Bonus Chapter #1

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2 Years Later

The gravel under my feet crunches as I make my way across the makeshift parking lot towards the tower ahead where I can hear the chaos, drawing me closer. With the sun having gone down a few hours ago, A shiver courses through me as the breeze tickles my exposed skin in the black cotton sundress. My stomach is in knots when I reach the lift that will take me to the top of the open metal structure.

There's people everywhere carrying equipment to and from the tower and a constant stream of chatter fills my ears. No one pays me any attention as I step inside the lift and press the green button that activates the pulley system. Shaking my hands out at my sides, I try to clear my mind with a deep breath. I've got five floors to the top. There's more on my mind than the filming of a music video.

Once I'm there, the lift shutters to a stop and I release the lock to open the doors. The roof is filled with crew members, radio chatter from the walkie talkies clipped to their belts, and the sound of machinery the crew works to get everything in order.

"Josephine, it's good to see you," A voice calls from my right and I turn to see Daniel, the creative director for Audioslave.

"Hey, Dan, is Chris up here?" The short, pudgy man steps over while looking down at a clipboard.

"Yeah, he's over there with the rest of the band." He points over where the instruments have been set up for the Cochise video.

Chris had been so excited to start filming. He couldn't contain himself as we had sat up the night before and went over his vision for it. There was nothing more important to him than putting the right foot forward when it came to introducing the super group to the world. Chris told me this was the song to show the world first.

"Thank you," I say with a smile before making my way through the crowd of the crew to find the guys. Chris's frame comes into view as I get closer as he sits on an amp with his elbows resting on his knees while talking to Tom. I've almost reached them when his gaze falls on me.

"Jo, what are you doing here?" He stands and closes the distance in just a few strides, taking my chin in his hand and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I thought I'd come see how it was going." I gesture towards the scene around us. "Is that okay?"

"Of course." His tone tells me it was silly to even ask and I find myself feeling restless as he continues to stare down at me with those intense blue eyes I love so much. "What's up?" Tom heads off in the opposite direction, leaving us alone. I'm grateful for his quick exit. "Are you alright?" He moves his calloused thumb up to brush over my cheek as his brows furrow when I don't say anything.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I let out a breathe, stepping closer and slip my arms around his waist before pressing my front to his without a care if anyone is watching.

"You came all the way out here this late at night to give me a hug?" He teases, but squeezes me tight anyway. The leather of his jacket is cool against my cheek as I breathe in his scent.

"I'm pregnant," I blurt out into the cotton fabric of the tee under the leather. I feel him freeze against me, but I refuse to budge. I can't look at his face as he processes the information.

I'm reminded of the first time I shared the news with him. It was a thoughtfully planned out event, but I couldn't swallow my nerves long enough to come up with something special this time around. This time, I had to rip the bandaid off as quick as possible which is why I drove out here in the first place.

"You're sure?" He questions while pulling me back by the shoulders so he can see my face once more.

"I had a blood test last week." I can't read his expression as he continues to stare down at me. He's quiet, like he's having an inner monologue I'm not privy to as he processes. Even though we have been so good for so long now, I can't help but think about how this was the downfall of us just a few years ago. "Chris?"

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