Day 2

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After finishing eating you went to change really quick. You asked some of the boys in the room if they wanted to come play as well but they said they were tried. Lazyass
You started to walk to the gym, when you see Tendou walking back to the room.

"Hey Tendou wanna come join me with the other teams on a match"you asked him.
"I'm good tomorrow maybe"he say.
"Oh ok then" you said frowning a little.

The door was open and you walked in saying "I'm ready to beat your guys ass" smiling. All the guys just chuckled. "Alright so teams?"you asked.

Team 1 was you, Atsuma, and Kuroo
Team 2 was Bokuto, Akaashi, and Osuma
Osuma was the first to serve and you picked it up easily giving it to Atsuma who set for Kuroo and scored. Atsuma went to serve, Osuma got it, Akaashi set for Bokuto but Kuroo blocked him, thankfully Osuma digged it up.

Sending the ball back to us where Atsuma looked at you, you knew he was going to set it to you. So you got ready to spike, the ball was a little too high for you but you spiked it down leaving the boys impressed.

"F/n that's was amazing" Bokuto yelling.
You blushed a little by his compliment.
"Hey was that too high f/n" Atsuma asked, you told him it was but it fine.
We played about 4 matches before calling it. You checked the time 9:30pm.

You guys cleaned up and closed the doors and we walked to your guys room. "That was really fun, you guys are all really talented".
"I know I'am awesome" Atsuma said smirking before Osuma slapped his head.
We all say Goodnight to each other and went to our rooms.

You opened the door and saw the boys watching some volleyball games on their phones.
"Finally your back, ew go shower you smell"Shirabu said.

You just pouted and went to grab some cloths before going to the shower in the room. You locked the door and put on some music on your phone. While taking the shower you would sing a little and Shirabu or Yamagata would call you out saying you have an ugly voice.
After showering and getting ready for bed, you came out, put your dirty cloth in extra bag you brought.

It was already 10:25pm and the boys were all in their small little beds. You hopped around trying to get to your corner, this made some of the boys laugh because you almost fell. Thankfully you made it to your bed and laid down. You were next to a wall and Shirabu, Tendou was next to Shirabu.

You put an alarm because you and the other mangers had to wake up earlier to make breakfast. "Good nights boys" you say and they say it back.

As you were sleeping you felt something holding on your stomach but ignored it because it felt comfortable.

Your alarm goes off waking some boys up and you quickly turned it off."Sorry" you whispered to Semi who woke up. You were about to sit up to leave but you were pulled back. You turn to see who was holding you and it was freakin Shirabu hugging you. So he's been hugging me since last night cute

Semi sees that Shirabu is hugging you and take his phone out to take a picture. Semi took a few photos, one of me pretending to be asleep too and the rest were me posing. "Send me the pictures" you say as you grabbed Shirabu's hand and got out of his hug.

Semi nods and decides to go back to sleep since they have an hour left before having to wake up.

At breakfast while serving all the boys breakfast. This one guy starts to flirt with you "hey pretty girl can I have your phone number" he say smirking. Before you can say anything Misaki grab the guy and gives me an apologetic face.

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