Date Night

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Early morning Saturday practice was exhausting today as I joined the boys in practice as well. Only a week and half before the tournament to see who goes to nationals.
Practice ended and you and Tendou were walking.

"Yes Satori"
"Can I take you out on a date today"he said slightly blushing.
"What do you mean you and We do stay in dates all the time? You say confused
"I want to take you on a real date like go out" he say

"Mm Of course I would love to."
"Okay great I'll pick you up at 8pm beautiful"he say as both stood in front of your dorm.
"Okay then"
"Wear something nice okay later" he say giving you a kiss on your forehead.

Wear something nice ughh ok what do I wear
You thought as you were taking a shower. You went down to the kitchen and made some breakfast for you and Sara. You call Sara to come eat.

"Tendou is taking me on a date tonight and I don't know what to wear"you say to Sara.
Sara immediately goes from being dead to being alive.
"OMG F/n that's great what are you going to wear."
"I don't know can you help me?" You asked Sara which she nodded.

Later the evening you and Sara go to your room to see if you have anything good to wear.
"Girl why don't you have dresses!!" Sara yells and falls dramatically.

"This is why I asked for you to help me" you say rolling your eyes.
"Well let go to mine room maybe we will find something you like" Sara say as you nodded and followed her.

Looking though her cloth you spot a white dress with cherrys on it. You grabbed it and told Sara this would be it.
Picking shoes you thought about going with some vans but Sara gave you a pair of heels for you.

Picking shoes you thought about going with some vans but Sara gave you a pair of heels for you

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You go to your room and change since it's almost 8pm. You finished putting on the dress and heels before going to the restroom. You put on some light make up like mascara, lipstick and highlights.

It was 8pm and you were ready for the date. You wait in the living room as you get a text from Tendou saying he's on his way over here. Why I'am nervous you thought as the knock on the door snapped you back to reality.

Sara opens the door as you went to the bathroom quick.
"Oh wow look at that so sweet." I hear Sara say walking towards them.
"I want her back back 11pm you hear me" Sara says jokingly to Tendou which he replies to "ofc I will".
You laughed and saw Tendou wearing

You laughed and saw Tendou wearing

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with some flowers on his hand. "Aww you didn't have to Satori" you say as he hands you the flowers, kissing you.
"I wanted to, it's a date and you look gorgeous"he says.

"Aww thank you your not so bad your self. And let me just put them in water and we can go". While you two were walking Tendou kept telling you how gorgeous you were making you blush. You also made him blush when you told him he looks handsome.

Tendou had call a taxi for us. During the ride you asked Tendou what restaurant you two were going but he didn't say anything.

It was a 15 min ride and both got out of the taxi. You looked around and didn't see any "fancy restaurant" only a nice dine in place.
"Tendou are you sure we are at the right place because we look over dress for here". You asked him

"We are I just always want to go on a date where we are over dress nicely and go to a dine in looking both amazing"he say smiling.
"Well you could have told me not  a bad idea"you say holding out your hand so he could take it and walk to the dine in.
Both of you walk in and eyes all on both of you but we ignored it and we sat.

We sat in a booth, across from each other. The waiter came and looked at us weird of how we were dressed but you and Tendou laughed and ordered. While waiting for the food you and Tendou again talked about the most random things and about volleyball.

"Just a week and half until the tournament to see who's going to nationals" you say
"Yup I can't wait for it. Volleyball is my paradise and you are too beautiful." He say looking directly to your eyes making you melt inside. "I'm honored to be your paradise and your also my paradise Satorii" you say giving him a big smile making both blush.

The food came and began to eat after saying thank you.

After eating instead of getting dessert in the dine in place. Tendou told you he knew a place where they sell the best sweets. Going to pay you tried to pay but Tendou payed for the whole thing.

Walking out the dine in the streets were pretty busy. I mean it was Saturday so people were out. While walking you and Tendou had your hands intertwine together giving each other small squeezes.

You guys went to a place where they sold Taiyaki and bought some well Tendou did for both. You guys decided to continue walking because there was a park near by.

You both finished the taiyaki before arriving at the park. There were two sets of swings and you tried to run to the swings with heels on.

You almost ate sh*t but Tendou caught you. "Are you okay F/n maybe you should take off the heels you almost ate sh*t right now"he say laughing a little. You guys sat on the swing and joined the darkness and quietness for a little while.

"This was great Tendou I love our date. We should always over dress while going on dates" you say giggling.
"We should"
You got off the swing took off you heels and spun around looking at the sky.

You looked at Tendou and say "let's dance like from those cheesy movies" holding your hand out. Tendou got up and took your hand. You guys tried to dance since both didn't really know how but it was fun. You then lean your head on his chest hugging him.

"I love you" Tendou say hugging you back.
You were caught off guard by him saying he loves you. He processes to cup your cheek and give you a peck on your lips, still surprised by him confessing his love.

"It's okay if you don't love me yet. I'll try even harder to keep you happy and to love me like I love you. Your the first girl that ever told me I had pretty eyes and even date ME so I'm so happy I met you my paradise" he says
"I-  my heart can't handle this much love I think I might die" you say holding your hand to your chest making him laughing.

"I love you too Satori Tendou" you say with a lovely smile.

He suddenly grabs you and spins you around saying "You love me too beautiful!!".
"Of course I do my pretty eyes boyfriend" you say.

The two of you then hugged each other for a while before going back to the dorms. As you guys walked back Tendou carried you since your feet hurt from the heels.

It was 10:38pm when you guys arrived at your dorm. "I brought you here before 11 like Sara wanted" Tendou say in a teasing tone making you laugh.

"Thank you for this great date Satori I loved it"
"No problem beautiful now go to sleep your feet must hurt a lot"
"Okay good night Satori" you say kissing him.
"I love you f/n"Tendou says walking.
"I love you too" you say making him turn around and flash a smile at you.

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