Ask 20/21: Circuit & Proferror/Fresh's Crush? Dare 21: The Eclipse Cha'Cha Slide

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(Quick Info for you guys, no one has said that if they want FellBerry's relationship to be a secret or not, all I got is that someone ships them with Dream also with Fell. And like in a different chapter I was told it was illegal and I was so confused.(I deleted that comment of course) Anyways it's gunna be a secret for now cause it FUN TO MESS WITH THE SANSES! Also a quick update on the Sans roster. Passive!Nightmare is now a part of Nightmare that comes out when Nightmare uses too much power. Though, I can bring him out any time for an ask or dare.)

Nightmare: Who are Circuit and Proferror? Also since when does Fresh have a second crush?

Kari: 1. I'll show them to you a different time, you may or may not like them. And 2. It's like a fresh from a different...uhhhh.....multiverse? It isn't an AU of you guys even though they resemble you guys, it's called Lucidia. The person who made Error and Fresh, Crayon Queen, made the world.

Nightmare: Cool. Also I'm glad Eclipse got a dare.


Nightmare: For some reason I feel like Luna will know who they are, so I'll give it to T. K. I don't think Fresh should read it, I don't think anyone should actually. I'll just bring the person in for that one. And I'll give Luna the Third one.

Kari: Sounds like a plan. Now put them in the tube and get out as quickly as possible.

Nightmare: *puts them in the tube and teleports out*

Aliri: Two asks and 1 dare incoming from the same person. MissUnpopularOpinion.

Nightmare: That was fast 0-0. Anyways. *walks into Killer's room*

Lust: I love that new feature I added!

*There are screams coming from Killer's room*

Error: Is Killer raging at a game again? Uggggghhhh.

Nightmare: Thanks Killer.

Killer: No Prob Nightbabe!

Nightmare: Never call me that again.

Killer: Ok.

T. K: *gets one* Yay!!!

Luna: *gets one* Twice in a row. Nice. *puts away..^/>/!#; and gets dressed* (This is classified info unless someone asks lol.)

*everyone get's teleported to the living room*

Horror: *breathes*

T. K: *death stare*

Horror: *cuts to meme section*I am afraid of no Sans. But that thing. *points to T. K.* That scares me.

T. K: Anyways. The First ask by MissUnpopularOpinion is "Have any of you guys ever met Circuit and Proferror? They're Crayon Queen's two other "Error" Characters. (Yup, the creator of Error made two other glitchy skeletons after him) Well, I know Error and Cross have met Proferror. (CQ made some comics where he just disgusted them with his kinks), but what about the rest of you?"

T. K: Here is a picture of the two just incase you forgot their names. I mean I've never met them, but it was in the fortune cookie. ( )(If Link does not show up, just copy paste)


Fresh: And you call me parasite.

Error: You have literal parasites in your eyes.

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