like ; j. jinsoul & k. jungeun 🐟|🦉 [ 💕 ]

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genre ; fluff! hogwart!au, you're a ravenclaw while jinsol is a slytherin and jungeun is a gryffindor.

members ; jinsoul and kimlip!

( and i dont have lipsoul photo anymore...

“ i don't think i remember anything ” you spoke as chaewon, your best friend, just raised an eyebrow.

“ you sure? you were there, weren't you? ” she questioned as the two of you walked down the quiet hallway that was only filled with a few students. you nod and that got her even confused.

“ how can you not remember if you were there?? ” she almost yelled. you shrugged your shoulders before she shakes her head.

“ what class do we have now? ” you leaned to her a bit, shoulders touching. “ potion class ” she quietly answered when two seniors passed by. you nod, already feeling bored.

the two of you entered the potion class, taking your usual seats near the teacher's desk. students come in one by one until the class was filled.

two unfamiliars students with a slytherin and gryffindor rob entered and took the table next to you and chaewon that was always empty.

you didn't pay any attention to it and tend to chaewon who was short when she wanted to take an ingredient from the shelf.

jinsol leaned onto jungeun bumping their shoulders as they worked together. the two students at the behind were feeling a bit awkward and shy at the sight of jinsol and jungeun acting like a couple.

hands brushing against each other, the way they look at each other and smiles, their shoulders bumping every ten seconds, the way jungeun would hold jinsol's hand, and how they fit perfectly together.

professor horace just shook his head with a smile at the sight of different couple-likes students in his class.

“ professor horace, i don't think i can focus with all them in here ” a slytherin called out. some glanced at you and chaewon, some at yerim and jiwoo at the end of the class who were oblivious, and some at jinsol and jungeun who just stared at others.

“ just hold it in ” professor Horace laughed as the students joined in before going back to their task. you and chaewon worked on your potion until the water in the cauldron turned pinkish and created a small explosion.

you stumbled backward because of the explosion and sparkling it emitted. you were about to fall when someone caught you by the arms. you shake your head and was flustered to see jinsol's face near you. she had a smile on.

you immediately broke out of her hold and apologize before going back to chaewon who just smirked. jinsol watched as you hit your best friend lightly on the shoulder, a frown formed on her face.

they look good together, she thought and sighed before going back jungeun who raised an eyebrow. “ you okay? ” she nudges the older girl. jinsol's lips formed a thin line as she nods. “ yeah ”

you were casually sitting in the dining hall, doing you work alongside yeojin who kept bickering.

“ and you know what? he didn't even apologize! i hate men so much ” she grumbled as you lightly chuckled.

after a few minutes of yeojin rambling, you felt someone sat down next you. you thought it was yerim who went to take her books.

“ oh, you're ba— uh- jungeun? ” you were shocked to see the not-so-familiar brunette.

she smiled softly, “ can i sit here? if it's okay with you ” you stared at her for a while so yeojin answered with a yes.

“ y/n ” yeojin poked you, bringing you back to reality. “ oh— uh-sure! we're okay with it ” you stuttered and jungeun found it cute.

she chuckled lightly as a red tint spread across your face. you watched from the corner of your eyes, jungeun doing her homework like usual. you shake your thoughts away and continued on your work.

a few moments later, yeojin gathered her stuff and stood up from her spot. “ i need to go now. see ya! ” the hufflepuff said before walking away as you went back to your work.

but then you felt something soft dropped on your right shoulder before you blushed immensely when it was jungeun who fell asleep.

you didn't want to move, afraid it would wake her up. you panic not knowing what to do. should you wake her up? or let her sleep as you're already done with all your classes. but what about her classes?

jinsol came busting into the hall, there weren't many students left. she spots jungeun from afar and was about to call out when she saw her head on your shoulder. her heart tugged at the sight but quickly shook it off as both her and jungeun were late for their last class.

she dashed until she got to your table as you looked at her in confusion. she pointed at the sleeping jungeun before you nod. jinsol placed her hand on jungeun's shoulder and lightly shakes her.

“ lip, you're gonna miss your class ” jinsol whispered to her best friend before jungeun opened her eyes and yawned cutely.

she looked over to you and smiled. you were stunned when she placed a kiss on your cheek. “ thank you for lending a shoulder. sol, let's go ” she winked before walking away.

jinsol stared in disbelief before following jungeun. she took a glance at you who was still in euphoria cause of jungeun's kiss. she felt blood rushing to her face as she frowned before continuing out. 

you felt your heart busting in an unfamiliar rhythm as your fingers graced the spot jungeun had kissed. it this how it feels to like someone?

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