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Eternity pov

Groggily, I blinked my eyes open to the sensation of a throbbing sciatic ache pulsating throughout my body. When I tentatively reached up to touch my head, I encountered the unexpected feeling of fabric wrapped around it, resembling some sort of medicinal bandage.
My hands were also swathed in gauze, and my stomach bore the tell-tale signs of bruising. In my dizzy state, I struggled to make sense of my surroundings, but gradually began to register the pain.
Upon further inspection, I found myself lying in a luxurious king-sized bed, cocooned in a soft silk duvet that only served to confuse me further. How on earth did I end up here, I pondered, vividly recalling the brutal abduction and assault that had landed me in this predicament.

As I weakly attempted to sit up, only to be thwarted by the agony coursing through my body, a gentle voice broke through the haze. "You're awake," it said, tinged with a hint of remorse. I turned to see Aaron standing before me, though my mind was still fixated on the merciless captor who had left me in this sorry state.

Groggily, I blinked open my eyes to a throbbing headache that seemed to have its own zip code. My whole body ached, and when I tentatively reached up to touch my head, it felt like someone had wrapped it in a bandage made of medicinal fabric.
My hands were also covered in gauze, and my stomach was one big bruise. I couldn't quite make out my surroundings through the haze of dizziness, but the pain was starting to make itself known.
As I slowly came to, I realized I was lying in a massive king-sized bed with a luxurious silk duvet draped over my waist. Confusion creased my forehead - how on earth did I end up here? The last thing I remembered was being kidnapped and mercilessly beaten by some mysterious assailant.
A soft voice broke through my thoughts, filled with a hint of regret. I turned to see Aaron standing there, but my mind was still trying to piece together the events of the night. Who was that brutal kidnapper, and how did I end up here with Aaron by my side?

When I saw them, my body tensed up and I quickly curled into a ball with my knees near my chest. I felt a lump form in my throat, causing me to cough. Then, I felt Aaron gently rubbing my back, trying to soothe me.
My heart began to race, and I could feel my adrenaline levels spiking. My stomach churned, and negative thoughts flooded my mind like a relentless storm.
Sweat broke out all over my body, feeling like a second, hot skin. It clung to me, refusing to let go.
The waves of negative thoughts crashed against me, making my blood pound in my ears and my heart thud in my chest. My hands trembled uncontrollably, and my feet tingled, distorting my vision. It felt like I was peering through a distorted lens.
I had to escape the room. I couldn't bear to stay any longer, feeling overwhelmed by my emotions.

Aaron embraced me gently, ensuring that I felt safe in his arms. I found solace in his comforting hug, burying my face in his strong chest. Despite my past trauma, I couldn't help but feel at ease with Aaron. "It's alright, eternity," Aaron whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead and holding my face gently, "I will protect you, no one will ever harm you again." As I hid my face in his chest, I mustered the courage to speak, "Please, don't hurt anyone for me." Aaron reassured me, "Dylin, Fhil, please leave us for now. We will talk later."

As they left, Fhil hesitated and glanced back at me with tears in his eyes. Aaron noticed my exhaustion and urged me to rest, "Sleep, Eter. You need to rest."

"I pleaded, 'Please don't leave me alone,' as tears streamed down my face and I held onto his shirt tightly. I silently begged him not to go, my mind consumed with anxiety and fear.
He nodded in understanding and lay down beside me, letting me rest my head on his broad chest as his gentle hand caressed my hair.
As time passed, my eyelids grew heavy and my vision blurred, not from tears but from exhaustion. Everything around me became fuzzy until I could see nothing at all. My consciousness drifted through a space filled with static, my heartbeats pounding loudly in my ears. The pleas for help faded as my body felt drained, until finally everything was enveloped in blackness."

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