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It's now the afternoon, and I find myself sitting in our room after having breakfast with Aaron. Unfortunately, he needed to attend to some urgent work in New York and had to leave. However, he promised to be back in the evening. So, here I am in our bedroom, gazing out of the large glass window, wearing my favorite white Cardiff tube floral dress.

 So, here I am in our bedroom, gazing out of the large glass window, wearing my favorite white Cardiff tube floral dress

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Reflecting on the twists and turns of life, I could never have imagined being as close to Aaron as we are now. It started with animosity on both sides, but somehow there is a mysterious, undeniable connection pulling us together. It's strange, yet strangely wonderful.
As I pondered these thoughts, Hannah interrupted my musings by entering the room with a tray of cookies and coffee. "Eat something dear," she urged, placing the food in front of me.
"I'm not hungry, Hannah," I replied, sliding the tray away.
"Please, dear. Mr. Knight insists that you eat on time," she said with a smile, gently nudging me to take a bite.

Reflecting on the twists and turns of life, I could never have imagined being as close to Aaron as we are now. It started with animosity on both sides, but somehow there is a mysterious, undeniable connection pulling us together. It's strange, yet strangely wonderful.
As I pondered these thoughts, Hannah interrupted my musings by entering the room with a tray of cookies and coffee. "Eat something dear," she urged, placing the food in front of me.
"I'm not hungry, Hannah," I replied, sliding the tray away.
"Please, dear. Mr. Knight insists that you eat on time," she said with a smile, gently nudging me to take a bite.

"Upon receiving a comforting smile from her, I nodded in agreement. "Okay, but please eat this," she gently urged, her expression turning inward. I nodded in response, lying down on the bed.
As soon as she left the room, I got up from the bed. But before I could leave, my phone started ringing. I answered the call.
"Hello," I greeted.
"Sweet pea, can you recognize my voice?" a familiar voice asked, causing my whole body to tense. Without a moment's delay, I knew it was Eliot. My hand clenched into a fist, my pulse rising beneath my skin, sending shivers down my spine.
"Why did you call me? And this... No, listen, stop the act. Never call me again," I growled, my lips pulling back in frustration.

"Whoa, now you're lying to me, what about our past when you promised you'd die if you didn't hear my voice that day, right? Oh, I remember," I said, feeling my heart race. "I was in high school then, and I couldn't tell the difference between real love and deceit," I snapped, shutting my eyes and taking a deep breath. I couldn't even picture how he would react if he found out. "Never talk to me again," I said firmly, ending the call and immediately blocking his number. After blocking him, I sat up on the bed, rubbing my head, and bit my lip, trying hard not to cry. This was too much. Why was he calling me? Didn't he betray me by saying I was worthless and that he deserved someone better than me? That in front of everyone on the last day of graduation.

The bedroom door swung open and Aaron walked in, looking dashing in his Armani wrinkle-free suit. His cleanly shaven face and strong jawline gave off an air of attractiveness, though his tiredness was evident. When his eyes met mine, he flashed a beautiful smile that made me feel like the most special gift.
I got up and approached him, putting on a forced smile to hide my concerns about the Eliot situation. "How was your meeting?" I inquired as I helped him out of his suit jacket, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.
He let out a sigh and replied, "It was alright, I just wanted to come home early to be with you." He reached out and touched my hand as I unbuttoned his shirt, causing a flutter of butterflies in my stomach. I lowered my head, feeling overwhelmed by his touch.

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