Meeting parents

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You were at the library today studying for a test coming up. You had texted Tendou where you were at but he hasn't come yet. While waiting you put headphones on and play some music to help you focus on your subject.

You see your brother and his girlfriend walking towards you, so you take your earbuds off.
"Hey Maria and ugly"

"Hey F/n I got a game today at 6:30 so after your practice your dumbass should come and Tendou too"

"Ofc after practice me and Tendou will go to your game. You better not lose the game ugly"
"Ya ya whatever have you talked to mom?" B/n asked

"No I haven't yet I will later tonight and I'm planning to introduce her to Tendou.why?"you asked.
"Oh I called her yesterday and introduce Maria to her and mom complained about you and your boyfriend who she hasn't meet yet." He says

"Well I'm planning to today at night"
"Ok well that's all I wanted to tell you later"your brother says before walking away.
"Bye F/n" Maria waved at you.

You go back to your studying because your having the test next period. And your dumbass decide to study just before the test. The pressure was on. You didn't even get even to eat before going to the library.

As you were focusing on your problems Tendou came and had brought you your favorite chocolate because he noticed how stressed you were in the morning.

He grabbed a chair and sat beside you not interrupting your focus.
After you finished your last problem you looked at Tendou who gave you a kiss on your forehead.

"Hey beautiful how's studying going"
"Ughh why do I do this to myself " you say frustrated.
"Here I got you chocolate to help" he say handing you the chocolate.
"Satorii you didn't have to"

"I wanted to plus I just want a piece of your chocolate" he says looking to the candy.
"Ok ok let's go I'm finished here" you say gathering your things.

Walking out the library you and Tendou were holding hand. You opend the candy and gave a piece to Tendou as you did too.

"Oh before I forgot B/n is having a game at 6:30 so you wanna come with me?" You asked taking another bite from the candy.
"I would love to and after we can do homework at my dorm" he says

"Ya that's a good idea and also I want you to meet my mom even if it's though a phone screen"you say nervously.
"S-sure" he says unsure

"Don't worry my mom will love you Satori" you say giving him a kiss on his cheek.

The bell rings and Tendou walks you to your class. In your class the teacher passed out the test and you started it.

The problems were pretty easy considering you studied 6 minutes ago. The bell rings again to end this class and go to our next class. You walked inside and told Tendou it wasnt as hard as you thought.

At practice you joined the boys and played a 2v2 matches. You were with Shirabu. He pretended to be mad being partners with you but won against Yamagata and Taichi.

The 2v2 matches continued until it was time to end practice. You cleaned up while the boys changed and waiting to change too.

After getting change you told Coach Washijō had a game today and if he wanted to come he should. After telling him you walked to Tendou "let's go now" you say intertwining your hand with his.

B/n game was in half time at the moment so you got close enough to yell at your brother to hear you "keep up the good work ugly". He nodded stared at you before waving at Tendou and drinking more water.

"Wow he waves to you but me nothing the betrayal" you say making Tendou laugh.

The game started again, you saw where Maria was sitting and went to sit next to her.
"Hey Maria"

"Oh hey F/n you made it!"
You guys watched the game and how b/n would catch the ball before scoring. The game ended 3-1 so our school won. You and Tendou went to B/n and congregated him for the team win.

After that you and Tendou go back to his dorm where Wakatoshi was doing homework too. Entering the dorm you walk to his room since you've been there already.

Tendou follows you and grabs some cloth for him and you to wear after taking a shower. Tendou let's you shower first as he prepares food both of you guys. As you get out of the shower you see Wakatoshi standing there "Hello F/n"
"Hey Wakatoshi"

Tendou comes with two plates "hey my paradise I made sandwiches for us and hey Wakatoshi we are just doing homework".
Wakatoshi then goes back to his room after getting some to eat. Tendou looks at you and says "you look great with my cloth"

You go in Tendou's room and begin to eat the food he made as he's in the shower. 10 minutes later Tendou comes back only having a towel wrapped around his waist. You choke on your food seeing him with his hair wet and down and he particularly naked in front of you.

Tendou comes running to you asking if your okay which makes you blush of how close he was.

Finally you stopped choking and Tendou goes back to the bathroom to change. Dam why did I have to choke on my food like an idiot
Tendou comes back and eats his food as you start your homework.

Both are finished with homework and it's only 9pm so you got an hour until going back to your dorm.
" I'm going to call my mom now Tendou" you told him as he suddenly got nervous.

"Hey sweetie how are you it's been a while since we've talked." You mother says
"I know mom" you says smiling as Tendou was hiding behind the camera.

"Who's shirt is that sweetie? ITS YOUR BOYFRIEND you need to introduce me to him soon. Your brother already introduced me to his girlfriend" your mother says
"She's wearing what dear" your dad speaks out of nowhere

"DAD hey how are you" you say nervously.
Shit I just told Tendou he was meeting my mom not my dad....
"I'm good honey and how are you doing?" Your dad says

"I'm good dad and the reason why I called I wanted you to meet Satori Tendou my boyfriend" you say as Tendou pops up on the screen.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. L/N it's nice to meet you" Tendou say nervously.
"Ohh what a handsome boyfriend you got there F/n" you mother say making you and Tendou blush.

"Thank you Mrs L/n" Tendou says
"So your the one who is dating my daughter now" your dad asks
"Yes yes I'am. I will take very good care of F/n I love her she's my paradise" Tendou say making you want to cry.

"Awww F/n you got a good one. When will I be expecting grandchild sweetie?" Your mother say making you and Tendou stop breathing for a minute and your dad choke.

"MOM no" you say
"Not yet Mrs L/n" Tendou says making your mother go awww mode and your dad have a excuse me face.

The four continued to talk until it was time for you to leave. Both say goodbye to your parents . "I like your parents " Tendou says making you blush. Tendou walks you to your dorm holding hands and kissing here and there.

At your dorm you guys make out until both were out of breathe.
"Good night Satori love you"
"I love you too beautiful good night".

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