Chapter 19

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My mouth had gone dry. Unlike Wood I had managed to keep mine closed. She was spectacular. Covered head to toe in a dress as black as the night sky. However, this was not the version of Addison I had grown to like. She was terrifying, or at least she was trying to be. She couldn't scare me, not in that get up anyway. But it appeared I wasn't the centre of her attention. She sent daggers towards my brother who had an unreadable expression spread across his face. Addison watched him, almost enjoying his confusion. "shall we?" she said gesturing to the table. I could see Ren squirming and then it hit me. It was him that this little show was for. He had pissed her off and this was her retaliation and by the looks of it, she had won.

"how is the Prime Minister?" Athena asked, I almost sighed in relief when she did, the tense atmosphere between my brother and Addison had become unbearable.

"well, they will be at the ball" she said smiling slightly "with the baby"

"children?" Ren asked, wrong move.

"yes, children at the Christmas Ball" Addison snapped.

"it's tradition" Athena interrupted "that the children of the court and of our friends come at Christmas and celebrate with us. It is of course a family celebration"

"ah yes" Ren snarled "I don't believe it's something I wish to continue"

"it's a good thing then it won't be your choice" Addison snapped "tradition is an integral part of this household. Although we fight for change some thing's I like to keep the same"

"it's ridiculous, you sit a waste your time on children and their games" Ren was crossing the line and even White could see it.

"and how do expect to continue your line with me if you don't have children? Heirs don't just fall out of the sky in their twenties"

"It appears I already have a child standing right in front of me"

"let me get one thing very clear" Addison stood, bracing her hands on either side of table leaning towards Ren "I was raised to do this job. I will do whatever it takes to protect my country. Even if it means dealing with your insults and your petty behaviour. You might be a prince and a man. But I am a woman, a queen and twice the person you are" the Queen Mother was struggling to hold her normally held together expression. "I remind you what I could do to you and your 'smart mouth' if I had to" she held his stare waiting, eventually he couldn't stare her down anymore. He broke and she nodded to each of us. Before leaving the room with the same dramatic flare she had entered with.

"well" Athena said after a few uncomfortably quiet moments "I think that's enough entertainment for one evening. She stood bidding her goodnights. Ren and White weren't far behind her. My god had Addison gotten under his skin. Something had happened. Not the day of the announcement something bigger. Something that had sent her on this mission of annihilation. I sat alone for a few moments, with just the crackling fire and candles for company. I looked out into the freezing gardens and decided now was a better time than any to clear my head.

I had found my home in the gardens of the palace over the few weeks that we had been here. I was never an easy sleeper no matter where I was. I walked the path I had walked many nights, through the trees, towards the fountain. But a dark figure sat on the edge of the frozen fountain. Addison watched the light snow flurry around her, the sliver pins in her hair twinkling like the stars in the sky.

"you know it's funny" I said walking round the edge of the fountain "once this girl told me if I was going to walk in the gardens in the middle of the night I should wear a jacket"

"smart girl" she snorted barely looking away from the stars and the moon above her.

"apparently she's no good at taking her own advice" I slid off the dark dinner jacket and lay it over her shoulders. She almost jumped at my touch but looked up at me and smiled. "you put on quite a show"

"I don't like to do anything half"

"clearly, you're out here in the freezing cold with a half a dress on"

"well at least I know what you think about my outfit", I swallowed, we were on dangerous territory here. "what time does she arrive tomorrow?" she asked after a few minutes of silence.

"around midday" I said in the worlds most uninterested tone.

"how are you feeling about it?"

"to be honest, I keep thinking if I ignore it, it won't happen"

"something you and I have in common" she looked at me, but I stared forward because if I looked at her I was worried I wouldn't be able to look away.

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