Chapter 11

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"why would I be jealous?" his voice cracked slightly.

"oh, do give over, I'm not blind. Just let him in" I said taking my glasses off "I don't see why it matters to you any way. I'm pathetic after all" that was seriously unkind, but I did it anyway. He deserved it. I don't know why I wanted to make him jealous, or if I just like annoying him, but I just did. Wood face was stained with red, clearly realising his stupid mistake may already have been made. He left seconds later replaced by the prince.

"remind me not to get on your bad sight, he looks like he's about to vomit" he chuckled.

"trust me when I say he deserved it" I sat suddenly feeling the exhaustion from the day seeping into my bones.

"you are quite something aren't you?" he looked at his feet.

"say it like you mean it"


"your face doesn't match your words" I chuckled.

"excuse me?"

"you say it, but you're face says you are either unsure about the statement you've just made, or you're embarrassed that you said it all"

"I don't like you very much"

"I'm aware" I said walking around my desk and sitting on it, my green skirt flaring at my feet "care for a walk?"

"well" he took his hands out of his pockets, about to make an excuse.

"you princes really do like turning your noses up at me, don't you?" I kept the forced sassy expression on my face, to hide, well, hurt, I guess.

"you really do like to flirt" he said leaning against the door frame.

"do you blame me? All I have to look at all day is Julian and I'm not exactly his type" he laughed at that, in solidarity, he understand what it was like to be locked up in a cage, a pretty one at that but a cage all the same. "and considering I'm to spend the rest of my days tied to, oh yes, your brother. I'll take anything I can get".

"what about that guard? He seems pretty certain on entertaining you" his eyes dead serious.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I jumped from the desk.

"well, he wants to be the one close to you all of the time. He stood beside you in that forum, inches from you. It looked very much like you two were trying to hide something" that roguish smile reappeared.

"oh really?" I drawled.

"and he stopped me from coming in here which means he's clearly jealous"

"and who would he be jealous of" I stepped slowly towards him.


"you're egotistical you know, that right?" I was five steps from him, four, three.

"I'm aware of the fact, yes" one step from him. But he bridged the gap first.

"but you've made an error"

"and what might that be" we were inches form one another.

"you've realised that I saw who you really were in that car earlier and just there now. Someone who wants to make this world a better place. So, now you've slipped back into the role of the playboy prince in his brother's shadow" his aftershave filled my nose.

"the secret service has missed a trick with you" he said so quietly, I almost didn't hear him.

"they hate me, I know them to well it makes slipping away far to easy" he looked down at me.

"well, why don't we?"


"slip away?" he whispered.

"you deny me a walk in my own gardens" I stepped away from him walking to the desk once more "and then ask me to make a runner with you. What kind of girl do you take me for?" mock shock dripped from my voice.

"one in need of adventure" he took me off guard with that one "one in need of fun and distraction and love"

"distraction and love should never come in the same sentence" I said quietly. He nodded. He knew. Maybe he'd had too many "distractions" in his life. Or maybe he'd been that very distraction to too many people he cared to deeply about.

"I guess I'll see you around"

"oh, trust you will, now that I have a point to prove" I said shedding the cardigan and throwing it over the couch.

"and what would that be?"

"it's Christmas and this time of year is the perfect opportunity to show you that my life is full of adventure, fun and distraction" I grinned.

"not love?" he asked turning the doorknob.

"no" I felt my heart snap slightly "no love".

"well, I do look forward to your attempts at convincing me this place is not wholly boring" he smiled slyly before leaving the room. Next on my list of duties from Julian was to organise something Ren tomorrow before the treaty negotiations begin.

"lucky me" I said to the empty room.

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