Chapter 10

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I had never been so glad to get back into a car in my life. The adrenaline had helped me ignore the pulsing pain in my side, by now I wasn't sure if standing was something I'd be able to do for much longer. I was in the front of Addison's car before Ciara could argue with me. "get us home" Addison said flopping into the back seat "now".

"who was that insufferable excuse for a person?" the prince of Heliana asked hovering as if he was ready to jump into battle if asked.

"Representative Sine" I said after realising Addison wasn't going to answer the question "he leads the opposition party in our government. He's a stone-cold bastard only out for himself. I'm sorry Addison" the prince seemed unsurprised that I talked in such an informal way, but he was surprised when she noticeably cringed at what I had called her "he shouldn't have brought Sebastian up"

"please stop" she said quietly, leaning into the seat her head lolling to the side. She stared out the window, her face expressionless. I turned back around facing the windshield as we pulled off. She was quiet the rest of the way back. Rhodes waited on the steps when we returned, opening the door for Addison. "tell my mother I wish to see her" she said quietly before moving up the steps.

"Rhodes" the prince nodded to the Chief of Staff and headed after the Queen.

"if it as bad as what the tip for the evening papers said" Rhodes began as I rounded the car.

"it's worse, for her it will always be worse" I muttered. Ciara hopped out of the lead car walking to greet us.

"have the military heads come back with answers about our meetings with Heliana?" she asked, her face almost a mirror image of mine.

"if Julian's face is anything to go by, it's certainly ruined his scheduling" Rhodes shook his head as he walked away and up the steps. I followed soon after, taking up my usual position outside Addison's office. In truth I was normally in there with her. Chatting or reading while she worked. I don't think entering now would be safe for anybody, especially considering she was mad, and I still had no idea why.


"I never liked that man" my mother spit from the couch in my office.

"well that's just wonderful Mother, but it isn't going to help me deal with him now is it?" I scrunched my nose up again, pushing my glasses up my face. My heels sat discarded beneath the desk, the dress remained just covered by a grey knit cardigan that had belonged to Mother, she had snarled when she saw it complaining that she had been looking for it for months. "he cannot jeopardise this, not now"

"Prince Ren doesn't seem to bother either way" she said.

"oh mother, I know he's and interesting character but at this stage I don't care anymore. We need this and you were the one who pushed this in the first place" I threw my hands up in the air "there's no certain agreement yet, but we need to ensure that the military propositions are the first to go through". A sad smile spread across my mother's face.

"you're more like him than you'll ever know". Dad. He would've kicked Sine up and down the forum if had spoken to hm the way he did me today. "Sine brought up Sebastian". I just nodded. It was still raw talking about my brother who had left us so long ago, ten years and it never got any less painful.

"mother, what is it like? Having your heart broken?" I asked, not really knowing why this question sprung to mind in that second.

"my heart was shattered when your father died, but the cracks began when Seb left" her eyes drifted to the flames in the fire place as if she was mesmerised by it's glow "when your father died I almost felt it coming, in way it made it far less painful, but Sebastian". She looked at me with so much pain and betrayal reflecting in her cobalt blue eyes "to have your heart broken by someone you thought you'd have forever is the most painful heart break of all" she stood straightening her skirt "because it destroys the past you had with them, the present you are having and the future you thought you'd have" she walked to the door.

"I'm sorry" I said quietly "that he left us and I'm sorry I wasn't there the day dad..."

"I'm thankful everyday that you weren't" she whispered "I'm thankful you two had that argument and that you weren't in that car and that I didn't lose you too"

"he'd be proud of you two Mum, they both would"

"don't forget to pick out a dress for the ball and let me know which and tell Rhodes it's either gold or silver for the trees" there she was, back to herself once more "just because you're in charge does not mean the trees will look like something from a crappy holiday movie" It was like a switch in her. My mother was always good at compartmentalising her feelings. I guess I still had a lot to learn. I looked at the schedule Julian had left on my desk; I wish he had been there today. I would remind myself never to give him a day off on Parliament visits. Over the next few days came charity events, meetings with the contingent from Heliana, the Christmas ball and a list as long as my arm of present ideas for friends and family. A sharp knock sounded on the door.

"it's open" I called; Wood stepped through the door.

"Prince Oliver wishes to speak with you" He closed the door behind him.

"oh, okay" I was confused as to why he was telling me this. "why didn't you just let him in?"

"I" Wood looked to his feet and then back up again "I don't trust him"

"okay" I looked over the rim of my glasses "why?"

"don't you think it's odd that he never goes to any of the meetings with the Ambassador? And he always seems to be hanging around you?"

"oh, so that is what the issue is then" I stood bracing my hands on the desk.

"excuse me?"

"you're jealous because you think I like him"

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