LA Blues

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Peyton sat starring out the window of her office, over looking the great Los Angeles city. Outside, her intern Katie tapped away at her computer, booking in auditions. The buzz of the office streamed through. She and Lucas had officially been in LA for nearly five years already, and it had seemed like those years flew by. Sawyer was just about to start school in the fall and so far she hadn't been able to agree on a kindergarten for her. Lucas had loved nearly every one they had interviewed at and Sawyer, being bright for age, had been a good match from what they had been told. Yet,  she couldn't help but reminisce about home. She missed her tiny family back in Tree Hill, missed her niece and nephews, and she wondered what it would be like if she could feel safe about having Sawyer play in their front yard of the house she grew up in. A few weeks back she had been curious about her childhood home, and almost as if it were meant to be, there sat the old brick house on the Tree Hill realty page. She had kept an eye on the sale ever since. Suddenly, a knock at her door brought her out of the reverie. "Mrs. Scott, I have that list you asked for." Katie said shyly. The young teen held the navy folder up as proof for interrupting her. "Katie, you've interned for me for over a month know you can call me Peyton, right? And thank you for bringing this to me." The young girl nodded and entered to hand the folder to her. "Of course, sorry. Did you need anything else?" Peyton smiled. "Why don't you head out early? I'm about ready to pack it in for the day anyway. I want to pick Sawyer up from daycare." Katie nodded. "Thank you, Mrs-I mean, Peyton. I hope you have a good weekend!" She watched Katie grab her bag and lock her computer. She waved on her way to the hallway. Katie really reminded her of Brooke's assistant Millie, and she felt her heart ache at the thought of her B.Davis. She sighed, packing up her things and grabbing the folder before locking up.

Pulling out of the parking lot of the label office, her mind kept pulling her toward the memories of her home town. As much as she liked the city, nothing quite compared to home. Their real home. She knew that tonight's conversation wouldn't be easy, but she couldn't stay in the city anymore. The only people she could really talk to was her nineteen year old intern, her husband, their four year old and the elderly woman who had retired and lived next door to them. Other than that, nobody had really felt like a friend. The city just wasn't friendly. It was noisy, busy and people were insanely competitive. That's what LA could be described as by Peyton. She was eager to just be settled back at their home with Sawyer for the weekend.

When she entered the daycare to pick up Sawyer, she watched her through the glass windows of the classroom. Sawyer sat in the corner by herself, with a book to her face. Every now and then, she would glance up at the girls playing with the toys in the corner, and back to her book. Sawyer wasn't exactly outgoing, she loved to read, but Peyton didn't realize until now that her daughter was struggling to make friends. She knocked on the door and Melanie, the daycare owner opened up and greeted her with a smile. "I'm going to steal her a little early today." "Of course! Sawyer, look whose here. Grab your cubby things!" Sawyer grinned as she noticed Peyton waiting for her at the classroom entrance and bolted for her bag. She slid her book inside and basically catapulted herself toward her mother's legs. "Hi baby. You ready to hit the road?" Sawyers head of curls nodded vigorously. "Bye Miss Mel!" "Bye Sawyer! I'll see you again Monday!" Peyton took her hand and they exited the daycare. She helped strap Sawyer in, and they headed off towards home. "Momma? You know who I started to miss today?" Peyton glanced back in the rear view. "Who's that, bug?" "Aunt Brookie. I miss her. Do you think she'd wanna call on the video chat?" Peyton's heart clenched, it seemed as though her and Sawyer were sharing the same thoughts. "You know bug, I think aunt Brooke would love to hear from you. We'll order in and then I'll call her up for you, how does that sound?" "Yay! I can't wait to show her the picture I drew." The rest of the drive back to their neighborhood, Sawyer told her all about the new book Lucas had recently picked up for her. The child was an absolute bookworm, no denying her as Lucas's, that was for sure. As they pulled in, she noticed that their neighbor, Mrs. Greene was sitting on her step, she waved to them. Sawyer unbuckled herself and waited for Peyton to let her out. As soon as they got inside, Sawyer hoisted herself up on the stool and sat in front of the open MacBook on the counter, waiting for the moment she could call out. Peyton laughed to herself, patient was not a trait her child had when it came to the bond her and her namesake. "I take it the waiting game isn't going to fly today, huh?" Sawyer blushed. "Sorry momma, I'm just really excited to see aunt Brookie." Peyton smiled, and glanced at the oven clock. "Well, I don't see why we can't just call her now." She switched on the FaceTime option and dialed Brooke's cell. A few rings and suddenly Millie's face popped up. "Hi Peyton, Brooke's just with a customer right now, hold on just a second!" "Sure thing. Thanks Millie." Peyton turned the laptop back toward a very excited Sawyer. Finally after a minute or so, Brooke was on the screen. "Aunt Brookie!" Sawyer squealed. "How's my favorite baby Brooke?" The familiar raspy voice had Peyton missing her even more. "Silly. I'm your only baby Brooke! I drew you a picture today at Miss Mel's!" Peyton picked up Sawyers bag and pulled the papers out, handing them to her. The colored pencil drawing of some stick people wearing dresses and suits, was the one she held up to the screen. "Oh my goodness, are you going to design a new line?" Sawyer laughed. "Don't be silly Aunt Brookie, I'm not that good yet. But maybe one day I can!" "Of course you can, my little fashion prodigy. You'll make a great designer!" "I get lots of time to practice. Nobody wants to play with me at daycare so I get lots of drawing time. Miss Mel says I could be an artist maybe." Peyton frowned, and put down the dish towel she was using to clean the island from their breakfast earlier, to give her full attention to the conversation. "Well, you're just too good for them. They must be jealous you're so good at everything, babes." Sawyer shrugged. "I don't mind so much. I get lotsa reading and drawing time...I miss you lots. You think you could come visit soon?" "I'll try my best. I miss you too, Sawyer. Is your mom busy? I'd like to talk to her for minute before I have to get back to customers." Sawyer nodded and pulled herself down from the stool. "Bye aunt Brooke. Love you!" "Love you too." Sawyer headed up the stairs to her room. Peyton turned the laptop around to face her now. "Hey P. Scott. How's it going?" "Hey B. Baker. It's going. How's the cafe?" "It's full swing. Millie and Haley have been so helpful. Between this, the boys and running a household, I've been so busy. I don't think I've been this busy since I was running Clothes over Bros." She laughed. "That's amazing B. Listen, I have something I want to talk to you about. I'm going to talk to Luke first, but I just wanted to give you a heads up." Brooke frowned. "That sounds serious. Is everything okay?" She nodded. "It will be." The sound of a bell ringing in the background and chatter started. "Sounds like the afternoon rush is in. I'll let you get to it, talk to you later B." "Of course! Love you P Sawyer-Scott." "Love you too B-Davis-Baker." She ended the call with a smile. If it was any final conclusion on Peytons end after that conversation with Brooke, she was certain it was time to say goodbye to their LA life, and head back to Tree Hill.


Hi hi! I hope y'all enjoyed this first chapter, please give me any feedback, it's much appreciate for me to grow as a writer! I can't wait to hear back!

Until next update!

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