chapter 6

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Elijah sighs softly and closed his eyes as he sniffs the flowers slightly picking some of them. He thought about what mikeal had said and frown softly 'something that powrful' he thought and sighs softly shaking his head abit as he held his pendant that was given to him a while ago. He always had it around his neck and touched it when hes troubled.

"Having troubles?" Willard asked as he walked to elijah "yeah..i guess, feels like my end of this story isnt exactly important to what yuily is dealing with at the moment" Elijah mumbles.

"Well you know you and yuily certainly have been partners for such a long time you are only ignoring that your side of the story is just as important" willard states. "Dont ever think you are not important in this world" he said patting Elijahs head just as he did when elijah was just a little boy.

Elijah hums softly and adjusts his glasses abit "i appreciate you making my dreading feelings calm down abit" he said with a nod. "Of course" willard nods "mind explaining what the ark might be i want to understand and know what yuilys goal is so i can help him in any way i can"

Willard looked at elijah and nods "if your willing to go that far for yuily then i will" he said as he told the story of the ark. "It is also said you ancestors were the ones to hide the ark from the rest of the world" willard points out. "Wow" Elijah mumbles and nods "sounds amazing" he mumbles

"thank you for the talk willard" Elijah said softly as he walked to his room to get a towel of his then went to take a bath.

Elijah greeted phillip who was already there and hums softly "man whats do we do now" he mumbles softly as he sat in the warm bath and hums softly in relaxation he had gain a buise which still hurt but nothing he couldn't handle whats so ever.

"I dont know might aswell relax while we can" phillip states with a small smile then dove his head underwater and elijah knew exactly what phillip wanted him to do. Next thing elijah knew yuily had entered for a bath too making him stiffen and lower himself into the bath closing his eyes blushing slightly and huffs abit.

All three of the men talked to each other "it seems i 've been in the water for too long" Elijah mumbles then sees phillip glance at yuily then towards Elijah and smirks as he winks at Elijah "well im clean i'll leave you two be okay bye!" Phillip said running out of there.

Yuily was confused at first the glanced towards Elijah who was turned away and covering his face. "You okay Elijah?" Yuily asked softly touching his shoulder making Elijah jump "im fine" he exclaims then falls back and into the water. He sinks to the bottoms internally sighing and looks up at the ceiling pursing his lips abit then sees yuily still there looking at Elijah in curiosity.

Elijah sat up and spat out the water "you needed me?" He asked nervously. "You seem more tense then usual" yuily states "dont worry about me you have other things more important then me" Elijah smiled . "You know your important too, your my partner" yuily said as he looked at elijah, Elijah looked back. "You really think so?" He mumbles

"Yeah" yuily smiled and nods making Elijah blush and nods "if thats think i'd be happy to take it" he mumbles softly.

Elijah still realized they were very close and butt naked making him exclaim and gain a rocket nosebleed and slammed into the water "elijah?" Yuily asked in panick for him.

Later on

The group were in their meeting room, elijah still blissfully lookibg at his book. Hes been told that he was important, no matter how many times he was told that he never really believed it from anyone else but yuily saying that to him made him feel so warm and happy that the person he likes tells him that out of the blue aswell.

And naked no less!

Elijah chuckles giddly and wipes his nose abit then clears his throat "where might the professor be?" Fallon asked "probably at that bar but seems abit late for that" phillip mumbles.

They then all glanced towards Dorothea who talked with the professor. She only then turns to them "the vampires are coming here" Dorothea states. "Head count everyone here and set traps to the exits and enterances" Elijah states as he stood up from his seat.

"Yuily i have a favor to ask" Dorothea states "alright then" yuily nods and Dorothea told yuily to warn ryoko for him. Yuily nods then took Elijah's hand "lets go" yuily states and Elijah nods but shook his head abit screaming at himself to get gis head out of the clouds and focus on the mission.

"You go ahead i have something to get" Elijah states "okay be careful okay?" Yuily asked Elijah nods as he ran to get his weapon and get his pendent aswell to keep it safe with

He then walked to ryokos room then saw them talk. Elijah only walked to them "you told her already?" He asked yuily nods, Elijah only then took yuilys hand then turns to ryoko, ryoko looked at Elijah pursing her lips abit seeing him hold yuilys hand and silently jealous.

"U-understood will i see you guys later then?" Ryoko asked "no you protect your father and the house" yuily states softly then they all seperated and met up with phillip.

The two talked as Elijah made some re-adjustment then ran to behind the barricades  and then waited weapons him hand. "Aight then " he mumbles and smells around "why is it so quiet" phillip asked "above us" Elijah yelled as it was fighting time.

Each of them having each others back as much as he could. They then had to go downstairs now that the fire was spreading more and more.

The then stoped when they saw the vampire they were after walk forward "looks like we caught a real big one this time" phillip states reading his weapon. "Kirshner"

"Yuily so..your the full blood sirius survivor" kirshner said "you should feel honored i shall take your last breath myself" he states. Elijah glared "not a chance kirshner" he states "ah and the Sirius hybrid i thought i got rid of you years ago...such a shane" kirshner sighs.

"Come on dont ignore me" phillip yelled then mikeal crashed in stepping on Phillips face while grabbing Elijahs neck and slammed him into the wall "phillip!...elijah" yuily cried out about to go and help but kirshner stood in his way.

"Dont worry about me....eck i'll deal with...him" Elijah shruggled to breath then got his spear pushed it and made it smack mikeal abit to the side and yuily came in to help. Mikeal only then lets go making Elijah gasp out for air aswell as cough and sigh softly he then looked at phillip to see if he was okay.

Elijah glared towards mikeal and yuily glared towards kirshner

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