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After two weeks of walking and training , Bruce , under the command of Apotre Mars , decided it was time to test his students .

Bruce : I'm thinking of a survival contest , with the mouselings pairing off in groups of two . Two days in the woods should be long enough for them to practrice the concepts they've learned .

Octavius : Hmmm...What exactly will the students have to do ?

Bruce : Survive ! They'll build their own shelters and find their own food and drink . No comfy feather beds ! No fancy chesse sandwiches ! No hot showers !

Octavius : Why in pairs ?

Bruce : Collaboration is very important ! My goal is for the mouselings to learn work together in harmony , with respect for nature !

(Tanya : Hum...I am the Nature and the one who giving foods and medicinals plants...)

Octavius : Excellent ! These are fundamental lessons for our students . When the contest is complete , they can each write an easy about their experience . I'll look for a magazine willing to publish the best essay .

Bruce : Sound like a plan !

He unrolled a map of the island on the desk .

Bruce : Every team needs to be their own space . I've explored the forest , and i estimate that no more than twelve students will be able to participate .

When the contest was announced on the school's bulletin board , the excitement immediately mounted among Bruce's students . Nicky and Dina ran to bring the news to their friends .

NickDina : The contest is only open to six pairs ! We ab-so-lu-te-ly have to sign up first !

Colette seemed hesitant .

Colette : Well..I don't know....

Pamela took her by the arm .

Pamela : You can team up with me , Coco ! It'll be fun ! Let's moved our ass and signed up !

Zoe rushed to her friends' bedroom , but found Vanilla in a very bad mood , busy fixing one of her broken nails . When she learned that it was a question of spending two days in the middle of the forest .

Vanilla : I fucking don't care ! No way i am going to ruin my manicure for a stupid contest no one will participate in anyway !

Zoe wasn't discouraged , however ; this could be a good opportunity to get noticed by Craig ... and , who knows , maybe even be alone with him ?

The next morning , the students at Mouseford could no longer hold back the thought of participating in a real life event . The twelve available places had been booked in record time , and all were waiting with curiosity to find out their headquarters in the forest . Tanya , Dina and the Thea Sisters had managed to register ! Meanwhile , Vanilla had watched the animation take over the academy . She suddenly had a doubt : perhaps she had underestimated the interest of this ordeal . Doubt became a certainty when Zoe confessed to her that she signed up and dragged Alicia with her . Vanilla is furious .

Vanilla : The Thea Sisters will do their best to win ! They'll be more popular and i won't be able to do a thing about it !

Without thinking twice , she set off to find Bruce . She found him in the kitchen , chatting happily with the cook Midge .

Bruce : Thanks , some whole wheat muffins and scrambled eggs are just what i need to put fur on my chest ! I just swam around Whale Island and i want to recharge the old batteries !

Vanilla : Professor Hyena , i want to sign up for the contest !

Faced with these authoritarian ways , he annoyed .

Bruce : Negative ! Enrollment is closed . The deadline has passed !

Angrily , Vanilla patted her paw on the ground .

Vanilla : I de-mand to have a chance !

Bruce : I repeat , the deadline has passed . When i give a deadline , it's for real , and that's nothing to sneeze at !

In addition to Midge , Dina , who happened to pass by , had witnessed the scene . Dina had a date with Tanya and the Thea Sisters soon after and was quick to recount this exchange of courtesies to her friends .

Pamela : *giggle* Wow ! Sounds like the professor really put her in her place . xD

Dina : *giggle* Yes , and he left her just standing there between her paws ! She was redder than a her Stone Sacred !

Violet : Serves her right . Maybe she'll learn she can't always boss everyone around .

But Colette shook her head .

Colette : I doubt it , Vi . There are certain things she will never learn . She's probably calling her mommy right now !

Tanya : Da .

And , indeed , at the same time , Vanilla was yelping in the ears of Vissia , her mother .

Vanilla : That coldhearted son of a bitch is deliberately excluding me from the contest !

On the other end of the phone , her mother is freezing calm .

Vissia : Don't worry , darling , i'll take care of it . I'll call the professor...what is his name ?

Vanilla : Cavemou-- I mean , Hyena ! Bruce Hyena !

Hearing his name , Vissia smirked mischievously . This name comes to her in her memory .

Vissia : 《A servant of a god of war...》

Vanilla : Hello , mother ?!

Vissia : Yes , darling . I'll call this Hyena .

Thea Sisters Fanserie ep 8 - The guardian of East and Wind , Cardinal Osten !Where stories live. Discover now