Chapter X: The Fall of Fauro City

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Iqbal sat on his foxhole, as he rests from the fatigue of the battle. He drinks down water from his bottle, as some of it spilled from his lips. Supriyadi is right next to him, as he is finishing the TB-1 biscuits that he hasn't finished due to the sudden attack of the enemy.

Although they have won, this was their first major, massive, and head-on engagement they experience in all their engagement besides the one back in Gajah Mada. After a few minutes of rest, the 1st Company and the 3rd Company got an order to advance closer towards the said city to demand them to surrender.

As they advance, they pass through the countless corpses that are scattered across the scarred ground. Some corpses are still intact, and some were not. There were no survivors in that engagement, every hostile were swept clean by their attack.

As they kept advancing, Iqbal stopped as his gaze was fixed on something. This caused the entire Company curious, as Iqbal then rushes somewhere.

"Lieutenant Iqbal! Where do you think you're going?" Shouted Supriyadi, but Iqbal didn't even turn his back to answer.

Iqbal kept running towards something, as he then stopped. He then knelt, as he picks up a flag that Iqbal can assume belonged to the enemy.

 He then knelt, as he picks up a flag that Iqbal can assume belonged to the enemy

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(Flag by Podhorski. I do not own or make this.

Iqbal folds the flag, as he then rushes back towards Supriyadi. Iqbal opens up his backpack as he puts the folded flag in there.

"Why do you even bother salvage that flag?" Asked Supriyadi.

"Why you say? One, souvenir. It'll be weird if pluck out a deadman's tooth or something like that. Two, my way of honoring the dead. Especially, since they all just doing their job as much as we do." Said Iqbal as he explains his intention.

They kept on advancing, as they finally stopped about a few hundred meters from the fortress. In their drum towers flew the same flag like the one Iqbal salvage, as the flags flutter in the wind. In the walls of the fortress, Iqbal can only saw terrified and anxious soldiers, as they man their positions.

Iqbal and Supriyadi told the 1st and the 3rd Company to stay where they are, as the two walks closer towards the southeast barbican of the fort-like city with their weapons on their hips. As they just took a few steps, an arrow flew and hit the ground near Supriyadi's feet.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" Shout the guard watcher

"We are representatives of the 1st Kopassus Army Group of the Tentara Nasional Indonesia. We request an audience with the person who is in charge of this army." Shouted Iqbal in response.

There were silent for about a minute until the watcher shouted.

"We will inform our general, remain where you are." Shouted the man.

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