The contest rules

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Summoned by Bruce , the seven teams met in the gym . They found the teacher busy doing his afternoon exercises : a hundred push-ups on one leg .

Bruce : hundred !

As soon as they were all set up , Bruce handed everyone a map of the island , then started explaining it .

Bruce : Listen up , kids , the fun is about to begin ! Six pairs will be taken to the Hawk Woods and left in six different places . Don't try to contact one another , understand ?

And he showed them the backpack he had prepared .

Bruce : Every pair will have a kit like this one , with all the essential equipment . Don't take anything else with you . As soon as you arrive , start building a shelter and finding food and drink . And remember , you must work together to deal with all your needs and that includes needs you may not anticipate !

Tanya : What if something goes wrong ? What if there's danger ?

Bruce pulled a small black device from the outer pocket of the backpack .

Bruce : There's a GPS beacon in the kit . Press the red button , and a rescue team will come pick you up , day or night ! But let me be clear . When one team member presses the button , the pair is disqualified from the contest !

Vanilla : That's not fair ! You shouldn't lose just because your partner is a loser !

She glared at her poor teammate , Sebastian , who looked down sadly . Bruce put a dough on Sebastian's shoulder , then he turned to Vanilla .

Bruce : You're starting off on the wrong paw , young mouseling . You'll be surprised how much you learn from others in an experience like this and how amazing it can be to share an adventure with a true friend !

Sebastian , relieved , gave the professor a big smile , while Vanilla covered a small yawn with her paw . Nicky examined the black device , as she had never seen one before , not even Paulina . Especially the name of the company .

Nicky : I never heard this company before...

Paulina : Me too...

Bruce : Everybody , get this through your fur . This contest is nothing to sneeze that ! The goal is to learn how to work together in difficult situations . That's why a pair will win , not a single mouseling !

Pamela : Exactly how long is the contest ?

Bruce : From dawn on Saturday until dusk on Sunday !

Then he took off his mirrored glasses and stared at the young peoples , one after the other , straight in the eye .

Bruce : I will be the judge of which pair best displays their survival skills , and my judgment will be final !

With these words , the group separated , each returning to their room to get ready . Paulina felt a little lost : she had not yet learned anything about the "Special Team" or her role during the contest . As she was about to claim his instructions , Bruce gave her a knowing smile .

Bruce : You two , hang on a second !

Throughout the briefing , Vic had stayed in the corner of the gym , feigning indifference . But he too want know what the professor had planned . Although Vic had not participated in his class , but he found this teacher very sympathetic . Bruce waited until everyone had left the gym so that only Vic and Paulina could hear him , and he took two keys of two Jeep out of his pocket .

Bruce : Bernaldez and de Vissen , you will take the pairs to their designated places .

Vic : That's it ? The only thing we have to do is be chauffaurs ? Some special assignment !

Even Paulina felt a little disappointed . Bruce opened a small cabinet behind him .

Vic : Can we go know ?

Bruce : Negative ! I haven't told you the best part yet ! Aren't you my special team ? He he he !

Paulina : What exactly does that mean ?

Bruce gave them two ultra modern cameras .

Bruce : I've reserved the best job for you two champs ! Here's your assignment , you will be my eyes and ears during the competition ! You must observe the contestants secretly and capture their most interesting moments . You will be the competition's official photographers !

Paulina : Wow ! I love photojournalism !

Bruce : To get from one place to another , you'll use the Jeep . But you have to approach the contestants by paw , very stealthily , so they never know you're there . That's the only way your photos will capture the true spirit of the competition . Here's your strategy : sleek but silent ! 

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