46 At the End of the Day

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Mondays are tough, but Mondays when you go back to work after meeting a co-worker at a BDSM club accidentally... those are worse. Waaay worse. I was sweating before I even got halfway there and had to talk myself into going in the door.

Marcus was sitting there, looking pissed off as usual. Our eyes met for a second as I walked in and I made an awkward wave. His gaze faltered and he looked away hastily. I gulped and took my normal seat.

"Hey." I said ingeniously. That was inner monologue sarcasm if ever I heard it. God, why was I so stupid?

"Hey." Marcus actually responded to me and I looked at him with a measure of shock. His voice wasn't sarcastic or acidic when he said that. "You okay?"

It took me a minute to process that he not only spoke to me normally but asked how I was doing. It cheered me up a little, so I smiled when I replied to him. "I'm better, thanks. Sasha cheered me up yesterday."

"Sasha?" He furrowed his brow.

"Ah, I guess you know him as Alex?" I raised a brow.

"Right. Good. He's a good guy. There's two new customers to enter information for, do you mind?" He gestured to the two folders in the stand on the desk and I got up to grab the top one.

"Not at all." I got to work, and it went so much smoother now that there wasn't tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. There was occasional small talk, tentative smiles and Marcus even cracked a joke.

We never brought up the club though. Both of us understood the tacit rules that you didn't talk about it openly in the workplace. It wasn't a conversation for the public.

"Listen, did you want to grab a coffee after work and chat? There's a great place between here and the park." Marcus looked at me hesitantly.

"Sure, let me text Sasha and let him know I will be out late." I replied with a slight smile back. He nodded and we went back to work afterwards. Sir replied back a few minutes later to acknowledge my text and I smiled.

Be safe, and don't stay out too late. His words made my chest feel warm, and it wasn't heartburn this time. Hah. I had it bad for that guy. I could almost hear him say the words as he ruffled my hair. I typed out a reply.

Yes Sir! I tucked the phone away and worked at the charts sitting next to me. The shift flipped, Marcus left, and I worked with the ladies until my own shift was over. I looked around as I left, and Marcus was waiting on a nearby bus bench.

"Ready?" I asked. He looked up from his phone and nodded. He led the way down the street. We walked in silence, but it wasn't too awkward. I think it was the most companionable since I had started at the office.

"Here it is." He waved to an unassuming shop with a sign out front for the daily special. We walked in and I smiled when I saw the big guy from the club behind the counter in an apron.

"What can I get you guys?" His deep voice was soft spoken. I checked the menu and ordered a white hot chocolate with cinnamon and whipped cream. Marcus snorted at me and ordered a black coffee.

"That's gross. How can you drink that?" I made a face. He rolled his eyes.

"Easier than drinking that sugary swill you call a drink." He gestured with his chin at my own frothy mug and I laughed.

"This is a nice place. Thanks for bringing me." I looked around at the modern and understated interior. It was comfortable.

"You're welcome." He replied, looking away from me.

"And thanks for back at the club too. I never got a chance to say that at the time." I looked down at my drink with a thoughtful look. I wasn't sure what his motives were at the time, but I was grateful for him sticking up for me.

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