44 They're Both Just the Same

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I didn't leave the house in just the skimpy clothes; Sasha gave me a long coat and I wore my boots. He wore a jacket over his shirt too, and when we got to the club our outerwear was checked at the door.

Part of me was relieved to see that I was actually more dressed than others that roamed around, and another part of me was somewhat horrified. I had seen skimpy clothes at the club before, don't get me wrong, but this was a whole new level of slutty.

There were leather halters and crop tops, short shorts, ripped and torn open cloth, even thongs! One thing I did notice was a lot of collars in the place. The people who weren't wearing them were the ones that were chatting and carrying on like it wasn't a fetish club.

Not a few people greeted Sasha when he came in the door. I was confused at first because they called him 'Master Alex.' One thing was clear though, he had not been by the place in a long time. Demyan, or Master Dem as they called him, was beaming with happiness when we showed up.

"Aleksandr, my cousin. Come to the private booth I booked for us. Sit and enjoy yourself!" He dragged Sasha through the place to a quieter section at the back, away from the pounding music and grinding bodies in leather.

I followed them quietly, keeping my eyes on Sasha. Then he turned and grabbed onto my hand, to keep us from getting separated, and I felt a warmth pool in my stomach to relieve the nervous feeling I was having. His hand was warm and solid. It was something soothing and real.

A few of the others turned to look at me curiously, obviously wondering who I was and what I was doing with Sasha. I could feel their eyes, even if I didn't look right at them. I felt a bit jealous at the thought of Sasha spending time with these people before I even knew him.

"Master Alex, who is the boy? You disappear for a year and come back with a collared boy?" One of the people who sat with them grinned at nodded towards me. Sasha made the hand signal to worship, so I kneeled next to his feet and clutched his leg.

"Jesus, he is well trained too. Looks like you've been busy." Another one said in a singsong voice. I could feel her eyes on me and clutched his leg a bit tighter.

"Be nice everyone. This is my boyfriend, Lukas. He is a bit new to everything but agreed to be my boy." He ran his fingers through my hair, and I leaned into his touch. "These are my friends, Mistress Helen, Master Ken, Master Jed, and Mistress Viv. Say hello to them."

"Hello Sir's friends." I said with a nod to them. I buried myself into the side of Sasha and his hand came up to stroke my hair affectionately.

"Well then, if you have your boy with you is it alright if we invite a few subs to join us? It might make the kid more comfortable." Master Jed said with a gesture at me, since I was the only one of the group who was kneeling.

"Sure, but make sure they are experienced and well behaved. I don't want them teaching my boy any bad habits." I wanted to giggle at Sasha's words. He had a point. I had enough of my own bad habits to work on.

Master Dem called over a bouncer for the private area and they said a few words. After a few minutes, a small group of people were escorted up to the private lounge with us. A couple of girls wearing skimpy outfits and a few of the boys wearing little except collars were brought over.

The Masters without set partners seemed to pick their favourites, and the new folks went to kneel next to them. I noticed most of them wore collars without locks on them, and were very practised as they went to their Masters for the night.

The girls sat next to Master Ken and Demmy. I was interested to see him being reasonably respectful to this girl, as compared to the last one. He stroked her hair and pecked a kiss on her forehead, which made her blush.

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