Bus ride

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Around 10:00am you wake up and see Tendou isn't here anymore and the blankets were folded beside your bed. He probably left early. I wonder why tho? You reach to grab your phone and saw a note

Good morning f/n I went back to my dorm. I folded the blankets and I didn't want to wake you up. Thanks for letting me sleep at your dorm.

After reading the note you got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath.
The bath was relaxing it was just what you needed before going to training camp.

You went to the kitchen and saw Sara attempting to make some breakfast but already her eggs were burned and food all over the place.

"Sara please step away from the stove before you burn the dorm down" you say laughing at her pout and backed off.
"I wanted to make breakfast since your always making some me. It's not fair". Sara say

You looked at her and told her you would teach her how to cook or at least not burn the place down.

It's was 3:00pm and b/n came to hang with you. You were packing your things for the training camp. You didn't like to do things last minute and you had nothing else to do. "So long how is this training camp thing"b/n asked as he played on his phone.

"Just 5 days, I'm excited maybe I can play some volleyball too." You finished packing up and both you and b/n went to buy food. As you guys were walking he told you about how he hasn't asked Maria out yet. "You should ask out Maria already b/n. Your making her wait" you say walking next to him.

"When are you going to confess to Tendou that you like him already. Both you guys are waiting" he responded back. "I don't know what your talking about b/n." You replied not wanting to talk about it.

"F/n we need to talk about this I know you have feeling for him what are you waiting for"he asked as he opened the door for you. You guys ordered for take out and waited for the food. B/n waited for you to answer and when you were about to your guys food was ready.

On our way back
B/n- "so f/n you going to answer or what"
You-"I don't know if Tendou actually likes me so I haven't made a move because of it". B/n face literally deadpans by what you say
B/n-"f/n I can 100% be sure Tendou likes you. Sara has sent me pictures of you guys cuddling. There's no denying you both need a extra push to confess".

You- "you really think so b/n?"
B/n-"you are so dense and helpless when it comes to feelings f/n." You laughed at his comment and agreed he was right. You guys arrived back to your dorms and ate the take out in the living room. While eating you hear ding on your phone it was Tendou and an unknown phone number.

Hey f/n this is Kyo

Heyy beautiful
What both texted me tf...
"who texted you" b/n asked in a curious tone. You told him about the guy Kyo and how you guys meet. After that you texted Tendou immediately but not to Kyo.

Hey Tendou :)

I was wondering when we go meet up for the bus ride. You want to sit next to each other?

Ofc I'd love to ok.

Okay then so what are you doing?

Hanging out with b/n wbu?

Oh nothing much. I'll see you later then

After that you decide not to answer Kyo...maybe I'll do it. B/n didn't say anything about Kyo he continued to eat.

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