Those red eyes

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Me, my brother and Ito walked to the soccer field, they asked if i could hold their lunches so they could go change. I was sitting on a bench in the middle of the soccer field, it looked so lonely. I stated to daydream and my mind went to this morning that red hair guy I couldn't get him out of my mind, like I don't even know his name Dam why I'am like this I say out loud. "Like what" say a brown hair guy smirking down at me say.

I was into deep thought that I didn't realize I wasn't alone anymore. He kept smirking at me "are you new here?" He say, "yes I'am I came here with my twin brother and his roommate who's in the soccer team". "Ooh ya right Ito told me he was bringing a dude who wanted to try out for the team but he didn't tell me a pretty girl like you would come along", the second that last part was say chills went down my neck not the good kind but the watch out he's trouble kind.
I started to feel uncomfortable but thankfully my brother and Ito along with some other teammates came.

I watched my brother tell the whole team he wanted to join and what position he is in and blah blah blah, I was just enjoying my lunch. Suddenly I hear someone yell "watch out girl!!!" And I see a ball coming towards me but I dodged it in time, it wasn't my first time nor would to be the last time a soccer ball would fly to my direction.

They were impressed and yelled at the guy who kicked it in my direction, my brother came towards me hand gesturing he wanted his lunch and give me a look of "are you okay" I simply say "don't worry I'm fine". After a few minutes of the team watching how my brother caught most of the balls they decide he would be great in the team. But there was no doubt in my mind my brother wouldn't enter the team after all he is in the top 5 best goalies back in American.

Me in the other hand I was top 1 best in libero in American but who was competing definitely not Me (-•-) ha. After that we headed back to are classes. I was taking college prep classes here and at American so I didn't pay much attention since after all it was the my first day here.

I was heading to my last class before school would end and I could go see my uncle Washijō. As I entered the room I immediately noticed two people there, the red hair guy and Wakatoshi. They were talking well at least the red hair dude Wakatoshi just replied with short answers, I didn't want to interrupt or something after all I barely knew them and only knew one of their names. 

The bell rang and the teacher asked me to introduce myself I say hello and my name then went to sit all the back where the two boys weren't close by. As I was taking notes on what the teacher was saying and writing on the board I felt a pair of eyes looking at me, when I looked forward I saw those red eyes looking straight at me, dam I quickly look down. I just ignore him trying to focus more my notes, "why I'am acting like this I'm not this shy ughhh I can already feel this year will be something interesting".

Finally the bell rang which felt like an entirety being in that class, I quickly pack up my stuff and leave to meet my brother to change and find the volleyball building. As I was walking out of the class I hear someone say "hey you girl wait up" I turned a little to see the red hair guy looking at me trying to get my attention, as I was about to walk to him I felt the back of my uniform be pulled and walking out of the building.

I turned around to see my brother, that was the second time you interpret me, you protest but he just rolled his eyes and say " well you don't hurry up, we need to be there at least by 4:10 no later you know how uncle Washijō is.
I walked by him until we separately went to are dorms to change. I put on some black jogging and my old volleyball t-shirt with some white vans. I texted my brother asking were to meet...
You-Hey where are we meeting up so we can head to the volleyball building?

Lil bro 🥴 is typing...
Lil bro 🥴-I'am already here in the building you took too long so I left you. Good luck finding the building 😈

You- I- what!!!! Dam you why😭 at least tell me how to get there or send me your location thing plzzz🙏🏻
Lil bro 🥴- NOPE uncle Washijō say you have 5 minutes to get here or else... hehe
Read 4:03

How the hell Iam suppose to find the building if I needed a map drawn in order to find my classes even so I had trouble. I'm bad at direction and finding the location of a place b/n knows that!! Ugh I will make him pay for this. I started to walk around see if I could find the building on my own but no lucky 5 minutes already passed I'm so die:(.

As I'm walking I see a group of guys walking my direction, I thought I could ask them for directions but I had gut feeling to run the opposite direction of them. So I did and I thankfully saw Sara walking back to are dorms I call out her name and waved at me.

"Hey Sara you need to give me your phone number and do you know where the volleyball building is at?" She smiled and handed her phone to me saying
"I was about to ask you the same thing about exchanging phone numbers ha" after exchanging numbers she tells you exactly where to go I run off yelling "Thank you I love you and own you Sara" and she just waved and laughed walking to the dorms.

I start running faster to the building before I get in more trouble, uncle Washijō is very serious and strict especially about time but he has a soft spot for you so hopefully I don't get in much trouble.
I take a breather right outside the volleyball building before opening the door but someone opens the door from inside it was the one and only annoying b/n who had a huge smirk on his face, I gave him a glare before going inside. "Your 10 minutes late compare to your brother f/n" OH no I'm in trouble...

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