Course Survival

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By half past nine , the auditorium was filled with excited and curious students . Craig was the most excited .

Craig : This guy seems like a real hero ! With a coach like him , we'll lock up the baseball championship this year , and maybe the annual Rodents'Regatta , too !

Shen : The way you're squeaking , this guy must be a magician . Our boat is so old , it's pratically prehistoric ! We'll need a miracle to win the regatta ! Ha ha ha !

Among the girls , too , there was great curiosity . Vanilla , for example , who was not a sports fan , had insisted on sitting in the front row .

Vanilla : You never know what might happen . We might actually learn something from this musclemouse !

At 10 o'clock sharp Bruce entered the auditorium .

Bruce : Hey , there , young peoples ! I'm here to turn you into real adventure mice !

In the front row , the Thea Sisters were listening , enthusiastic , Dina and Tanya are behind them and while Vanilla ...

Vanilla : 《 Humph ! He's such a asshole ! 》

Octavius : Professor Hyena is famouse throughout the world for his extreme adventures ! He will be teaching a course on survival techniques . His class will last six weeks , and it's open to everyone .

Bruce peered critically around the crowd of students .

Bruce : Who here knows how to work hard ? I see lots of promise , but only if you're ready to work your paws off . If you exercise both your bodies and your brain , you'll be tough enough to climb Mount Kilimanjaro if you want to !

The students looked down timidly , except for a few .

Bruce : But no worries , young peoples ! I'll teach you how to face the fiery dunes of the desert and the snowy blizzards of the North Pole . By the end of my class , you'll be thanking me while you work out , or my name isn't Bruce Hyena !

The presentation of the course was brief , but , when the students left the auditorium , all smiled in awe .

Paulina : He's so energetic , and he seems super smart , too !

Violet : I was afraid his class would be just for jocks , but he makes it sound like muscles ! I'm going to sign up . How about you ?

Nicky : Of course , mate ! We'll all sign up !

Pamela : Yes ! Let's do it , dude !

They all turned to Colette , who didn't like stirring activities ... suspected of shrinking her brushing . But oh surprise , Colette was on the same wavelength .

Colette : Are you kidding me ? Professor Hyena is cooler ! Plus , he's friends with Thea . Of course we have to sign up !

The new survival course sparked an avalanche of registrations . Bruce had decided to give his lessons early in the morning and in the middle of nature . He liked to stimulate his students with funny phrases that they liked to repeat : An active mouse is a happy mouse ! '', '' No lazy mice here , only crazy mice ! Crazy for fitness ! '' or '' You can do it ! Slow but steady , tired but inspired ! Come on , work those paws ! Hup , hup , hup ! You can thank me later ! ''. Bruce led the large group of students , moving and descending along the wooded paths that surrounded the academy . In this way , everyone continued to exercise while having fun , and he could explain with what he had on hand how to climb a tree to see further ... how to tie a very resistant knot ... how to distinguish an edible mushroom from a poisonous one . Pamela found Bruce extremely sympathetic .

Pamela : He's fascinating ! I can't imagine a boring class with Professor Hyena !

For Nicky , he was the ideal trainer .

Nicky : It's so inspiring to see an athlete who believes in pursing his own dream . He's a scampering , squeaking example for us all !

The other Thea Sisters , too , followed him very willingly , each for their own reasons . Paulina admired her knowledge of nature .

Paulina : He's always teaching us new and useful things , but best of all , he's showing us paws-on ways to respect the environment !

Colette : That's so true ! And these brisk walks give me so much energy !

Finally , Violet had discovered one of Bruce's little secrets .

Violet : He loves poetry just as much as sports . Look at this beautiful book he lent me !

But not all students admired Bruce as much as the Thea Sisters . Vanilla , for example , found her lessons perfectly useless .

Vanilla : This stuff went out with the cavemice ! With today's technology , everything is done a lot quicker and better .

Connie was staring at her , yet it was she who had insisted that they take this class together .

Connie : Then why you tell us to sign up ?

Vanilla : Because the Thea Sisters signed up ! I thought we'd learn some good workout techniques , so we could get in shape . But instead i'm about to fall asleep . This Mr. Musclemouse is more boring !

The only one of the Vanilla Girls that Bruce's lessons really interested in was Zoe , because she was secretly in love with Craig . And like him , was passionate about this course , Zoe did not miss a single lesson . Unfortunately , Craig was too distracted to notice her presence . Seen from the sky , the Solar System Apotres observed what was happening outside of Mouseford .

Sol : A Course survival ?

Mars : Yes , Bruce Hyena is one of my faithful servants ! I gave him the order to organize a survival test in teams of two and the goal is to survive ! Since the Thea Sisters always have a thirst for adventure , they signed up right away , best of all , their allies did too . When the contest comes , I would take advantage of attacking them .... with my Satelles !

Luna : I see .

Mercury : He he he ! Look at that student who fall down from the tree !

Venus , she who , instead of listening to her boyfriend's plan , only has her eyes on Bruce ... and his body .

Venus : Wow... ~♥

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