small hum holding onto his pendent he dearly cared about.

They both only then jumped onto the train again. "You go see where Dorotheas at alright?" Yuily asked Elijah looked at yuily but nods as he then jumped from train to train box. He then stops when they arrived close to the others and jumped down as yuily jumped off forward. "What the hell is she doing here?" Elijah asked pointing at ryoko "we dont know but shes here anyways" phillip said as they hide out of the line of fire.

Elijah huffs as he kills the last vampire by throwing his spear weapon then huffs softly as he got it back then glanced to see soldiers on the other side "oh the noisy reporter is back" dorothea states with a small hum. They walked down the cart, Elijah only follwed worrying about yuily abit then looked back to see him and the "reporter" were about to get hurt before ryoko grabbed the sword from one of the soldiers and slashed the vampire turning them to dust.

Elijah raised a brow crossing his arm then hums softly "not a bad stance" hw comments then turned away not wanting to say thank you. Next thing they all knew the train went out of control, Elijah yelps as he was throw into a wall making him cry out. He then slowly walked out.

"Agh" he yelps his back hurting alot but he looked all around and hums softly
And sees yuily with mikeal again and listened to what mikeal said

"the ark"

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