Like wild wolves

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But Bruce did not know Vissia de Vissen personally and was unaware that she is a servant of Apotre Sol . He had seen her on the headlines many times , but he certainly never imagined that she could call him ! Hearing her piping voice on the other end of the line confused him . In fact , behind its rough shell was beating a romantic heart , sensitive to feminine charm . Barely recovered from his surprise .

Bruce : Ah-ahem , y-yes , madam...I-i'm Professor Hyena !

After that , he didn't say a single word , for Vissia immediately began to shower him with praise .

Vissia : I know you are a servant of Apotre Mars , my master's comrade . My darling mouselings have spoken so highly of you . Your course is so innovative . It seems only right i should support it with a donation ! I'll donate a new sailboat to the academy . These hardworking students have earned nothing less than the newest model . If we work together , Mouseford is guaranteed to win the prestigious Rodents' Regatta !

Bruce : *whispering* Ooops !

Bruce was so stunned that the telephone receiver slipped off his legs like an eel . He caught up to it just in time to hear .

Vissia : And of course , in exchange , you'll let my dear childrens Vic et Vanilla participate in the survival contest !

Then , end of telephone conversation . Bruce shook himself to dispel his feeling of having received a jump of ice water on the head .

Bruce : Now i know where Vanilla learned all her tricks ! I can't believe her mother is willing to donate a new sailboat to the academy just to get her kids into the contest !

And Apotre Mars is with him .

Mars : Add them ! Her childrens are the Thea Sisters's ally .

Bruce : What ? And Vissia know it and her kids ?

Mars : No , either Vanilla or Vic . Vanilla must participate to the contest ! Same for Vic , even he didn't participate . Those who are an ally or friend of the Thea Sisters must also be sacrificed !

He took the sheet with the list of teams entered for the event , gave Bruce and disappeared . Bruce headed for the door .

Bruce : The time has come to teach that spoiled mouseling an important lesson !

In fact , not only could the event be a good opportunity to make Vanilla discover the importance of respecting not only nature , but also and above all others . Also , along with the Thea Sisters , Dina , Tanya and Vic ... Vanilla must also be wiped out from the face of the Earth .

Bruce : I'll find a way to squeeze her and her brother into the contest . This could be end up being good experience for all of them !

But Vanilla wasn't the only one yelping to get what she wanted , there are two other people out there , but they are not in Mouseford or anywhere else on the planet but are instead 225 million miles from Earth , where the neighboring planet is , Mars . On his red planet , Apotre Mars had just arrived and entered the interior of his big house or rather a castle or temple . He enters a huge dining room and living room . The two rooms are in disorder . He found his two disciples ..... the twins Phobos and Deimos , also called the Satelles Maurs . They were fighting each other . Immediately , they stop this fight when they see the arrival of their master . For several days , especially Phobos the more impatient and turbulent of the two , they kept yelping about when they can finally go to planet Earth and attack the Thea Sisters and their friends .

Phobos/Deimos : Master !

Phobos : Master ! When are we finally going to attack the Thea Sisters !? I hate to wait too long , I just couldn't keep calm ! I want a good dose of action !

With his weapon , a giant ax , he broke the table in two . He couldn't calm down anymore . Unlike his twin brother , Deimos , had still been able to keep calm but despite this , boredom started to pressure .

Deimos : We are starting to get bored !

Apotre Mars is the only person in the universe who knows how to calm them down .

Mars : Don't worry , my little wolves , the Thea Sisters and their allies will begin their survival contest tomorrow. Still a little patience....

Mars brought a soft drink , a large pizza , french fries , fried cheese sticks, fried onions and chickens to feed his moons .

Mars : Between , time to eat !

Immediately after placing the food on the ground (because Phobos had broken the table) , Deimos and Phobos savagely devour the pizza , french fries , cheese sticks , chickens and onions fried like very hungry wolves and drank their drink . Mars left donuts and cupcakes for their desserts . He always uses junk food , because after eating a lot of fried foods , the twins will fall asleep and that way they can keep quiet until tomorrow . While the Satelles Maurs are eating their meals and arguing over a single piece of food , Mars left his home planet to visit his beautiful girlfriend Venus . Arriving at her planet , in her bedroom , he found her feeding Philia , her pet , a dove . From behind , Mars takes her by surprise .

Mars : Hello !

Venus : Ah , it's just you . You scared me . How are Deimos and Phobos ?

Mars : Well where they are .

Venus : Good .

Mars : I have something for you .

Venus : What is this ?

As Apotre Mars likes to spoil his girlfriend , he gives her a gold necklace with a pendant of a seashell and a real freshwater pearl in the center . He really treats her like a queen . And Venus felt fulfilled .

Venus : Oh , Mars ! It's beautiful !!

He puts on her new necklace , Venus admired herself in the mirror .

Venus : I love it !

Mars : Venus , i would like you to come with me , Phobos and Deimos for our next attack on Earth , when the Thea Sisters are in the wild .

Venus : Mmmh...Yes of course , honey . I will accompany you .

Then Mars goes away . Upon arriving home , he finds Phobos and Deimos already finished their meals and already asleep . He picked up the trash and brought for them a pillow and blanket from their room and let them sleep .

Mars :《 I would manage to reduce these flirtatious Thea Sisters to dust ! And I would honor the Solar System Apotre...I , Apotre Mars ! Descendant of Ares , the god of war and violence !》

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