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"Exams suck."

"I can't listen to your voice right now. I have one more-"

"In that case," Zach took my quill out of my hand, leaving a streak of ink across my finger bed. I sighed and slammed my book shut, moving to the other side of the common room. I opened it back up and started reading again. 

I felt the couch dip down beside me, and I moved closer to the armrest. He only followed suit. "What? What could you possibly need right now?"

"I need you to give me your attention," He stated.


"Because you're always ignoring me." He whined, throwing his head back on the couch, and covering his head with a pillow.

"I am not."

"Are too." He said in a stifled voice.

I went to open my book back up when my watch caught my eyes. "For fucks sake," I groaned and threw my book at his chest as I got up to leave for my exam that I was about to be late for.

. * . * . * . * .

"I failed,"

Zach snorted. "Well if you failed, imagine what my scores look like." He jumped on my bed and covered his face with a pillow

"That's slightly reassuring," 

"Shut up, you weren't supposed to agree with me." He threw said pillow at me while I was packing. 

Exams were over. It had been a stressful week for many, knowing that the following year would only be harder.

Most people were outside. It was a beautiful day; flowers in full bloom and the lake was at a temperature that was immaculate for swimming. I would have been outside as well, had I not put off packing until the very last minute. 

"You need to relax,"

"Piss off."

"See? This is what I'm saying."

I gave him a pointed look as he started laughing.

They had been better as well. They loosened up and were able to hold a conversation with me for more than a minute.

Not that it mattered. They still had the idea in their head that I was better of them in some way. 

Their loss.

I missed them, I really did. But if they didn't miss me, why would I waste my time?

The train ride home was uneventful. If you didn't count Zach throwing jelly beans at me for an hour.

Most of the ride was spent appreciating the past year and dreading doing home.

Home never really felt homey. It was boring. Nothing to do but sit straight up and look pretty. It wasn't a place of comfort. Ever.

But I knew that Hogwarts would always be my home. 

. * . * . * . * .

a/n; this chapter sucks and i'm not proud of it. i don't understand why i thought it would be a good idea to start this in third year, but whatever. the next chapter will sorta change from first person to third omniscient. ty for the patience w this book. it has not been the best so far, but as i continue to write, i feel that it will get much, much better. thank you, and have a good day/night. i love you all.

YOURS TRULY,  theodore nott (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now