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The next day you woke up still wearing Tendou's hoodie. You decided to sleep in it last night after changing, it smelled like him so you wanted to. You wear some leggings with a baggy shirt and of course Tendou's hoodie. His hoodie fit huge on you still you were only 5'7ft and Tendou was 6'2, it went down to your thighs.

In the kitchen you decided to text your brother to come over and talk. As your were making breakfast for you and b/n you decided to text Tendou.

Tendou 💖
Good morning Tendou:). I forgot to give your hoodie back. I'll wash your hoodie then give it to you.

Incoming FaceTime call from Tendou💖
What the hell why does he want to FaceTime me, do I look good. I answered the call.
"Good morning f/n" Tendou say cheerfully. "Morning" you replied. You noticed Tendou blushing from the screen and not talking "mm Tendou are you okay?" You say while you were cooking.

"I'm sorry it's just I see your still wearing my hoodie" he say, you replied saying "well I kinda slept with it last night but I'll give it back to you on Monday." "You can keep it f/n it looks better on you".

That made you blush, you asked if that was absolutely fine and he said he was fine with it. You guys talked for while until you heard your brother at the door. "I have to go Tendou b/n is here already text to you later"
"Okay f/n bye"

After getting the door, you and b/n ate the breakfast you made. Then went to your room to talk about how his date went. Both laying down on your bed. "So how do your date go" you asked.

B/n told you it went great the girl was in the girls soccer team and at first they fought with each other but then got closer and the girl name Maria asked him out instead of him. You laughed so hard b/n pushed you off the bed.

He continued telling about the date, it was nice to see how b/n smiled when he talked about her. You already liked this Maria since she was the one to ask out your brother.

"So how was the carnival Shirabu sent me some interesting photos of you and Tendou" b/n say poking your face. You took note to kill Shirabu on Monday for sending them to your brother.

You told him about Tendou getting you the stuff animal he was throwing, how you went on a roller coaster with a drop. "Wow f/n you really like Tendou putting aside your stupid little fear of drops just for him" b/n say in a teasing tone.

You punched him and continued to tell how you went to a photo booth, went to the Ferris wheel and how he gave you his hoodie. You definitely didn't tell him about how you thought he was giving to kiss you on the lips but then went for the cheek. You knew if you told him you wouldn't hear the end even after you dead.

"So that's Tendou's hoodie your wearing ha. And where the pictures you took in the booth?" he asked. You were debating to show him or not but you got up and opened your nightstand and showed him the photos.

He took a look and he looked at you smirking saying "if he hurts you I will kill him okay". You laughed at him trying to be an overprotective brother.

You and b/n went to buy some food. On our way back b/n saw Maria and he introduced you to her. She was very nice and made b/n blush so you decided to leave them alone. You had bought some chocolate covered strawberries and went walked to your dorm.

You saw Tendou standing in front of your door. Sara and Reon went out for the day. You noticed he had a bag of snacks sitting there. "Oh Tendou hey what are you doing here" you asked him"

"Hey f/n mm I brought some snacks for you. I thought we could hang out maybe if your not busy" Tendou told you nervously.

" Oh we can hang out I have chocolate covered strawberries we can share while watching a movie?"you replied and he nodded.

Both went in the dorm took off your shoes and headed to your room to watch movies on your computer.

When Tendou walked in your room he immediately saw the photos from yesterday sitting in your nightstand and smiled a little.
You guys laid sitting kinda on your bed eating the snacks and strawberries while watching a movie.

You guys have watched 2 movies and were on the third one it was an action movie Tendou picked out. You started to feel sleepy so you closed your eyes next to Tendou's shoulder and fell asleep. Tendou noticed you sleeping and carefully closed your computer out the snacks on your nightstand.

He was about to get off your bed to leave but you then hugged him in your sleep causing him to blush and stay there for just a few more minutes. He laid there having your head on his chest and you hugging him. He also wrapped his arms around you as he slowly fell asleep watching you sleep so peaceful.

You hear two voices in your head "omg look at them, so cute!! Let's take a picture!" "Ok but be careful not to wake them up Sara" you start to open your eyes to see the Sara holding her phone close to you and Reon behind her.

You were going to move but an arms stopped you, that's when you saw Tendou cuddling you. "Don't move if you don't want to wake him up f/n." Sara told you and listen but didn't stop to give her a glare for taking pictures. The couple left your room.

You noticed how Tendou hugged you having his arm wrapped around your waist gently tight like he didn't want you to leave. His face was hiding on your neck and shoulder, looking so peaceful sleeping and cute. You stayed there for a few minutes until your phone began to ring which made Tendou wake up.

He shot up rudding his eyes then looking at you finally figuring out he fell asleep too.
You grabbed your phone to check who it is but it say block ID. That dam phone call woke Tendou up dam the person trying to call you probably that bitch Katy.

"Hey sorry for waking you up it was a stupid number call I didn't want to wake you up Tendou" you told him which he looked surprised and embarrassed for sleeping. "I'm sorry for sleeping on you" he say.

"Dont worry about it, I was the first to fall asleep so your good" you told.
Tendou had asked you what time it was, you checked your phone it was 10pm wow we probably slept for like 2 hrs you told him. "Well it's getting late I should head back now.

We should do this more often f/n" Tendou told you. You respond by saying "oh really which part watching movies are falling asleep together" in a teasing tone laughing. But Tendou responded "Both parts but I like the sleeping together better" winking at you as he left your room and walked to the door. You were blushing at his comment.

Tendou was about to open the door after saying goodbye to you. When you grab his hand and hugged him tightly saying "thanks Tendou for another great day". He just hugged you tighter saying "no problem I really like hanging with you beautiful but I have to go now see you on Monday okay", patting your head and walking out of your dorm.

You were stunned by him calling you beautiful that you stood there like a idiot watching him leave with a huge smile.

You closed the door and went to the living room where Sara and Reon were at. "Wow f/n, you and Tendou have gotten a lot more closer together it's cute" Sara said. You just blushed and watched the movie they put. He called me beautiful..

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