You didn't want to see me fly or as you say float around in the air. You said it yourself you want me to stay on the ground. Didn't you? Saying it is bad for me. You know what is bad and good for me? Oh yeah your supposed to. It sure depends on the way you look at it thought. Want to try looking at it with a different perspective? You know, everyone starts of with them floating around. All you have to do to move forward is trying to fly. It does take some time. You have to get used to it and learn how to control your wings. Many won't even try to spread their wings, they shout for the steady ground for they are scared. Those who land on the ground won't look up nor around. Either they'll face the ground or straight forward blind to their surroundings. Crawling around till they leave a trail of nothing but grey dust behind them instead of glorious feathers. As they keep on walking without looking up they forget how silence, peace or freedom feels. Pheraps there are souls who look up to be met with different scenes. Maybe they'll miss or wonder about flying, will they be jealous? Envious? Will they keep moving, stopping and just watch or try to jump as high as they can to reach the clouds?? Then there are the ones who look up and see rain. What else is there besides rain. And will they be able to see it? You may call it whatever you please. Falling stars. Dying souls. Broken angel's. Demons without wings. The name doesn't matter, what matters is they're all falling. I will grand your dear wish I will look down and reach the ground. I only have one to ask for. Not one of your wishes were fulfilled I only brought you misery so I'll give my very own to give you what you please. Just watch me as I fly for the first and last time after that I promise to land on the ground and stay there forever. Watch me carefully as I slowly come closer and closer and reach the ground.
I warned you to watch carefully.
If you truly desire to see me, come find me.
Look up at the sky and your surrounding. Are you the one you claim to be or have you been lying all this time? If so I shall land anyway just far away from you so that you'll never find me. And if you do congratulation. I'm on the ground looking nowhere but right into the darkness.
It's too late thought.
Did you watch carefully? Since you will never get to see it again.
Not even the weak smile I'm wearing right now.

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