Chapter 6

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There were practically flames coming out of my shoes as I marched down the halls. He might have been my, my friend but I had to draw the line somewhere. He knew I was under pressure and just kept pushing. He just didn't know where to stop. I would do anything for Wood but allowing him to run his mouth was not something I wanted to get into the habit of. Pathetic, he had called me pathetic. I was so wrapped up in my head that I ran straight into Ren before I even registered that he was standing there.

"Oh" I exclaimed jumping back "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going"

"that's obvious" he said flatly.

"can I help you?"

"not particularly" he said. He just seemed to be wandering aimlessly around, looking for someone or some place to go to. He scanned my face, I stared at him daring to ask what had me so disorientated. He remained quiet.

"care for a walk?" I asked.

"it's freezing outside" he said pointing to the window.

"do you not have coats in Heliana?" the sarcasm in my voice ran down the corridor.

"you really are a brat, aren't you?". Men, bloody men. I was so done with people underestimating what I was prepared to do for this country.

"look Ren, I get it. You don't want to marry me. I'm basically a child to you. But I'll tell you something. I'm not stupid. I'm Queen of this country for a reason and I work just as hard as you if not harder. If you want to get married and ignore each other for the rest of our lives that's quite alright with me. But I won't be spoken to like a piece of dirt on your shoe. I have wars being fought on all sides, fighting one within my own palace is something I have little interest in" my heart was racing at about a million miles an hour "you can come find me when you feel like talking to me like a human being. Or don't. I don't particularly care. But I'm trying to make this work. For each and every person living in that city and beyond". I just breezed past him. I wasn't a child and I wouldn't be treated like one.

"Addison" he said coldly. I just turned and looked him in the eye.

"for the record. I know you're not stupid" he almost grimaced saying it, a glimmer of hope. A small one but still.

"and you'll do well to remember that" I snapped "and also, for the record. You can call me majesty" the challenge gleamed in my eyes. Ren smirked, he looked if he had the chance to throw me from one of the windows he would.

I walked slowly back to my room after that. Watching the staff measuring doors and windows for Christmas decorations that would be hung over the next week. I smiled sadly thinking of the joy that this time of year used to bring me. Not anymore, not after everything. "silver or gold, majesty?" Rhodes the head of the household asked moving away from the ladder after ensuring that the staff were in good shape.

"hum, I think both" I laughed. He offered me his arm and I linked mine in his. Rhodes had been in the palace since my grandfather was in power. He had often saved me when I was in trouble as a child and was always the one who caught me stealing ice cream in the middle of the night. He was at the centre of the palace and like a grandfather to me in every way.

"I had a funny feeling you were going to say that" he chuckled "how is Wood?"

"causing trouble as per usual" I rolled my eyes. We walked through the corridors stopping every now and again to ponder on the decorations or changes the celebrations this year. It wasn't until we passed my office door that Rhodes spoke again.

"may I say Addison, you are doing a rather fantastic job at the moment" he said looking down at me with his large kind eyes.

"Rhodes, what I have always loved about you is that even if the palace was burning to ground you would still tell me I am doing fantastically well" I patted his arm.

"he would be extremely proud of you. You need to know that"

"I do hope so" I said quietly.

"Addison, you are doing a job you never should have had to do in the first place. The fact that you can walk around this place with a smile on your face and a pep in your step is monumental"

"what do you think of our visitors?" I asked leaning my hand on the door handle of my room.

"no man with a title, with money or none at all will never, and I mean never be good enough for you my dear" he chuckled. I smiled at him sadly.

"what do I do?" I took a shaky breath.

"what your father would have done. Follow that heart of yours. It's always right"

"thank you" I said opening the door.

"anytime, your majesty. Now, sleep. I've had the doors of the kitchens fixed with alarms"

"you know that I am the Queen of this country, right?" I said placing my hands on my hips.

"and I am in charge of this household" he winked at me.

"don't I know it" I laughed "good night Rhodes" I smiled.

"Good night Addison". I hardly slept that night. I tossed and turned in the sheets, as if it would rid my head of the thoughts constantly running through them. By two in the morning sleep still hadn't come. I climbed from the white sheets and opened the window next to my dresser. The freezing November wind swept into the room rising every hair on my arms. The garden beyond already covered in a light dusting of snow. A dark figure walked among the garden path looking up to the moon and stars above. His hair reflected the bright lights above as he walked back towards the palace. Oliver. I guess I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep.

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