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Tendou's POV
Wakatoshi and I entered our dorm and I put my bags down before heading to f/n.
"Hey Ushijima I'm going to f/n" I say and he just nodded. As I close the door and start to walk I feel my heart beat getting faster and I feel like throwing up for some reason. I don't know what to expect, I mean we have kissed before but that was only for a dare.

As I see f/n dorm I see two figures outside and the closer I got. I saw f/n and that guy Kyo. Then I hear "will you go out with me f/n" I stopped walking and stood their not knowing how to feel. "F/n?" was the only I could get my mouth to say. She turns around saying "Tendou" shocked, I could tell she was struggling to say.

She took a step but Kyo that guy stopped her saying "ignore him, he's just a monster no one could ever like him". F/n looked surprised at the attitude he give. I felt tears wanting to escape and my eyes but I turned around speed walked away.

She's probably gonna say yes, why would she like a monster like me I thought as I hear her shout my name again but didn't turn around. Tearing came down and I didn't want her to me like this.

Back to Your POV
I see Tendou standing there looking at me, I had no idea what to say obviously I didn't want to go on a date with Kyo and I was going to confess my feelings to Tendou. I took a step to walk to Tendou but Kyo grabbed my arm saying "Ignore him, he's just a monster no one could ever like him".

His change of attitude caught me off guard what the hell why do people call him monster tf..? Tendou walked away after Kyo say that I shouted his name again but he didn't turn around. I felt my heart sink, this wasn't suppose to happen.

"So f/n will you go out with me?" Kyo say changing back to other attitude before Tendou coming.
I looked at him in disgusted how could someone say something like to other person and then pretend nothing happened like he didn't just call Tendou a monster.

"What the hell is your problem why did you call Tendou a monster" you say in an angry tone.
"Well he is, I mean look at him monster and he acts like one too" he say.
This enraged you, you slapped him

{Little Tw warning don't know if it is but I just wanna be safe. It's not bad but still }

Suddenly Kyo's expression changed he looked pissed and ready to fight. "What was that for you b*tch, I came here brought you food, asked you out and this is what I get huhh!" You felt chills run down your spine, he grabs your hand tightly pulling you close to him.

He whispers "I will not be treated like this.." you pushed him away. What do I do Sara's not here and Tendou left what if he gets physically.

You felt like crying your heart broke seeing Tendou walk away and now this too.

"Who the hell do you think you are laying a hand on my sister you bastard." It was b/n, he came running and pulling towards him so Kyo would get near you. "Mind your business man we were just talking before getting interrupted by a monster" Kyo says keeping eye contact with your brother.

"Don't talk about Tendou like that, your the real monster. Tendou is kind, funny, handsome and it definitely not a monster." You say.
"Leave and don't ever talk to F/n ever again. If you do I was beat your ass, sending you to the hospital" b/n says in a threatening tone.

Kyo give you one last stare before walking away and saying "your not even hot your just an ugly b*tch".

After he was out of sight you started to cry your eyes out, your knees became weak making you fall but your brother catches you. "Hey hey your fine he's gone no worries I'm here okay" he says walking you inside your dorm.

He walks you to your room, your still balling your eyes out not from Kyo but from Tendou.
"Hey what happened" b/n asks rudding your back holding you tight.

"Tendou he... he... walked away. I- I wa was going.. to.. to.. confess m my feelings.. b but Kyo came here first." You couldn't speak so you let it all out as your brother comforts you.

After a few minutes of crying you calmed down and told him about Kyo asking you out and Tendou hearing it, then Kyo calls him a monster, and he walks away.

Then Kyo telling you he was a monster and still wanting a answer and him getting pissed I said no. B/n looks at you and hugged you tight making you cry again. "I like Tendou b/n" you say.

"I know you do f/n. Don't worry too much tomorrow just go talk to him. Tell him how you feel" b/n says. "Okay I will".

"Want me to skip practice and stay with your cryass " b/n says making you laugh a little as you nodded yes.

Thankfully tomorrow you didn't have school even tho it'll be a Friday, you were excused like the rest of the team. But still had practice so before practice you would go to his dorm and talk. B/n went to make food for you.

The rest of the day you tried not to think about what about earlier and it to cry. But failed at trying not to cry because Sara came and you told her what happened making you cry again. But she was better at conforming than b/n.

While in Tendou's POV
After walking away I didn't head to my dorm instead I went for a walk heading to the store me and f/n would always go to together after practice.

I brought some food and I subconsciously walked to the candy section looking at f/n favorite candy. I got so use to coming here with her or buying her candy.

Walking back I see Kyo clearly pissed off but then he sees me and starts to smirk. Great I just had to bump into him right after hearing him ask out f/n

He walks to me and say "she say yes to me"winking before walking forward. I stood there beyond pissed and sad that I didn't know if I was more sad about f/n saying yes or the fact Kyo told me. Thankfully we don't have school tomorrow but I will have to see her at practice tomorrow.

I walked in my dorm and saw Ushijima watching volleyball matches. "Hello Tendou how did it go with F/n?" he asked. I really didn't want to answer fear I might tear up again. "We didn't talk some guy was asking her out and I left." I say.

"What did she say then?" Ushijima asks curiosity.
"The guy say she say yes" I say in an angry tone.

"So the guy told you. You didn't hear her say yes or her tell you " he says
"Yes I heard from the guy okay I don't wanna talk about this anymore" I snapped
"That doesn't seem like something f/n would do maybe your wrong Tendou" he says but I ignored him.

Maybe he's right but then again she wouldn't date a monster like me. No girl likes me they either talk to me to get close to ushijima or another teammate but no one likes me. I was a fool to think maybe f/n would like me.

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