Chapter 14 - Strange

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Legolas stares at the young woman who lies sound asleep in his grasp. There was something about her that wasn't like the usual humans he dealt with while selling his father's wine. Something that had frightened the healers enough to make him call for an audience with his father. Not only was she dressed strangely, something about her aura sent warning flags throughout his body. Shaking his head clear, he takes her to his father chambers and gently lays her on his bed.

Upon realizing she is on something soft; she nestles into the softness of the sheets and lets out a content coo. Cocking an eyebrow at her, he tilts his head at her relaxed state. How could she be so calm after the fear she had shown earlier. Legolas recalls the sheer terror in her eyes as she peered up into the tree tops to see the spiders. Why had she returned for the dwarves if she was so terrified?

"What are you doing?" Legolas hears his father inquire causing him to turn to face him.

"The healers wanted her brought before you. They were adamant about it." Legolas answers dodging his father's question.

"Why?" Thranduil asks narrowing his eyes at his son.

"I know not."

"Hmm," Thranduil moves over to kneel next to his bed to examine the woman.

Legolas watches as his father's expression turns from one of annoyance to one of surprise.

"What is it?" Legolas asks stepping closer to the two of them.

"What was she doing with the dwarves?" Thranduil questions causing Legolas to shrug his shoulders. "She's special. Too special to be traveling with a pack of dwarves."

"What do you mean?"

"She is..." Thranduil pauses as he reaches forward to gently move a piece of hair out of her face causing her to roll over. He smirks as he reaches down and pulling on the blanket covers her up. Then standing back up he turns to his son and says, "Let us leave."

Legolas is confused but listens to his father and follows him out of the room. He glances back at the sleeping girl and a million questions start to run through his head. Who was she? What was she? Why was his father so interested in her? His brow furrows as he tries to think of a reason.

"Legolas, remember that woman Elrond mentioned in his last letter?" Thranduil asks and Legolas's eyes widen slightly at the realization.

"That's her?!"

"It is," Thranduil answers reaching for his wine glass. "We must keep a watchful eye on her."

"Father, if she is as powerful as Elrond led on, should we have left her alone?"

"She will be fine." Thranduil assures a smirk on his face. "We have promised to allow her clemency and hospitality as the rulers of the greenwood. I will not go back on my word."

"But she's..."

"I'm not normal." Legolas hears a soft female voice say from behind him and he tenses. "It's fine, I've dealt with prejudices all my life. If I were in your position, I wouldn't trust me either."

"You will forgive my son, Legolas; I am Thranduil, king of the woodland elves. What may I ask is your name?" Thranduil asks a polite smile on his lips. Legolas narrows his eyes at him in confusion. Why was he acting so strange?

"(Name)," She answers lifting her chin up to show that she wasn't intimidated by his title. "I am (Name), daughter of Odin, princess of Asgard."

"A princess? Well, Elrond did not mention that in his letter." Thranduil replies as Legolas stares at her in shock for her audacity to think herself on the same level as his father.

"I don't go around announcing it. I don't like to be treated differently." Her eyes move from his father to look at him. "Which is why I do not go around announcing that I have powers as well."

"Do the dwarves not know of your talents?" Legolas asks his voice coming off a little more judgmental then he meant.

"Dwarves? Are they here?! Are they okay? Can I see them?" She starts asking question after question worry and concern filling her eyes.

"They are in the dungeons where they belong." Legolas hears his father speak and he watches as rage fills her (E/C) eyes.

"Why are they there?" She demands her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

"Their leader refuses to listen to reason. He insulted me and my kin. I suggested he sit there and calm down for as long as it takes." Thranduil answers causing her to scoff at him.

"He has a lot of pent up rage in his heart toward you for leaving his kin to die in the wilderness. I know why you didn't help him; you didn't want to risk the lives of your kin to the wrath of a dragon; but to completely abandon them, what kind of heartless person does that?"

"You know nothing of what happened and our feud." Thranduil argues.

"You're right, I don't know about your feud, I wasn't there; but I know firsthand what it's like to lose the only home you've ever known and have to watch it burn as some creature destroys it." She states making Thranduil's eyes widen slightly in surprise.

"Your eyes have seen great loss." Thranduil says softly as he moves closer to her. "I have seen your eyes before. Long ago."

"Then you know of my pain." She adds meeting his father's gaze.

"Who did you lose?" Thranduil asks his eyes softening.

"I lost everything." She answers causing both Legolas and his father to stare at her in shock. "My parents, my adoptive parents, my home, the only friends I had ever known; I lost them all." Legolas watches as her eyes gloss over. "I only have my brothers left... I am trying to get back to them, and I need the dwarves to do that."

"Why do you need them to get back home? They cannot help you." Legolas exclaims pulling her towards him.

"I..." She pauses her eyes looking down at her hands. "I know they cannot help me; but if I can help them until my brothers come for me, I will."

"Your brothers are coming for you?" Thranduil inquires making a soft smile fill her lips.

"They are." She states making Legolas look from her to his father. "They are here somewhere now, in your woods looking for me."

"Then do you wish to remain here while I send a group out to locate them?" Thranduil asks making her smile falter a bit.

"As much as I would like them to find me and take me home, I made a promise to Thorin; and I keep my promises."

"Your friends aren't going anywhere until Thorin sees reason." Thranduil states causing her brow to furrow in anger.

"See what reason? I understand the dangers a dragon poses, but if it comes down to it, I can handle it."

Legolas's head snaps to her. How powerful did she think she was that the thought of fighting a dragon didn't scare her.

"You think you can defeat a dragon?" Thranduil scoffs.

"Probably, though I've never tried." She smirks as she folds her arms over her chest. "From what my brother tells me it's not that hard."

Legolas chuckles unconsciously catching the gaze of his father and (Name). He instantly collects himself as he offers an apologetic glance at his father.

"May I see my friends now?" She asks politely.

"Legolas, take (Name) to see her friends."

"Thank you," She says as she starts to walk to the door only to stop and turning back to him say, "Your woods are sick. Being the king of them, you should really look into that." 

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