chapter 9

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"Whats a son of alexie doing here?" The old man mumbles. Elijah tilts his head then turns to yuily they all walked into the mans home "theres only one reason anyone comes out here....your here for the ark of siruis huh?" The old man asked "yes" yuily nods all anxious.

"Tell me what you know about the ark" yuily said eargingly.

The man sighs as he lights his cigarette "i spent most of my life looking for that damn ark, it was during that time i met your father, i met his family and you yuily though you being just a chuld i doubt you'd remember me. Alexie had a partner he would always mention every so often name malachite vermilion"

Elijahs eyes widen slightly "papa" he mumbles softly as he held his necklace close as he listened

"So father's with yuilys dad" Elijah asked with hopeful eyes he couldn't help but feel hopeful and what not.

They only got the into the car onve they had gotten the info elijah sat back and sighs softly as he leamed back closing his eyes.they then arrived in town "we'll figure out how to get the old man to talk but first we eat" the jeager states.

Elijah groans slightly feeling nauseous the whole time he was in the car but took a deep breath as they got off. Yuily looked at Elijah and held his hand to help him out in anyway and it did.

Elijah smiled softly "you guys lovers ooor" the blonde asked making the two jump "no/n-no" the both said before looking at each other then blush heavily looking away.

They only then saw ryoko with the "reporter" "yuily!" Ryoko exclaims happily "who are they? A friend? Or girlfriend maybe?" The blond asked.

Elijah hums in annoyance and walked into the restuarant he was very much annoyed with the girl at this point

They all went to eat in the restuarant ryoko was the only one talking it annoyed Elijah "So talkative, hmm. A chatter box" Elijah thought outloud making ryoko blush in embarrassment and grumble abit towards Elijah.

Elijah ate his food cus he was very hungry, the three men both talked. "Ark?" Ryoko asked tilting her head abit "a very important artifact" Elijah sighs "to yuily, many are after"

There was a tense aura between iba and yuily.

Later on that day

Elijah sat at a chair and hums softly then thought for a moment. He wanted to talk to yuily of what hes planning to do after he got ahold of the ark, and maybe just talk to him for casual bonding talk.

He stood up and walked to the proch yuily was at and saw ryoko there with yuily. He sighs as he crossed his arms then blushed brightly as so why he felt so jealous he grumbles and dragged the hand that was on his face down.

"Whats the matter with me, male liking another male.....very much" he sighs then took off his glasses and cleans them abit his blush growing even more the more he thought about it.

He then only saw yuily walk to him "you okay?" Yuily asked. Elijah jumped then sighs abit "yeah....just hopeful" he mumbles softly looking at his glasses "i always thought my father had died when we were ...attacked" Elijah said fidgeting with his glasses now.

"How was your father like?" Yuily asked sitting next to him. "Hmm? Oh he was, kind, he nags alot, he was one i could trust and i understand now why he always scolded me when ever i did anything dangerous" Elijah explains and chuckles.

"Fathers are meant to protect their children no matter what happens to them, they even turn selfish when doing so" Elijah said looking towards yuily. Yuily nods and lets Elijah lean onto him, "i understand what it means to care for someone so much i have the gang to care of some times, but i find myself worring and caring about one person" yuily said.

Elijah bit his lip think it was ryoko, he sighed and thought he couldn't do anything about it whats so ever made him sad "who?" Elijah asked.

"Heh you of course" yuily smiled Elijah's eyes widen as he blushed and looked at yuily "c-come on that is nonsense im not a person you should care for" Elijah huffs turning away shakily cleaning his glasses again habit of course.

Yuily chuckles slightly looking at Elijah and shook his head. His actions never sessed to surprise him

<<Elijah was holding a whole pile of files for all their other missions and it was getting pretty difficult to hold them all till yuily came to help with them. Their faces just inches away from each others. Elijah blushed heavily as he turned away immediately.>>

<<"why do i have to be the one paired up with yuily?" Elijah yelled "not only that why do i have to be dressed as a girl in this ball" he mumbles looking at the dress he was wearing "aww come on you look adorable" Dorothea gush "don'tyou think yuily?" She turned to yuily who looked amazing himself, his expression was, awed as he looked at Elijah "yeah you look perfect" he smiled slightly. "E-eh" Elijah panicked and turned away taking off his glasses and cleaning them>>

They all went back to the old man again and sooner or later they got the map to the ark. "You remind me alot of your father yuily" the old man said "please save alexie for me" he said. "I will" yuily nods.

They were first to wake up and went ahead and were off to find the ark by morning.

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