My Beautiful Lie

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It's been the hardest time of my life when I could finally reunited with my family but I couldn't at the same time. It's torturing me to lie about my amnesia and I left with no choice but to pretend while Tiffany let me carry our child in my arms, everytime our skin touches each other I misses them so much and it put me in trouble when I'm almost caught red handed about lying.

"Tell me more." I wanted to hear every single words from my wife about us.

"You're such a cold-hearted mean boss." Tiffany started to puff her cheeks and it makes me wanna pinch them but I held my emotion back.

"Oh? Is that so?" It's kinda embarrassing when she told the truth infront of my face yet she's cute in my eyes.

"You're nagging too much." Tiffany continue telling stories about me when suddenly we heard our child crying inside her room.

"Maybe she's hungry." I follow my wife to where Irene's sleeping.

"Irene ah! Mommy's here." My wife carry the crying child in her arms sucking her cute little thumb while hiccupping.

"She looks like you." Tiffany says.

"Oh? Irene was a split image of me." I carefully stare at my child who stare back at me while she trying to reach me.

"You want to be carry by her?" It hurts me knowing we have to pretend as strangers when the truth was I'm still remember everything about us.

"I think my baby wants you." Irene wanted to get off from her mother's lap while she reaches her little hands on my direction.

"Can I hold her?" I politely asked.

"Of course, she's also your daughter." Tiffany let me carry Irene in my arms.

*She's so small and soft* I said to myself although I usually dropped here every weekend after our first meeting.

"I can stay here and hold her forever." I muttered before my eyes landed on my wife's distorted expression.

"Is there any story you wanted to hear?" Tiffany asked me.

"I want to hear about how much I loved you and adore you." I stare at her lovingly because every single day I misses her touch and I wanted to hold her in my arms in sleep.

"Our first meeting was so chaotic and I never knew we would got married and have a child." I saw how my wife secretly smile while telling our stories.

"I realize I've been a bad wife to you of that's the case." I sighed as I recall how rude I am to her.

"No, don't say it because I've been inlove with you before we met each other since you're too popular." She blushes and I like how she honestly said that she loves me so much and it makes me horrible knowing I treated her bad.

"In my eyes, you're an adorable person and also you're cute." She blushes hard when she mention it and I find it adorable too.

"Then thank you for loving me, Tiffany." I sincerely said while I lean my hand on her cheek and lovingly smile at her.

"I'm so grateful I have you as my wife." I never confessed every untold words I've been kept for a long time and with my beautiful lie, I could finally admit that I'm finally in love with her too.

"Please take care of me and Irene forever because without you it's not the same." Suddenly, the air around us was filled with affection from each other.

"I know someday I will remember it too well and I know in my heart, you're my only Tiffany Hwang." I truthfully said while she started to tear up.

"Hey? Are you crying? I'm so sorry if I make you cry." I felt terrible on myself when I only gave her pain over and over again.

"I'm sorry." Tiffany immediately wipe off her tears and she moved away from me like she wanted me to give her enough room to breathe.

"She fell asleep." My wife notice our child was peacefully sleeping in my arms and I wonder how she deals with our noise.

"You can bring her into her room if you get tired of carrying Irene."

"I will never get tired holding her." I'm so in love with my little child right now that I don't want her to be separated from me.

"She's our precious pea, right?" I chuckle.

"Sorry you see how much I'm a mess." She laugh if off but I know that she encounter so many struggle in life.

"It's alright and I felt guilty and sorry for not being here with you, I feel so useless yet I'm bringing another woman." I sighed heavily like I wanted to tell her the truth about my lie.

*This is for Tiffany and Irene* I sighed.

"I'm sorry Tiffany for hurting you." I saw her sobbing again so I approach and wipe off her tears instead.

"I'm sorry for making you wait for so long and I apologized for raising our child alone because of me you suffer alot so from now on I will protect everyone who was dear to me." I slowly embrace her with sleeping Irene in my arms.

"I'm sorry."


"I cannot do it for so long." I confronted Jessica about retreating to my plan being her girlfriend since I couldn't take it when Tiffany's hurting again because of me.

"You don't afraid in your mother?" Jessica asked while typing on her phone.

"Sorry but my family was important and I apologized for bothering you, Jessica." I stood up and ready to leave her but Jessica quickly hold my wrist so I turn my head to face the mad woman.

"I don't let you go away even if I have to expose you from your mother." Jessica was really eager to held me back again.

"Don't test my patience with you." I pushes her away from me and hastily left so I could go to Tiffany.

"She's insane." I sighed when I get inside my sports car but I'm getting nervous for Tiffany and Irene's safety.

"I will send them away so I won't get worry for them while I'm dealing with Jessica and my mother." I turn on the engine and quickly drive to Tiffany's place with a heavy heart.

To be continued.

A/N: Sorry for the short update. How are you everyone? ^^

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