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It's the day before finals and since the last note, I've only received two more. 

Currently, I stare blankly at them four notes scattered on my bed, legs crossed underneath me with my head on my hand.

The third note read "Every time I see you, you get more euphoric every time."

The forth one I got came with another flower, an orange daylily, and read "Omnipotent. That is what you are."

I hated these notes with a burning passion. Not because they were extremely cheesy and cliché, no, I hated these notes because I didn't know who they were coming from, or if it was a joke or not. For all I know, it could be a first year messing around, or a completely serious seventh year. It could be Leanne messing with me, or the twins pulling some stupid prank. 

I've been told multiple times that I'm overthinking it, or making a big deal out of it.

I just want to know who it is.

I want to know if they're serious. I want to know who they are. I want to know why they decided to use notes. I want to know what the notes mean. I want to know why they decided on me.

I have so many questions and no answers.

These notes also made me feel insecure. 

They made me feel like I was always been watched. Like every move I made,  and every single thing that came out of my mouth was written down. It made me self-conscience, like I couldn't trust anyone I knew. I was scared to say something that they might take it.

I just hoped I didn't have a stalker.

I stopped talking as much. During conversation, I only spoke when I was spoken to. I rarely participated in class, and when I did it was involuntary. I covered up more, wearing jumpers and thicker skirts. I never went anywhere without a book, so that I always looked busy, and no one would bother me. Every time I saw an empty corridor, I'd turn around and walk the other way. I overslept more then usual. 

Constantly, I felt watched.

The only time I felt completely safe was when I was in the Great Hall. 

Because there was too many people to try anything.

And no one. No one. Not one single person noticed these changes. 

Except for Zach. 

He noticed a month after I started shutting people out, and he hasn't left my side since. Everywhere I went, he went with me. Class? He walked me. Bathroom? He'd wait for me outside. Great Hall? Always next to me. Library? Studying with me. Every where I went I awlasy had a protective arm wrapped around my shoulders. Cedric couldn't even get within a five foot radius of me because every time I saw him, I dragged Zach the other way. It felt like a sense of comfort. To know at least someone cared enough to help. 

After he noticed, things got better.

I still shut myself out to anyone that wasn't him, but applied myself more in conversation. I participated more. I started getting to class on time.

He didn't try and push his limits either. He didn't force me to talk to people of whom I didn't want to talk to. He didn't try and make conversation if I was in a bad mood. I didn't feel like I had to watch what I said or did around him. I felt comfortable

Very soon, all of my once close friends became mutual friends. And Zach was the only one who filled that gap.

They did, in fact, realize this.

And they made it seem like I wanted to push them away. I didn't. I spiraled and they didn't care.

With every meal that passed, they sat further and further way from us. 

Occasionally, Susan or Ernie was pass us an apologetic smile as if to say "we don't know why they're being like this and we're not part of it", but every time they did, they'd get nudged and roped back into conversation, while whoever nudged them just glared at us.

Surprisingly, things were simpler.

My grades went up, seeing as I had less distractions and more study time. I got to class on time because I didn't have people to talk to me. I worked on my body image more, as I didn't have people pulling me aside to give me a spare bit of drama.

I felt happier.

Yes, in the courtyards I still felt like I was being watched, but I felt protected. I trusted Zach, and I knew that no matter what I said, he'd keep it to himself.

I groaned as I threw my body back on my bed in frustration.

"You gotta stop looking at those, Riley."


Zach gave me a pointed look and held out his hand. "Give 'em."

I rolled my eyes and reluctantly gave them to him.

He set them on my nightstand and put a book on top of them. He fell back on my bed looking up at the ceiling above my bed.

"Ready for finals tomorrow?" He changed the topic, not removing his gaze from the ceiling. I could see his eyes darting from crack to crack , almost as if he was connecting the dots to some unknown puzzle.

I snorted in an unladylike fashion. "No." I laughed, shaking my head.

He glanced at me and smiled, before averting his eyes back to the ceiling. "Yeah. We'll probably both fail anyways."

I feigned hurt. "You wound me, Zach. Truly."

He laughed. "Maybe that wound would get you out of the exam, eh?"

"Think so?"

He hummed in response.

"Then I'll be going to see Madam Pomfrey then." I mumbled standing up. I got pulled back down by the waist, and fell on my bed.

"I take that back she'll probably just tell you to shove it up your-" 

"Yeah I get it, I get it." I laughed. 

He smiled. I was safe.

. * . * . * . * .

YALL FOR WAITING. i didn't know where i
was going to go with this but i did it :D ILY.

YOURS TRULY,  theodore nott (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now