Chapter 12

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"We cannot give over that much of our forces that quickly" Chief General Morgan said for the fifth time in an hour. I seemed to be the only person on planet earth whose wedding vows would include army numbers and territory layouts.

"we are only asking for a number general" the Ambassador to Ildova from Heliana, Geosphe White cut in. "we are in the middle of fending off a mass rebellion, I believe giving up the number of soldiers you have on the ground would be of significant aid to this union". He was a short, balding, sickly looking man whose cheap aftershave could be smelled from about a mile away. I had been sitting here for at least two hours between Ren and my Mother, the later trying to keep the peace the former constantly whispering over to his oily companion.

"a number? You are asking us to reveal every facet of our armed forces before you've even put your cards on the table" the General exclaimed. I looked down at the silver band that now adorned my left hand. 'for show' that's all Julian had said when he had entered my office that morning with the little box. The sight of it made me gag.

"gentlemen" I cut in "I do hate to interrupt this lively exchange but we have been at this for two hours with little to no success" my mother let out a sigh of relief "can we please take a break and maybe then we can return and return to this, well, em, mess" the other generals, lawyers and council members around me moved quick as lighting to get out of that room. White was a brave man to argue with the General, even my father wasn't brave enough to do that. My mother mumbled something to me about menus for the ball and an impeding headache and excused herself, she wouldn't be back for round two. The room filtered out until it was just Ren and I left.

"well" I said breaking the uncomfortable silence that had fallen "that was certainly interesting"

"you can say that again" he muttered, clearly not up for a conversation. He wasn't getting away with it that easy.

"Red!" I called, the guard whom I had asked for instead of Wood for the moment entered, he had been a close friend of my fathers and a trusted man of mine. He stuck his head into the council room door.


"when Julian comes back, tell him to send them away. The prince and I will be busy for the rest of the afternoon" I smiled as he nodded and went to do as I said.

"since when do you make decisions for me?" he really was an aggressive guy.

"since I am going to be the one tied to you for the rest of your life, I'd like to get to know you and anyway, it's good manners to spend some time with the people who are keeping you watered and fed" I said standing up and brush off the deep green trousers I was wearing. He didn't say anything he just followed me out of the room and through the palace. He had no interest in art, or history or politics. He was a very bland guy all round.

"this exercise is pointless"

"pointless or not" I said heading towards the kitchens "it's worth a shot". It was early afternoon and preparations for dinner were yet to begin. "if I am correct" I led him down a spiral staircase which led straight to the main kitchen "all the staff should be having lunch now, so we, have the place to ourselves"

"what is this?" Ren looked disgusted as he took in the industrial size fridges, the large cookers and the Christmas green AGA that sat in the corner warming the room.

"it's a kitchen" I rolled my eyes, pulling open the freezer door.

"obviously, why are we here?" he said with such distaste.

"well, if you don't want to tell me anything about you, I thought I'd show you a bit about myself"

"and you felt the kitchens, where your 'staff' as you call them, reside, was the best place for this?" I directed him to the wooden chairs at the large wooden worktable in the middle of the room.

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