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You woke up early since the boys had morning practice today and today was finally Friday. Which meant you could be the lazy potatoe you were that watched anime and eat. You change until your uniform and start to walk to out the door.

But you also see Reon carefully opening the door. Reon was Sara's boyfriend and I had no idea he stayed the night I was really tired last night. I whispered "Reon did you stay the night" which makes the boy jump out of fear. "Gosh f/n you scared the shit out of me and I may have stayed the night we just cuddled". I was relieved they didn't do nothing else because where would I go to sleep at.

Reon and I are walking together to the gym having small talk mostly about  Sara . We open the door and see not everyone was here yet,Reon walks off to change and I stand still in front of the door. When I feel a hand on shoulder "Good morning F/n you might want to move out of the way because one of the second or first years might slam the door open and hit you" Tendou says with a smile as I turn to see him. We both walk to the court we greet Coach Washijō.

Just like Tendou say about the door slamming open it happened it was  Goshiki who was running late. Coach Washijō yells at him and tells him to run 30 laps around the court. 

I looked at Tendou shock of what he say earlier and ask him "Are you some can of psychic" he just  laughs and continues to set up things. After putting the net and having the balls ready the boys start their practice. I sit in the bench with Coach Washijō I get a notification on my phone.

Hey beautiful it been a long time since we've texted. Wanna come hang with me and Iwa? We Miss YOU 🥺

Hey shittykawa I was planning on asking you guys later today but of course Tomorrow I'll go to your house 😘 make sure to tell Iwa okay

Hey don't call me shittykawa like Iwa that's mean and I will. Text you later 😊


As you were texting Shittykawa you didn't notice the boys were staring at you wondering what was making you smile so much. Coach Washijō called a water break and I stood up grabbing the bottles and handling them to the guys.

"Hey f/n why were you smiling at your phone so much? Do you have a boyfriend?" Shirabu say as the rest pretended not hear and yet wanna to know your answer. You were taken back by the question but responded "ha me a boyfriend don't need one I got anime guys for boyfriends and I was texting some old friends I'm planing to hang with tomorrow" .

Shirabu gives me a ew face when I said I got anime boys and the rest give me a ohhh faces before asking who I was texting Coach Washijō yells at them to practice again.

Practice ended and we were cleaning now as coach Washijō say his goodbye. Before that he told me that he wanted to take me and b/n out to eat with my aunt this Sunday. I nodded and continued to clean as the boys went to change so we could eat breakfast.
On are way there I get a notification

Unwanted twin🥸
Hey not going to eat breakfast at the cafeteria the soccer team and I went to out eat. See you later

Cool and uncle Washijō told me to tell you we are going out to eat with him and auntie on Sunday okay so don't forget.

Unwanted twin🥸
Ya I won't

I was walking with Tendou, Semi, Wakatoshi, Shirabu, and Taichi. I approached Tendou and say "I wanted to say thank you again for yesterday's thing you know" I say nervous. Tendou was about to say something when he was cut off by Semi "Hey what happen yesterday" he say in a curious way.

I tell the boys what happened and how Tendou saved me from the creep. They all looked pissed off but was thankfully Tendou was there to stop it. "Glad you were with her Tendou" says Wakatoshi. It surprised us all but we nodded and went inside cafeteria.

We all sat together eating and having conversations in the volleyball club table. I see Sara sit next to Reon and I give her a devilish smile indicating I knew Reon was in are dorm which she gets embarrassed.

The rest of day was pretty easy we went to class and unfortunately received homework.There was a possibility of me doing it all or just copying form someone. The bell rings to say school had ended and Tendou, Wakatoshi and I walk to the gym for practice again.

At practice the boys helped me set everything up before going to change and then I went to refill the bottles. I changed and start to stretch so I can practices with them.  I mainly focused on Yamagata since you are both liberos and help with improving his skills.

I also catch Tendou giving glares as I do the same. "Oooo you like him" says Yamagata with a teasing tone. "What no I don't he just keeps staring at me so I do the same thing" I say trying my best not to blush which I fail since this was also embarrassing.

Yamagata laughs at my reaction and continues to practice.
Little did you know a red eye guy saw whole and heard the conversation.

Tendou's POV
I kept finding myself stealing glaring at f/n who did the same thing. I hear Yamagata tease her about me and she says "No I don't he just keeps staring at me so I do the same thing." Which for some reason made my chest hurt like if someone twisted my heart.

I simply ignored it and continued practice and look at f/n. Maybe after practice I can offer f/n to walk her to the dorms but hopefully I don't look like a foo.

Back to Your POV
Practice ended and as we are walking towards the door Tendou comes up to me smiling which only makes me smile too. He opened the door since we were the first one and as he was about to say something I walk outside to see my twin brother waiting for me. "Sup loser let's go" he says.

I wave at the boys and Tendou who looked kinda disappointed but I leave with my brother who greets/ says bye to the whole team walking out. As we were walking I told him about the incident and that I was going to see Shittykawa and Iwa.

He didn't take the incident too well but would make sure he says thank you to Tendou and about you going to see your childhood friends he asked if he could join too. You take out your phone and make a gc with Shittykawa, Iwa and my ugly twin.
Bitches GC

Hey guys so b/n is also tagging along with us tomorrow.

That's fine as along as you come too 😏

Ya that's fine f/n and shittykawa stop flirting .

alright guys so tomorrow we will be leaving the dorms at 7 am so we could be at Aoba Joshai around 10am
Good bye ttyl guys 😘


Kay good bye

I make it to the dorms and my brother comes in. I make dinner for me Sara and my brother. We talk for a little bit  before he leaves. The train leaves at 8am so we had to wake up before 8am.

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