The Ugly Past

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TaeYeon studied in one of the prestigious university in Seoul where she met the woman of her dreams named Jessica Jung. The latter was the student council representative of her block and she always seen her waiting at the bus stop, she watched her until Jessica ride the bus alone, it's her everyday routine to keep an eye to the woman whom she fell in love with. One night, when they got the masquerade ball, TaeYeon attended with their mask on, she wears her prince-like suit that woo every female in the university until TaeYeon's eyes spotted Jessica with her elegant black dress taking her mask off from her pretty face.

"Shall we dance?" TaeYeon bravely offers without hesitation while Jessica never hesitates to take the warm hands on her own. They dance perfectly into the rhythm of the love song until their lips met in the middle of slow music with Jessica's arms wrapped around TaeYeon's neck.

"Found you!" Jessica whisper because she was sure TaeYeon was behind the mask with the help of her perfume scent she often wears.

After they got more closer and TaeYeon asked her out, Jessica simply said yes to the most lovable and adorable person she met in the university. They dated for awhile until Jessica broke up with her leaving TaeYeon devastated alone, she never knew why so suddenly her girlfriend called her out for a casual date then broke up with her because she's getting tired of their drama which was a lie because they rarely fought with each other. She locked herself into her room and dropped out on the university makes Mr. Kim suffered heart attack because of her ridiculous decision so Mrs. Kim decided to took her to the other country by herself and study hard but the broke up was still a mystery for her as she leave the Seoul.

"I'm keep my promise so will you let the Jung company free from debt." Jessica unwillingly followed Mrs. Kim's order as their deal because not long ago Mr. Jung will be bankrupt if the Kim Corporation will pulled out their investment with them since after Mr. Kim died, Mrs. Kim controlled the joint company and let the Jung family suffered because the old woman hold grudges towards Mr. Jung whose her former lover, she got her revenge against her.

"Don't ever appear infront of my daughter." Mrs. Kim warns the latter before she went out from the Jung residence.

"I don't like you for my daughter." Jessica felt hurt when Mrs. Kim sees her as a useless piece of trash and it makes her feel more worst when she broke up with TaeYeon.

"Thank you Jessica for saving our company." Mr. Jung has been grateful with his own daughter when Jessica retrieved their company but not her lover.

"Take care of yourself Dad." Jessica leave in silence and packed her clothes.

*I'm sorry TaeYeon.* Facing the money crisis of their family's company, Jessica never thought she will sacrifice her love for her family and worst her useless father who always gamble his money so he fell into debt in the Kim's clan hands.

After so many years of hardwork, Jessica finally established her own business in the line of clothing and it made a huge success internationally. She proved herself to Mrs. Kim that she's worthy for her daughter, she's one of the powerful Asian businesswoman under the name of Ms. J alongside with Kim TaeYeon, she kept her identity hidden from the public so TaeYeon won't be suspicious on her and ruined her plan of revenge against the Kim clan.

"You will pay for it, Mrs. Kim." Jessica became well-known and watched TaeYeon from afar even following her silently behind.

*I hope you sleep well at night* Jessica always said it to herself while staring at TaeYeon's cold expression and she's well-known as the monster Chairman of the Kim Corporation.

*Please take good care of yourself when I'm not there with you and I hope you're not skipping your meals like before, take your medicine too and undergo the surgery without me holding your hands.* Jessica cried silently inside her white Volvo car while TaeYeon went inside her black Sedan with her former secretary Seohyun.

*Goodbye TaeYeon.*



"Can we start the meeting?" TaeYeon was getting more and more frustrated when the meeting will be delay for 30 minutes until the B & E chairman arrive in the conference room for collaboration event with other companies as well.

"Ms. J wasn't arrive yet Mrs. Kim." Everyone knows that TaeYeon was already married and before they could argue more, the door finally open revealing the elegant Jessica Jung with her representative Choi SooYoung.

"Finally! Welcome Ms. J of B & E clothing line." TaeYeon didn't noticed the arrival of the most hated person of the Kim because she's focus with her pregnant wife who still works for her as her secretary behind her.

"What do you want to eat later?" TaeYeon asked her wife who shrugged her because one of the boards finally arrived inside the room.

"I will introduce myself but can I call for Ms. Kim TaeYeon's attention first." Jessica sternly said makes TaeYeon finally saw her face to face again after a long more years.


To be continued.

A/N: The drama will begin.

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