~True or Dare~

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They all turned around and say hello to me and my brother which we responded back. "Wow f/n who brought you all those Victoria secret bags" she said smirking at me. "Oh my friends they wanted to spoil me so I kinda went crazy 😅" I say as I can feel Tendou staring at me. "Aww your so lucky you have friends that spoil you, I wish I had a friend or a boyfriend" Sara said in a teasing tone looking at Reon, which made everyone laugh.

I went to my room and set my bags in my closet and my brother was laying on my bed so I had to go to the bathroom to change. After that me and my brother went to the living room. I was sitting next to my brother so I decide to lay my head on his lap since today you walked a lot. I felt some eyes on you which were Tendou's, you already knew who was looking at you without even looking up.

You guys stare at each other for a while until your brother starts to poke you and try to have your attention to his phone. He had written something down and when I read it, it was "get a room already, all the staring is getting annoying. It's obvious you guys have some tense between the two.

" You punched your brother on the arm saying "shut up" rolling your eyes pretending your not blushing like hell. This just made your brother laugh and Tendou looked at you with a curious face wondering what made you blush so much.

"Hey guys let's play true or dare" say Yamagata. We sat in a circle. The dares were pretty funny. Shirabu was dared by Semi to kiss Goshiki on the cheek each he had to do and you mange to take a video without him seeing. Wakatoshi would pick true and we asked him questions about him or other things. We were having fun watching Yamagata try to catch a gummy in his mouth has Taichi threw it up.

It was finally my turn to chose and worse part was it was Shirabu who would be choosing the date or truth. "True or dare f/n" he say with a smirk on his face. "Dare" you say, what was worse thing that could happen. "Glad you choose dare f/n. Now I dare you to kiss Tendou in the mouth for 5 seconds".

Everyone looked at you and Tendou who was slightly blushing and you just stared at Shirabu regretting your choice. You took a deep breathe and stood up making your way to Tendou who just looked frozen. Your heart started to beat faster and your face was getting red.

You sat next to Tendou and looked at Shirabu to see if he had a timer or was ready to count the seconds and you looked at your brother who was just smirking and had his phone out recording already probably.

You turn to Tendou and you wrap one hand around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. His lips were so soft and sweet. At first he was shocked at the way you took charge moving your lips with his and lightly biting his bottom lip. He then did the same thing with your bottom lip but a little more harder which made you gasp allowing him to enter your mouth.

He was the one now controlling you making you want more. Your guys lips moved in sync getting lost into each other that both of you forget the whole team was watching and it was only for 5 seconds. Tendou was about to deepen the kiss even more but was interrupted by a cough from my brother.

I quickly realized we probably kissed for more than 5 seconds. Our lips then separate opening our eyes we see everyone in shock and smirking at us. "I say 5 seconds not 15 seconds you idiot but dam why don't you guys just to your room already" Shirabu said.

You couldn't replied because you were embarrassed that you got lost in the kiss you looked down trying to hide the blush but failed so you say "oh shut up you were supposed to count but you didn't you sneaky bastard" as you walked back to your brother who was waving his phone indicating he had video it all.

Tendou's POV
We were playing truth or dare it was going great until Shirabu dared f/n to kiss me for 5 seconds. I looked at f/n who was staring at Shirabu like she wanted to kill him. But she stands up and walks towards me. Is she actually going to kiss me!?! I thought in my mind suddenly I feel a hand around my neck and f/n pulls me in for the kiss.

I was stunned by her action and that she was taking control of the kiss as she bit my bottom lip. I then do the same thing and give myself an entrance inside her mouth. We were now exploring each other's mouth. I wanted to pull her closer to me but I couldn't the other were watching and her twin brother too.

I was going to deepen the kiss but then we hear b/n cough signaling that was enough and to back off from his sister. We both separate and I already missed her lips with mine, I wanted more. Shirabu then tells us we kissed for 15 seconds not 5 and f/n does looks down blushing but she stands up going back to her seat without looking back at me saying that he didn't count.

I started to think Did she not like the kiss? What if she thought I was a bad kisser. Or she was disgusted by the kiss that she couldn't look at me but why kiss me for 15 seconds. My thoughts were cut off when Reon's girlfriends says "I think it's time to wrap this up. It's already 12:30". We all nodded and stated to clean up I saw f/n talking to her brother in the hall it looked personal so I ignored it.

Yamagata then comes to mine side and says "Dam Tendou you guys kissed for so long, lucky foo" some of the boys look at me and agreed. "I don't know if she liked it" I unknowingly said to the guys. "She wouldn't have kissed you for 15 seconds if she didn't like it Tendou" Wakatoshi say which made me feel better coming from Wakatoshi.

We then leave the dorm and make our way to are dorms. I went in changed and laid on my bed thinking back at the kiss and F/n not looking at me after the kiss. She said bye but didn't look up to my eyes. I slowly started to fell asleep thinking about her and if she was okay.

Back to Your POV
I sat down next to my brother and I couldn't stare at Tendou it's not I didn't like the kiss I actually wanted more which was the problem. Was I ready to be in a relationship again I kept thinking until Sara said we should wrap this up.

As the boys were cleaning my brother pulls me to the hall. "Hey what's the matter dummy why can't you look at him. If you didn't like the kiss why kiss for so long." he asked. "I did like the kiss more than I should it's just... I don't know if I'm ready to like someone again right now.

It's too soon we barley came here not even a week passed." You said looking down to the ground. Your brother hugs you tightly and says "listen you sensitive dumbass, it's okay to like someone I know your not hooked up on Max, so let yourself like someone.

So don't push him away you guys just kissed that's all." You were thankful for having b/n we may fight and you guys don't talk about things like this but we both know what's going on without telling each other with words. "Thanks b/n I needed that" you said.

As the guys were leaving you say goodbye but still couldn't look Tendou in the eyes, you knew he was staring but just couldn't not right now. Sara closes the door and b/n goes to my room to sleep.

"Hey are you okay you seemed into the kiss but then after you kinda looked sad and you didn't look at Tendou" Sara says. "I'm fine it's just I really liked the kiss but I don't know how I sound feel about the whole thing" you replied.

"Why don't you know if you liked it then what's stopping you" she says. You walk to the living room and tell her about your ex and how he cheated on you with your best friend and it affected you a lot more than you thought. She hugs you thanks you for telling her this.

"Maybe you should talk to Tendou tomorrow tell him about your ex or say sorry for ignoring him. He looked really down seeing that you weren't looking at him." That made you sad and so decided you would talk to Tendou tomorrow and apologize for making him feel sad.

With that both you guys went to your rooms. B/n knocked out in your bed even tho you set a bed in the floor. So you made some room for yourself in bed and fell asleep.

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