~Chapter Seventeen~

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It's been a couple of weeks since the contract incident and life in hell has been boring as hell (Pun intended).
There's nothing to do around here other than punishing sinners and hearing bloodcurdling screams. Their cries can be heard all through hell no matter how hard Lance tries to block it out. He misses Keith. He was supposed to stay by his side and love him, but now he can't. Lance always wondered what Keith would be doing right now.



"No." Hunk sighs and placed his phone on the counter. "We haven't seen him since Friday two weeks ago." Pidge mumbled and stared at Keith. Keith was the one most damaged by Lance's disappearance. "Keith—" Started Allura.

"No, he's going to come back." Keith interrupted and wiped his eyes, "He's gonna fucking come back."

"Keith, I don't think he's coming back." Romelle whispered and hugged her friend. "I can still see the chain, so the contract hasn't been broken and we all still remember him!" Keith shouted and his leg started bouncing.

"Have you reading the summoning book?"

"I have, and I can't connect with Lance because we didn't bond yet!"

"How can you still see the chain if he was supposed to leave two weeks ago? Wouldn't the chain disappear?" Lotor asked with a brow raised. Keith sniffled, "The book said I had to draw blood on the summoning star and Lance had to stand in it. He just disappeared so the chain isn't going to go away until he leaves properly."

"Then he should still see the chain too!" Allura beamed. Keith stared at her and groaned, "That's what I've been thinking but maybe he just doesn't want to be with me."

"He wouldn't have asked you out if he didn't." Chimed Hunk.

Keith hummed and flipped through the summoning book again. "Why don't you try to summon him again?" Lotor asks as he rested his chin on his hand. Keith looked up from the book wide eyed, "T-That could work!" He says and hurriedly got out of his spinning stool, with the book in hand, and ran up the stairs.

"Should we follow him?" Allura asks. Lotor shrugged and followed Keith. Hunk, Romelle, and Allura stayed while Lotor and Pidge went with Keith.

"You work fast." Lotor stared around the dark dusty attic. "Can one of you bring me a bandage?" Keith asked as he let his blood drop one time. Pidge nodded and left to get the first aid kit. "Do you think it's gonna work?" Lotor mumbled and leaned on the wall. Keith shrugged and stared at the summoning star. "I hope it does."

Pidge ran back up the attic stairs, with the first aid kit, and opened the kit. She bandaged up his hand and they waited.

"How long do we have to wait?" Complained Lotor.

"He didn't spawn until twelve in the morning." Keith says. Lotor groaned, "It's only five-thirty."

"You can always leave." Deadpanned Pidge.

Lotor stuck his tongue at Pidge and whacked her in the back of the head. Pidge growled and Lotor ran out the attic with Pidge following close behind. Keith stared at the faint glowing chain around his wrist. "Lance, where are you?"

Keith heard rustling and turned his head to the noise. The summoning book flipped to the very back of the page and it slid to Keith's side. He read the page and it said, "Valmora ev Meli vortez."

Keith tilted his head and said, "Valmora ev Meli vortez?" The words started to glow and on the bottom of the page it said to repeat it over and over again.

"Valmora ev Meli vortez." Keith says again and watched the words glow brighter. "Valmora ev Meli vortez." Once again, the words glowed brighter.

'Who the hell am I summoning? I didn't have to do this for Lance last time.'

"Valmora ev Meli vort—"

"Damn it dude, chill! I'm coming, I'm coming!" A voice said. Keith quickly looked at the summoning circle and saw a portal appear.

"Dios mío, do you know how hard it is to form a portal without almost breaking myself?"

Keith blinked and his mouth was ajar. The demon held his breath and looked around. Nobody said anything.

Keith was too shocked and so was the demon. The demon raised his finger to say something but his mouth didn't fly open.

"Where the fuck were you dipshit?!" Keith yelled. The demon was taken aback. "I-I..you...we...Satan broke the contract." He mumbled.

"Lance, Satan has no control over the bonds that Humans and Demons have! Satan isn't strong enough to break a contract between a human or a demon." Keith shouted and tears slides down his beautiful pale cheeks.

Lance looked at his wrist and his bonded chain show again. "Did you summon me again?"

"Yeah, it was Lotion's idea. I had to say these weird words to do so."

Lance walked out of the summoning star and looked at the book. "You destroyed our old bond to summon me. Also, you flipped to the wrong page. You summoned Satan's son, who is dead."

"How did you appear then?"

"It's complicated." He chuckled nervously. Keith didn't care how he got here but he's back and there was nothing that could ruin this. He pulled Lance into a tight embrace and he wasn't letting go any time soon.

"Oh, we need to bond." Lance says in a low tone and wraps his arms around Keith's waist. "Sex?"

"No, blood." Answered Lance. Keith nodded and unwrapped his hand. There was still blood pouring out a bit. Lance grabbed ahold of Keith's hand and licked the blood right off.

Keith giggled, "That tickled."

"Your blood tastes good. This was what I was missing out on? Damn I would've slit your wrist if I'd known your blood taste that good." Lance cooed and kissed Keith's nose. Keith fake laughed and punched Lance in the arm. "Oh, yeah our first date." Keith mumbled.

"This can be our first date. I'm back and I don't know how long I'm staying but I'll stay for however long I want."

Keith smiled and pecked Lance on the cheek. "The others are downstairs."

"Yeah, yeah but they can wait. I just got you back, let's spend this time together." Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's waist and holds him close to his chest. Keith hummed and fluttered his eyes closed. "I missed you." Keith says. Lance chuckled lightly. "I missed you too, Keithy."
A/N: Sorry if this was rushed! I was running out of ideas ;~; Love ya beauties ❤️👌🏾 I was going to do a extra chapter but I got no ideas. Oh well🤷🏾‍♀️ No text chapter 😭 Sorrrrrryyyyyy😔❤️

Mwah! 💋

Final chapter!

Words: 1129

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