rain ; k. jungeun 🦉 [💕]

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genre ; fluff!

member ; kimlip

member ; kimlip

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It was raining badly when you were crying at the park. The sound of rain pitter patter covered your whimpers. Your clothes all wet and you're soak in rain. You just let the rain took over you damn tear. But you gotta admit, it's goddamn cold out here.

you were sitting on one of the bench, crying. You just found out that your boyfriend, who you had a four year relationship with, cheated on you.

It broke you so hard. for the fact that you've been together for so long but he had the audacity to cheat on you. He had the audacity to fuck another girl when he knew you'll come back home. Fuck him.

" I'm so fucking pathetic " you mumbled and shivered. " no you're not. stop blaming yourself " you heard a voice beside you and you felt rain no longer soaking you. Tho, you're still soak and wet. you looked up and was met with a very familiar face.

" hey, it's me. jungeun or you might know me as kim lip " jungeun smiled while holding the red umbrella to shield both you and her away from the cold rain.

" what are you doing here? " you asked, lips quivering and your body shivering from the intense cold.

" that was supposed to be my question but I'll answer it. I was passing by while driving when i saw you. now, what are you doing here, in the cold rain at most? " jungeun answered then question. you just looked away. you didn't want to talk about. It make you feel sick.

jungeun smiled, " wait here. I'll be quick " she told as she hand you her umbrella while she dash to her car that was near. dhe came back with her purse covering her head and a blanket. she got under the umbrella and breath hardly.

" a-are you okay? " you asked, stuttering because of the cold. jungeun smiled. " no worries. I'm just a tiny bit bad a running " she told, which made you laugh. she took the blanket she was holding and wrapped it around you.

you felt the warmth when she pulled you up for a hug. jungeun held the umbrella as she took you to her car.

dhe opened the door and you quickly got in before she closed it. jungeun worked fast. Folding back the umbrella, throwing it into the boot and quickly got into her seat. She was a bit soak by the rain but not as worse as you. But it still got you worried.

you used the blanket to wipe the rain water off her shirt, face and hair. jungeun was startled at first but let you do your magic. you hummed in satisfaction when Jungeun was atleast clean.

The younger girl smiled and started her car. " do you want me to send you back to your apartment? " she asked, eyes focusing on the road.

you shivered at the unwanted memory. " c-can i stay at your place for a few days? i don't think I'm ready to go back. if it's not okay, you could just drive or call haseul for me " you said, laughing nervously. jungeun smiled when she turned to you for a slight second.

" no. i would love to have you at my place " she agreed. hou nod and smiled. You mumbled a small thank you before falling asleep.

" anything for you " jungeun mumbled and focused back on the road.


you felt the car stop so you opened your eyes. jungeun turn to you with her usual smile. " we're here " she told as she got out. You tried to get out by yourself but you were tired. Good thing jungeun was there to help you.

" easy now. you've been staying in the rain for so long. your body must have been very cold and weak " jungeun spoke while she help you up the stairs, into her house. you took a look around her house.

Colorful woods and walls, marble like furniture and fancy decorations. But those in one place just spells simplicity and peace. her house was big for one person. At least about six people could live in a house this big. You wondered if jungeun ever felt lonely.

" here. go take a bath and change your clothes. just put the wet clothes in the basin in the bathroom " jungeun came out and handed you a pair of track suit pants and a black tshirt. you smiled and thanked her. jungeun pointed where the guest room is and you thanked her again.

jungeun waited for you to finish while excitment was filling her whole body up. her crush is in the same house as her. But she still wondering what was you doing in the rain? especially on days like this. did something happened? Did-

she was cut off when she heard the door opening. her head immediately snap to your direction. you stood there, feeling a bit awkward plus nervous. You were wearing jungeun's clothes and you had to admit, she smells nice.

" I'm glad it fit " Jungeun spoke up. You nod nonchalantly. " y-yeah. thank you for your help, jungeun " you thanked, playing with your sleeve while looking down on the ground. jungeun swore your cuteness would kill her.

" what are you standing for? come sit " j.jungeun pat the space on the couch next to her. you awkwardly walk and sat next to her.

jungeun turned to face you, her eyebrow arched. " if you don't want to talk about it, it's fine but what were you doing in the rain? " jungeun asked, her eyes filled with concerns and it warm you.

" how should i say,,, i was getting things off my chest? getting fresh air? " you let out a non-existant chuckle as the atmosphere quickly die. jungeun scooted closer and held your hand. her eyes were still fill with warmth and concern. real concern.

" i broke up with my boyfriend who i had a four year relationship with. funny how he broke it up in less than 20 seconds " you rolled your eyes. jungeun stared at you before hugging you. you felt uncomfortable at first but melt into her arms.

" it's fine. im right here " jungeun whispered and you were confuse. she broked the hug and looked at you in the eyes. she know that you were confused and are questioning thing. " isn't it obvious? i like you. for a very long time now " jungeun chuckled.

you stared at her in bewilderment. " i know it's the worst time to confess since you just broke up but- you instantly cut her off with a soft kiss. you pulled away and saw how jungeun eyed your lips again before averting to your eyes.

you smiled, " maybe im starting to fall for you " you said before leaning into another kiss. jungeun just smiled and kiss you back.

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