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I woke up early on Monday to get breakfast from the kitchens before anyone could see me. I just wanted to skip this week. I had planned that I wasn't going to eat in the Great Hall for breakfast or lunch, and only for dinner, to avoid seeing the twins.

I got out bed and got dressed, grabbing my wand just in case, and quickly ran through the common room to get to the kitchens. I looked both ways down the corridor and decided no one was even close to being up yet. I walked to the kitchens and tickled the pear, quickly and quietly shutting the door behind me. I turned around only to meet two grins, filled with excitement.

I realized I never gave a time to start.

Their grins dropped.

They realized it too.

I quickly fumbled for my wand. "Viridis capillum!"

It hit both of them and both of their hair turned a bright green. "Bad idea."

I grinned and bolted out the door before they could realize what was going on. I wasn't stupid enough to go to the Great Hall and think that they wouldn't try anything there. I ran up a couple flights of stairs, hearing them yell jinxes from behind me, to end up on the fourth floor. I went to start running again but a hand grabbed me and pulled me into a broom closet, covering my mouth with their free hand. 

I heard the twins getting confused on where I went, but eventually ran passed. The person let go of me and I was met with bright, hazel eyes.

"Next time, watch where you're going." He grumbled.

The broom closet was small, and we were pressed against each other. I was breathing heavy, and I could feel his breath against my face with the slightest hint of mint. Our faces, quite literally, were inches apart. My breath hitched in my throat. My eyes slowly studied his features, mentally memorizing every curve on his face, until my eyes reached his lips. I cautiously wondered what they would feel like on mine.

I want him.

No you don't. Cut it out.


There's not a chance in hell. 

But maybe-


"Clear?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I nodded quickly. "Good." 

After that, he walked away, leaving me breathless and alone with my thoughts.

. * . * . * . * .

After 4 days of complete torture, it was finally Friday. They already turned my hair blonder then it already was, and I ended up in the hospital wing six times. Personally, it could've been worse. After Monday, we mutually agreed not to do anything to each other during meals. I had a stunt planned and prayed to God I didn't get myself killed. I had gotten Harry to put a little, lets say surprise, to put in their drinks for dinner, which led me to shoving the most food I could possibly get into my mouth before they got there so I could leave as soon as possible. They walked in and I dipped my head down so they didn't see me.

"Riley what are you-" I cut Hannah off before she could finish. "Shh!"

They sat down and took a swig off their drinks, but immediately spit it out on Lee Jordan.

Goblin piss.

"Yep that's my que." I whispered as I grabbed a piece of toast and started walking out.

They looked at each other in shock.

"That's it!" George said.

"We had a deal, Macmillan!" Fred yelled. The entire hall looked towards me.

"Happy Friday?" My voice went up at least two octaves.

 They blocked my way out of the hall, and there were people coming the other way, in other words, I was trapped. The only way out was over the table which was guaranteed to lose Hufflepuff at least 50 points with detention.

Dock 50 points and detention, or end up in the hospital wing puking up slugs?

Slugs are gross.

I cursed myself mentally before stepping on the bench and jumping over the Gryffindor table, kicking food into Ron's face, while Harry, Hermione, and the rest of the Great Hall was laughing.

"Sorry!" I'll apologize properly later.

The twins looked at me in utter disbelief

"Hey, gotta do what's essential!" I shouted sprinting towards the doors.

They started running after me as well, and caught up fairly fast being almost a foot taller than me.

I hastily checked my watch.

5:59 pm.

Thank Merlin

I slowed down, causing them to slow down too. "I hate you." They said in unison.

"No you don't." I said as I sweetly smiled and they raised their wands just as the clock rang 6 bells.

"Goodnight boys." I said as I turned around to go back to the common room waving to them as I left.

I was exhausted.

YOURS TRULY,  theodore nott (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now