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I got no sleep. I was anxious to see what Susan had to say. Getting dressed, she glanced at me a couple of times, and when she caught my eye, she smiled. It was the most progress we've had in a month.

I got dressed quickly, and ran down to the carriages. I was the first person there and I waited against the fence. I saw another figure approaching.

"Why are you here early?" Said the voice of Theodore Nott

"I could ask you the same thing."

He shrugged and walked closer to me. "I asked first."

"Well- you know, I was w- waiting to talk to s- someone, you know?"

Stop stuttering you idiot.

He smirked, "I'll leave you to it then."

With that he starting walking back up to the castle before I could protest. He stopped and it looked like he was talking to someone, but started walking again. A moment after, Susan rounded the corner and headed straight for me.

"Okay, don't talk just listen, alright?" She stated and I nodded.

"I know that you can't help you're feelings," I opened my mouth but she put up a finger to stop me. "You just have to know that I have you're best interest in mind, always. Just because we don't particularly talk about guys, doesn't mean that the topic isn't there altogether. We can't ignore it. Just promise me that you won't hurt yourself with him?" She finished.

No promises.

"It took you a month to say that?"

She laughed. "Yes, you're not that easy to approach when I can't find you."

I smiled. "Really?" "Yeah, you we're hiding behind Ernie all the time." 

We laughed together. 

We figured it out.

People starting coming down, and it got louder. "Lets go before it gets crowded." I nodded in agreement, we got on the first carriage and rode down. We caught up with everything that happened in the last month that we missed.

We got off the carriages and ran to Honeyduke's before anyone else could get there. We weren't even there yet, but we could smell the butterscotch and sugar from down the street. We walked in and stopped in our tracks. It was beautiful, there was candy lined up that covered every inch of the wall, rows of tables with buckets of all different kinds of candy. Susan nudged me and she was looking up at the ceiling. I looked up and it had different types of candy floss that was floating around, making it look like the clouds at sunrise. It was intimidating. We looked at each other and ran around, spending half of our money buying anything that even slightly sparked our interest. It had started to fill up, and it was getting more and more packed, making it harder to move. I bumped into someone on accident. "Sorr-"

I was met with pale grey eyes.

"Watch your step, Macmillan. I don't want your filth on me." His voice filled with disgust, smirking at me.

I spit in his face. "Oops. Looks like it's too late for that. Run along and tell your dearest Daddy I said hello." I said smiling, while he looked like he wanted to slit my throat.

I walked away and bought everything I had in my bag. Me and Susan walked out giggling and we went to go find everyone else. 

We found them outside a quill shop (courtesy of Leanne, "I was almost out of ink!"). They all silently accepted that me and Susan had made up, as we walked to Zonko's.

Zonko's wasn't nearly as breathtaking as Honeyduke's, but nevertheless, quite beautiful. 

"Zonko's as well?" I heard in my left ear. "We should have seen it coming." I heard in my right ear.

I turned around, face-to-face with the Weasley twins. "Good lord." I muttered.

"How about a little," They looked at each other. "-fun, this week, eh?" Fred raised an eyebrow.

Fred and George have this insane idea that I have this brilliant "thing" for them that will help their business. They weren't half wrong- I had loads of ideas, I just didn't know how to achieve them. They always wanted to have this week filled with pranks at each other going back and forth but I refused every time they asked. They had started bugging me about it last year and they just wouldn't let it go.

"No. Absolutely not."

"Have a bit of fun will you?" George added, pouting his lip.

I raised my eyebrows. "Give me one good reason."

"Us." They said in unison.

I rolled my eyes. "You know what, fine. Monday through Friday only, and nothing after 6:00 pm on those days, clear?"

They grinned and nodded quickly. George leaned in and whispered "Better be ready."

I hate my life.

They walked out and I went to find anything I could to survive this coming week.

a/n; i know this isn't what honeydukes looks like but thats how i interpreted it in the books :)

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