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"Wake up. I said wake up! Come on!" A voice said as they shook me awake. "Let me sleep." I whined, as I pulled my blanket over my head.

"No! It's Christmas!"

I shot up. "It is?"

"Yes! That what I've been- never mind."

I was already half way out the door before she finished. Almost no one, except for the third years, stayed behind for Christmas, seeing as every one was scared of Sirius Black.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and shortly stopped to admire all of the presents that were located under the tree. I walked over but was tackled onto the couch, with a muffled "Merry Christmas Ley."

"Get- off- of- me-" I said trying to push him off.

He got off and laughed at me, while shoving a present at me, urging me to open it. "Go on then."

I looked at him suspiciously but opened it nonetheless. I gasped. "You did not." He grinned.

Inside was a pair of omnioculars. "I know how much you love watching me play."

I hit him with the box. "I hate you." I grinned.

"As if."

I got up and hugged him. "You're really self-centered you know."

"Believe me, I know." As he pulled away, and I hit him with the box again.

"Riley! Riley? Where even are you?"

I rolled my eyes as Ernie walked in. "Happy Christmas, little sis."

"What'd you get me?" I asked eagerly. "I was supposed to get you something?"

"Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas!" Hannah yelled.

"Lovely morning, is it not? I think we should open gifts now."

"Oh I would, but seeing as Ernie didn't get me anything-"

"I didn't-"

"Honestly, I don't care." I grinned.

I was never the type to care for presents, but only the thought that went into it. If you gave everyone the same thing, it wouldn't be special. I didn't need expensive things, I just wanted the thought process, and I'll enjoy it.

I got a journal from Susan, chocolate frogs from Zach, a Broomstick Servicing Kit from Hannah, new quills from Leanne, a book on potions from Hermione, a Weasley sweater from Mrs. Weasley, and a box of puking pastilles from the twins.

Leanne nudged me, and I brushed it off thinking it was an accident.

She nudged me again. "What?"

"Look." She pointed to the smallest present under the tree. "Get it."

I reached under to grab it and pulled it out. "It doesn't have a tag." 

"Open it."

"What? No. It's not mine." I said, shaking my head.


"So?! I'm not going to open someone else gift, Leanne."

"Fine." She took it from me and opened it. A note fell out, and she read it silently and the longer she read, the bigger her smile grew.

"Let me see-" I started, reaching over to grab it.

"I thought you didn't want to see it?" She said with a devilish grin on her face, pulling the gift out of my reach.

"Well now that you've opened it, it doesn't matter anymore now, does it?"

She handed me the note and started laughing. I read it.

"Riley, we don't talk
that much but I think
we should start.
From me to you. 
Consider it the
of our
Yours, C.D."

My face got redder and redder with every word I read.

"You know who that is, right?" Leanne asked, almost crying with laughter.

"Yes." I mumbled. "I think this belongs to you then." She handed me the gift, and I opened it, with everyone watching silently.

A necklace lay inside, a simple, small, silver one. It had a small jewel, with 07 plated onto it. It was, in fact, very pretty. But silver was really not my color.

Susan gasped over my shoulder. "It's so pretty." She whispered mostly to herself.

"Yeah, it is." I closed the box and set it down to see Leanne laughing with Hannah, who had now joined her.

"Hey, stop, I think it's sweet." Susan said to them.

"It's cheesy." Hannah said back, and it only made them laugh harder. I looked to my left to see the boys looking the most confused I've ever seen them (which is saying something, their faces in Astronomy are priceless).

"What is it?" Zach pushed.

Ernie pulled the note out of my hands and read it out loud.

"C.D.? Who's C.D.?" Ernie asked giving the note back to me.

"Well it's sort of obvious," Susan said, looking at me as if for permission to proceed.

"It's Cedric!" Leanne and Hannah said that the same time, still laughing.

Each of the boys had a different reaction. Ernie looked like I just told him I was pregnant, Zach joined Leanne and Hannah laughing, and Justin looked like he was gonna be sick.

"Will you three relax? It's just a note-"

"Yeah, a note from Cedric. What, you guys a thing now?" Zach said, as they fell back laughing.

"Isn't he, like, three years older then you?" Justin asked.

"No, Zach, we aren't a thing," I turned to Justin. "And yes, he is." I finished looking embarrassed, but I couldn't help it. To be fair, it's not every day Cedric Diggory of all people goes around giving people things. And what made me most confused, is that Cedric wasn't shy. If he wanted to talk to you, he would. His ego was too overinflated to send notes.

So why did he do it then?

That's a question I don't know the answer too.

After Zach, Leanne, and Hannah got over their laughing fit, the rest of the day was spent uneventful.

It ended with all of us getting our blankets and pillow, sleeping together on the floor (seeing as we couldn't go into each others dorms), and I ended up falling asleep on Justin once again.

a/n; look at me! i updated! shocker! 

now that cedric is in the picture, things can get spicy tehe.

much luvv.

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