Ask 14: ErrorInk. Dare 14: Poké Kaminari

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(My Computer doesn't wanna work with me rn. So I'll just say it)


Ask for Error: Would you die for Ink?                                                                                                                   Dare: I dare Poké to dress up as Denki.


Nightmare: I'll give the first one to T. K. And I'll the give the second one to Luna. I think it will cheer her up.

Creator: Nice! ... Wait. How did you know Luna was upset? Lust hasn't told anyone else yet.

Nightmare: I have learned some tricks. What? Do you think I'm not gunna pick up some Creator tricks from you? I'm around almost every day of the week!

Creator: Omg. I am so happy rn. Thank you. You're the first one to do that. Yay. As long as you don't tell anyone, then I'm cool with it.

Nightmare: K.


Aliri: One Ask and one Dare incoming.

T. K: *Fortune cookie appears infront of him* YAY!!!

*in Luna's room*

Luna: *fortune cookies appears in front of them* Huh? *reads it* *wipes tears and giggles* Alright. This will be fun. You can go now.

???: Awwww ok. You will summon me again right?

Luna: Of course.

???: Nice. Bye. *goes through portal and goes away*

*back to T. K.*

T. K: I can teleport Error easily, but where is the question? *thinks* *shrugs* My room will do. *teleports to his Room, and then teleports Error to him*

Error: Ask or Dare?

T. K: Ask by @Mha_fan67

Error: Go.

T. K: "Would you die for Ink?"

Error: *thumbs up*

T. K: You can go now.

Error: *teleports out*


Luna: You Poké!!

Poké: *teleports to Luna's room* Yo what up?

Luna: You got a Dare.

Poké: *face lights up* REALLY!! What is it?

Luna: From @Mha_fan67

Poké: I love MHA.

Luna: Then you'll love this Dare. "I dare Poké to dress up as Denki"

Poké: YASSSSSSSSSS. BRB. *teleports out*

*1 minutes later*

Poké: *is in a full amazing Denki Kaminari Cosplay* 2 MILLION VOLTS!

Luna: Pls keep that on.

Poké: Duh. I love this dude. welp. See ya later!

Luna: Byeeeeeee.


(This was supposed to be a funny chapter. Thx for letting me do this.)

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