make out ; j. jinsoul 🐟 [❕]

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genre ; make out!

members ; jinsoul!

members ; jinsoul!

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" life sucks " you mumbled. heejin, your best friend, just hummed. " yours, not mine " hyunjin, also your best friend, dissed.

" just because you got two bags of bread doesn't make your life better, hyUnJiN " you fought. hyunjin threw a book to your face.

" don't you dare mock bread. breads make everything better " hyunjin said, munching on her bread. you looked at heejin, which the girl just shrugged.

" if hyun said so, i can't go against her " heejin replied. you groaned and banged your head onto the table.

hyunjin suddenly nudged you, which you glared at. she pointed somewhere while mumbling something you can't make off because of those dAmn bReAdS in the way.

" jung jinsoul, dumbass " heejin said and turn you around. you saw Jinsoul entering the cafe but you just raise an eyebrow. " yeah? what's with her? " you turn to look at your two bf who just change glance with each other.

" you don't remember,,,? " heejin's stop and covered her mouth. Her eyes widened as she looks at Hyunjin who was equally shocked. you furrowed your eyebrow. " heejin, what did i do? did something hap- " oh, uhm, hello! are you jiyeon? " jinsoul suddenly greeted.

" uh, yeah, that's me. do you have something with me? " you asked, honestly confused. heejin and hyunjin swallowed hArd.

jinsoul chuckled, " i guess you didn't remember since you were too drunk. I'm jung jinsoul, the one you make out with last week " she smiled and extend her hand.

your brain hadn't finished processing what she just said while your hand moved on its own to shake her hand. heejin looked away while hyunjin slowly chew on her bread while glancing here and there.

jinsoul smiled as she gave a little squeeze to your hand. "let's go " she spoke up and pull you somewhere.

heejin waved goodbye while hyunjin was drinking water. guess she choked on those dAmn bReAdS. and you hope she chokes again.


you let jinsoul pull you to,,, wherever she's going to go. when you blinked, you realized she pulls you to her apartment. her apartment. ain't that hot.

she pushed you in and locked the front door. being the dumbass you are- you still had the time to look around her simple apartment. just then-

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