hot? hah ; s. hyejoo 🍉 [❕]

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this was requested! ✨

genre ; WE FIGHT, KISS AND MAKE UP. YEAH. just a tiny fight dont worry hehe.

member ; olivia hye!

member ; olivia hye!

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“ oh, you poor thing, ” you muttered, eyebrows creased as you watch the little feline that was laying on her bed. its eyes were tiredly trained on you, keeping the contact.

your heart broke at the sight of your cat lying down on the small bed, a tube was put into her mouth to give her the support to breathe properly.

she wasn't that old to be considered sick. it had been two years since you adopted your cat. you still questioned how could this happen. gibby ( yes that's the name of your cat ) was a healthy one.

you feed her well, play with her, and let her have her own space. that's why you were so confused as to why this happens. she was doing fine a few weeks ago.

you frequently come to the vet and let them check how gibby was doing. until now, she was in the best conditions.

your fingers pressed against the glass that was separating you from holding your baby. you didn't notice jungeun coming down the hallway. as your sister, it hurt her a little bit seeing you all emotional.

she smiled tapping on your shoulder. you turn to her with a sad face. jungeun sighs loudly and took your hand.

“ hey, cmon. gibby is gonna be fine. she's a strong one. ” jungeun said trying to ease your tension. you frowned and jungeun gave you a small apologetic smile.

“ hyejoo's outside by the way, ” she whispered as you nod. “ gibby's gonna be fine. let's hope everything goes well, okay? ” jungeun told while rubbing circles on your head to ease you. you know for the fact that she was referring to gibby's surgery and the more you thought about it, the more negativity comes from it.

“ let's think positively okay? you know that gibby would hate to see you like this. and hyejoo too. ” jungeun chuckled and you join along.

a few minutes forward, you sat up from your position". “ thanks unnie. ” you smiled and jungeun returned it. “ how is haseul unnie? ” you asked nonchalantly and laughed when jungeun's face heat up.

“ o-oh we're good. ” jungeun said covering her mouth. you wiggled your eyebrows and coos. “ more than good, i see~ ” you teased before jungeun slapped your forearm which hurt. you teased her more which resulted in you running away as jungeun hunts you down.

you laughed and turned around the corner when you bumped into someone. you shake your head before looking back up to meet two menacing black eyes boring down into you. but you just giggled and spread your arms.

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