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The auditorium was packed as usual. Parents and guests were settling down as teachers prepared the students at the backstage. Prefects and batch holders were under orders to maintain silence around the auditorium; they were allowed to be strict but very polite at the same time.

Preeti Bajaj and her husband, owner of the Bajaj industries, Mr. Uttambir were seated in the front row with the board of trustees. There were other eminent personalities of the city as well whose children were in the same class as Uttambir and Preeti's son. Hence they had a lot of common things to discuss. From the favourite class teacher to syllabus and excursion venues to new co-curricular classes, the topics were endless.

"I swear behenji, the children have really worked hard, I hope today's show goes well!" Preeti said while sending a quick prayer.

"Oh ho Preeti ji, why well? Why not a super hit? I have full belief on them," said Sujata Mukherjee with a broad smile.

"True, true. Keeping my fingers crossed!" Preeti smiled.

Uttambir was in a deep conversation with another parent Biren Ganguly while checking the programme list for the fifth time. "Why are you so confused? Don't you believe your own son?" Biren chuckled as Uttambir studied the schedule scrunching his nose.

"The last time I believed that specimen, he turned out to be the mastermind behind the cracker incident during the history class. I have been called by the principal thrice this year so now when he has been chosen to play the lead role, I simply cannot believe," Uttambir again read the name beside Sleeping Beauty's main character of Prince Philip.

"Why didn't they choose your son to play the lead role?" Uttambir asked.

"Mahendra is in the Orchestra, he is playing the guitar," Biren pointed at the bottom of the page where the names were mentioned. Uttambir shook his head in disagreement. Turning his head to the right he saw a dark-haired well-built man came running into the auditorium. He looked at his watch and again shook his head. "Like uncle, like nephew!" he muttered.

The man sat right behind Preeti Bajaj and poked her. "What did I miss?" he asked putting his coat aside. "Dayal? I thought you wouldn't be able to turn up!" Vasundhara Ganguly teased while the others giggled joining her.

Dayal Bajaj blushed a little scratching his head as his eyes met with his brother who was shooting daggers at him. He quickly turned back to his sister-in-law. "He is going for honeymoon tomorrow behenji, so maybe just saving for later!" Preeti winked as the ladies laughed.

"Bhabhi! Anyways I couldn't have missed seeing my nephew on stage, that too in the role of Prince Philip!" Dayal grinned. He craned his neck to check the stage, however, the curtains were still down and there was a huge buzz in the auditorium. Parents were still coming in and the prefects were giving their best to manage the crowd.

Seeing around he spotted a little girl peeping from the side wings, her wondering eyes searched the auditorium with a hope. There was a strange disappointment on her face. She looked sad and her eyes longed for love and care.

Dayal couldn't stop but feel a strong pull towards her. As she caught Dayal looking at her, she smiled. Dayal too returned her smile but again she averted her gaze to search the auditorium.

"Bhabhi, who is she?" he asked Preeti.

Preeti looked in the direction Dayal pointed and immediately saw the little girl's retreating figure. She slowly disappeared behind the wings but not before Preeti saw the little soul rubbing her cheeks. Preeti knew she was again crying. She felt a pain burning her chest. Her eyes too filled up for the little girl. But quickly rubbing off the unshed tears Preeti said, "Elora Lawrence. The unfortunate daughter of Andrew and Rosaline Lawrence."

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