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As the afternoon sun bathes the world in its warm glow, I find myself lost in the beauty of nature all around me. Sitting in the lush garden of a grand mansion, I am mesmerized by the breathtaking view of mountains, lakes, and a sky so blue it rivals the sea.
My eyes are drawn to a charming swing hanging from a tree in the distance, beckoning me to come closer. But as I stand at the boundary of the mansion's gate, a sense of unease washes over me. Should I ignore this feeling and explore the swing by the serene lake, or heed the warning that something may not be right?
Taking a deep breath, I try to shake off the lingering doubts and tentatively make my way towards the enticing swing. The thought of feeling the breeze by the water's edge fills me with a sense of calm and joy. I hope that this decision will lead to a peaceful moment amidst the beauty of this idyllic setting.

 I hope that this decision will lead to a peaceful moment amidst the beauty of this idyllic setting

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As I sat on the swing and began to gently move back and forth, I found myself leaning back, fully present in the moment

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As I sat on the swing and began to gently move back and forth, I found myself leaning back, fully present in the moment. The swing started to sway, and in that instant, I felt a deep connection with everything around me. It was like a vibrant energy flowing between every living being, a tangible bond that united us all. The rustling of the leaves in the wind seemed to echo within me, a harmonious melody only felt in the heart. The swing was positioned just below the serene lake, adding to the beauty of the experience.
As I continued to ride the swing, I softly hummed the lyrics of "Just the Way You Are" - a song that speaks of the magic of a smile that can captivate the world. In that moment, I felt the power of connection and togetherness, a reminder of the unity that binds us all in this vast universe.

The melody of this song brings back memories that I hold dear to my heart. It used to be Eliot's favorite tune, the one he sang to me. As I hum along, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness. Eliot, the person I loved so deeply, betrayed me. My swing suddenly comes to a halt, as if fate itself intervened.

Then, a voice I never wanted to hear again breaks the silence. I turn my head slightly, and there he is - Eliot. His familiar gray eyes meet mine, bringing back both love and pain. He was my first love, but also my first betrayer.

I feel sweat on my skin, my eyes throb, screams ring in my ears, and my heart thumps in my chest. My fingers are clenched into a fist, nails digging into my palm. I can't hear my breathing, but I feel the oxygen in my lungs. Hesitantly, I look at Him behind me, the person I loved but who betrayed me. Fear tortures my guts, churning my stomach with intense cramps. Fear engulfs my conscience, pushing aside all other thoughts. Fear overwhelms my body, leaving me exhausted. Most of all, the fear makes me calm, and that scares me the most.

"Why so pale, apple pie? It's been years since your betrayal, but here you are in front of me," he smirked. I can't believe he's wearing a brown hoodie and has a scar on his face. How did he get that scar? His gaze shifted to my neck, his eyes filled with anger, his face contorted into a frown."

He tightly grabbed my hair, causing me to move back abruptly. "I can see that you're now sleeping with Aaron Knight, aren't you? Don't deny it. I've observed you making breakfast for him every morning, and even sleeping in the same bed. You wear his shirt, he embraces you in bed - you've become his affectionate wife. That hickey on your neck is proof that you've been intimate with him. You've willingly engaged in sexual activities with him because he's a billionaire. You've become promiscuous," he angrily spat at me as I placed my hand on my forehead for support. I can't believe this is coming from Eliot, the man I've loved since childhood, my high school sweetheart. I'm shocked that he's betrayed me and is now saying these things to me.

**I couldn't tell you when or how, but I finally snapped out of my stunned state and managed to whisper through tear-filled eyes, "How could you... how?". Betrayal, love, heartbreak, pain - every emotion surged through me at once.
Screaming at the top of my lungs, I gripped my hair so tightly it felt like it could rip from my scalp. The physical pain paled in comparison to the turmoil inside me.
My mind raced, thoughts spiraling out of control. I gasped for air, feeling like I might pass out. My heart pounded in my chest like a trapped animal. Everything spun around me as I sank to the ground, desperately trying to slow it all down. I felt nauseous. This was not the Eliot I once loved.
Squeezing my eyes shut, even at the pain, I yelled, "Stop!" and pushed him away with all the force I could muster.

Eliot stumbled and fell to the ground, his eyes widening as he moved back slightly.
As he tried to touch me, I stepped back, shaking my head. I ran my hands through my hair, holding it back and then letting it fall.
I closed my eyes and turned away, only to find the place empty when I looked back. I couldn't believe he was back.
Arriving at the mansion, still shaken by the day's events, I just wanted to cry and be comforted. When I walked in, seeing all the guards and Hannah, I felt a wave of relief. She embraced me warmly, asking, "Are you okay, honey?" as she gently cupped my face.

I nodded, but I was confused about what was happening and why everyone was so worried.
"What happened, Hannah?" I asked, swallowing excessively.
She looked at me and smiled weakly. "When Aaron realized you weren't in the mansion, he freaked out and was even more worried about you."
"I'm okay," I reassured her, sounding uncertain.
Before she could respond, a deep voice interrupted. I turned around to see Aaron, his eyes cold and his muscles quivering.
"Where have you been?" he demanded in the most authoritative and intimidating voice. "Everyone leaves except my wife."

Everyone leaves silently and I just stand there with my head bowed, at a loss for words. I used to love Eliot so much, but today he called me names. I can't believe this is happening - it feels like someone is crushing my soul deeply.

Aaron comes closer to me, his heartbeat loud in my ears and his body radiating heat. Before I can speak, he expresses his fear and concern for me, reminding me of the dangers I faced before. He shakes his head, wondering why I am so reckless and always seeking out trouble. His frustration is evident as he slams his phone to the ground, causing its screen to shatter, leaving me startled and wide-eyed.

As I gazed up at him, my eyes welling up with tears, I felt like I had already faced so much this morning. And now, it seemed like he was getting angry at me as if I purposely attract all problems.
Feeling overwhelmed, I spoke up through my tears, "If you want to divorce me and leave, if you see me as a burden, then just go. I release you from this marriage." Wiping away my tears roughly, I turned and ran away, feeling the weight of the situation heavy on my heart.

As I entered our bedroom, my eyes fell upon a delicate flower vase near the door. Overwhelmed with emotions, I grabbed it and let it shatter against the floor. Then, my gaze landed on a mirror, and with a heavy heart, I closed my eyes and grabbed the nearest object to me, striking it against the mirror. Collapsing onto the floor, I wrapped my arms around my knees and wept, asking myself why I always seem to endure such pain. It feels as though this room is consumed by the flood of my tears.

First, I would like to apologize to you all for this late update, because my exams are going on that's why

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First, I would like to apologize to you all for this late update, because my exams are going on that's why

So, what do you all think will happen to the relationship of Aaron and eternity, now after entry of Eliot eternity First love.

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