Today's The Day

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Isabella's P.O.V.

Today's a big day. I'm out of school and on the plane to Mississippi! I'm so nervous. What if Noah hates me or how I look? He's nice over the phone but in person I'm not sure. I sit there tapping on my chairs armrest when the flight attendant congress up to me. "Excuse me miss, are you okay?" "Huh? Oh yes yes. Just nervous. In meeting my sorta sorta not boyfriend in person today." "Oh I'd be nervous too. Well, gold luck!" She smiled and walked away. I then hear an announcement that we were arriving in Mississippi. Oh my god I'm going to die! Noah said it was hot in Mississippi so I wore white shorts, ankle converse, and a auqua crop top. I had my bands braided back so when I jumped into Noah's arms my hair wouldn't be in my mouth.

I had a small bag with me while my other bag was at baggage claim. I walk through the airport and see him. I see Noah in person. He was really tall. He hasn't seen me yet. He was holding a sign. My beautiful sorta sorta not  girlfriend. It was cute I saw a woman holding a camera. She taped Noah on the arm and pointed in my direction. He looked at me and I waved. He put the sign diem and held his arms out. I ran full speed to him. He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his torso. He spun me around as I held onto his neck and he held onto my waist.

"So glad to finally meet you in person Bella." "The feeling is strongly mutual Noah." He sat me down. He's like 2 feet taller than me. He laughed and mentioned how short I was. I then meet his mom and remet Shawn.

Noah walked me through the airport to grab my bags. Shawn and Sherry got into one car to go home while Noah and I got in his blue truck. He started it up and took ahold of my hand. It felt... Right.

I sat there and let him talk when he wanted to. I could listen to his accent all day. He occasionally looked at me then back at the road. We were at a red light that was taking forever. Noah and I were singing Fancy by Iggy at the top of our lungs. While I was rapping, Noah leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I felt the blush creep onto my face and Noah smiled. He started to drive when the light finally turned green. He still held onto my hand. My family knew that I had a friend dropping me of so when we pulled up, they were sitting on the porch.

I kissed Noah's cheek and thanked him for picking me up and told him I would call him soon. I went to grab my bags but Noah got out and took them for me. He shook hands with my uncle and three cousins, John, Josh, and Tyler. He then hugged my aunt.

He said bye to me again by kidding my cheek and waving as he walked to his car. He drive off and I felt a warm feeling but a sad one too.

John picked me up and spun me around. He was 19 Josh was 16 and Tyler was 21. John was the only one I was really close to but I didn't really mind. I would be sharing a room with him.

This summer is going to be perfect.

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