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"So you really did become a ninja?" He asked and I nodded. "I told you I would and I did, it was so I can go see you earlier" I said smiling at him. I was sitting beside him hugging his arm"

"Okay Gaara, who is this?" The girl asked. "This is my friend ___, we have been friends since we were children" He said and I nodded smiling. "Are these your siblings?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm Temari" She smiled at me. "I'm Kankuro" He said with a smirk, I just nodded. 

Me and Gaara talked a lot until all the passed teams got here. Then we were off the preliminaries.

Finally the fighting started before the finals. 

The first match was Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi Akadō, Sasuke won.
Second match was Zaku Abumi vs. Shino Aburame, Shino won.
Third match was Misumi Tsurugi vs. Kankurō, Kankuro won.
Fourth match was Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamanaka, it was a double knockout.
Fifth match was Tenten vs. Temari, Temari won.
Sixth match was  Shikamaru Nara vs. Kin Tsuchi, Shikamaru won.
Seventh match was  Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka, Naruto won.
Eighth match was  Hinata Hyūga vs. Neji Hyūga, Neji won.
Ninth match was  Gaara vs. Rock Lee, Gaara won.
Tenth match was Dosu Kinuta vs. Chōji Akimichi, Dosu won.

Then there was me vs. a kid named Itsuki. (Made up character and fight)

I stood there looking at my opponent, I didn't know his strength level since I didn't see him once during the Forest of Death. "You look so pathetic, how did someone like you even make it through the Forest of Death?" He asked. "I can say the same to you" I said, as the instructor started the match. 

He charged straight at me. I made a couple of shadow clones and surrounded him. At the same time I used a genjutsu to keep him in place. He stopped in his tracks and looked around at the shadow clones, confused on who to fight first. Next I used a jutsu to reach into his mind and find his insecurities.

When I found them, I activated the genjutsu and each one of my shadow clones would expose one of his insecurities and start taunting him with it. This made him lose it and start attacking at anything he saw. Using the genjutsu I turned my shadow clones into people he most cares about. That's what made him lose, he didn't have the heart to hurt any of the people that my shadow clones turned into. 

I took this as my chance to throw a kunai with a paper bomb straight to his head. Right as soon as it was about to hit him a Jonin hit the kunai up and let it explode in the air.

I put my arms down and looked up to where the other ninja were. They were all shocked. "___ is the winner!" The instructor yelled. I walked up the stairs and towards Gaara. "Good job, you definitely got a lot stronger" Gaara said and I smiled at him. "That's because I had a great teacher"I smiled. "Your dad?" He asked and I laughed shaking my head. "No, he is weak, it was someone else" I said and he nodded. 

After the preliminaries we were given a month until the finals. Which I took at a opportunity to get to know Gaara again. He had changed a lot and so did I. But we still were the best of friends.

They were staying at a inn where I would go and see him everyday, sometimes I spent time looking around the Leaf village. Everything was so fun there. 

One day when I went to go see Gaara he wasn't there, which alarmed everyone. "Why is Gaara missing such a big deal?" I asked. "Because he is dangerous and might kill a lot of people!" Temari said, I tilted my head. "But why would he do that?" I asked and they looked hesitant. "Is it because he is a jinchuriki?" I asked and they look surprised. "You know?" They asked and I nodded. "Of course I would know my best friend!" I said.

"And what's so wrong with killing? Ninja's do it all the time and we don't get thrown in jail, I also killed many people" I said and they looked at me kind of scared. 

"Whatever, let's just go Temari we need to find him" Kankuro said and they left. I also left and went to the hot springs to relax.

I didn't see Gaara again until the finals. During the fight I could feel a genjutsu was placed. "Release!" I said and I felt better. I stood up and went to a area where I wouldn't be seen by the person who put the genjutsu on me. Then I realized it wasn't just me, the whole crowd has been placed under the genjutsu. Not to long later a fight started. Ninja against ninja. I had to go find Gaara, when I tried to leave I was immediately confronted by a ninja. 

I had to fight my way through...

I jumped back when they tried to swing a kunai at me. I used my shadow clones to lessen the fighting I had to do, and used my genjutsu to make them dizzy. 

Before the ninja in front of me could release the genjutsu I pushed a kunai straight though his chest. I was at the limit of my shadow clones, they were all busy while I tried to fight off the ninja's in front of me. They just kept on coming. 

I could already tell I was going to be here a long while.

After a long while of fighting, I made it to a spot where I wouldn't be seen by the other ninja. I checked my kunai and shurikens, I was low, almost out. "Damn, I'm almost out of chakra too..." I said under my breath and started to think of a plan to get out of here without much fighting.

I thought to use my secret genjutsu, but it I had no control on who it would affect or not. I decided on not using it, or great ninja would die for no reason at all. 

Cutting the chapter in half!

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