Its on again

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Ringer stood uneasily in the main hall of the Musufutsu general bank, hostages cowering on the ground as he paced back and forth "damn it damn it damn it" he muttered. He had attempted to rob the bank, but after realising the employees couldnt open the main vault and that the drill he bought didnt work meaning he had been scammed, and to add to the top of all that the police were outside and heroes were on their way, so here he was.

"Well, if it's a famous hero, maybe I wont be humiliated? If someone like Mirko or Midnight show up..." he grinned "I could take em! Imagine then! The fun I could have with their heavenly t-" the villain was cut off by a nervous yet cocky voice from behind him. Spinning around, the green and gold clad Villain found himself face to face with a certain spider themed hero.

"Hey, l-listen, I'm gonna have to cut you off r-right there we have kids here" the ring based criminal grunting, pointing at the boy in red and blue.

"SPIDER-MAN!" Was all he said before he was suckerpunched and rendered unconscious. Spider-man stood looking slightly bored above the guy, making a writing motion with his hands

"Hey, anyone got a pen?"


Soon after a pro hero named "Neon Tree" arrived, the police moved into the building. Heading the operation was a young woman with short black hair called Yuri Watannabe, who upon entering the main hall of the bank, widened her eyes to a near comical size. From the ceiling, wrapped in some sort of white webbing was the Villain who had ran in here not an hour ago with a small cheque stuck to his chest and in messy writing it read 'Courtesy of your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man'.
Yuri lowered her gun.
"What the fuck."


U.A highschool.
9:34 am.

Class 1-G's teacher stood at the front of their class, writing some calculations down and drawing a small diagram of a pendulum. She turned to the rest of the class "Now, who can tell me what the period of a pendulum is?" A few students raised their hands, but the question was interrupted when the door to the classroom was flung open, revealing a sweaty, panting, skinny boy with messy green hair, his uniform seemingly more unkempt than his Viridian locks. The mere sight of him made the teacher groan.

"What excuse is it this time Mr Midoriya? What possible excuse could you have for being this unfathomably late? May I remind you of the last one you gave? Car troubles, mind telling me why that was particularly memorable Midoriya?" The boy stumbled in, looking at the floor sheepishly

"M-M-My m-mother doesn't own a-a-a c-car..." he mumbled slinking to his seat, almost being tripped over by one of his classmates, his eyes remaining on the ground as he heard their stifled snickers and bearly hidden whispers. Once he sat in his seat the sound of the person behind him caused him to sink down low so that he laid on the table "You should've just stayed at home, Quirkless."

Laying his face completely flat on his desk, the teacher continued "Now then Midoriya, since your too cool for this class and obviously know all the answers, what is the period of a pendulum?" The greenette shakily raised his eyes to see the board

" it the p-point t-the weight p-p-pivots on?" He guessed, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he sat upright in his chair

"Incorrect" the woman announced, rolling her eyes before surveying the students "Hmm, On'nanoko, what is the period of a pendulum?" She directed the question at a girl sat at the back of the classroom with short spikey merigold hair that was messily combed in a vain attempt to tame it.

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